Hellooooo everybody. I know it's been a long time since I last updated this story, but here it is.


previously in YOUR MAID...

Sasuke's smirk widened as he watched Hinata climb the ladder, the sight from the bottom was definatly something, well at least for Sasuke. Still though, that wasn't all that caught Sasuke's attention.

Her steps were cautious, and graceful, which suprised Sasuke, but not as much as when he heard a car pulling up in the garage. Turning he spotted Itachi and his friends stepping out of the car. The looks on their faces were indescrible as they turned over in Hinata's direction.


"This art is definatly a bang, un." (Deidara)

"I'm definately gonna hit that." (Hidan)

"I've seen better," (Kakuzu)

"Whatever," (Sasori)

"That girls fineeeee!!!" (Kisame)

"Piece of shit," (Pain)

"Me likey," (Tobi)

"Boring" (Zetsu)

"...." (Konan)

"...," (Itachi)

"Hn," (Sasuke)

Hinata squeaked at hearing voices underneath her, and looked down, which turned out to be a real bad idea. Seeing how far up she was, Hinata couldn't help but let fear take over. What if she fell? What if nobody was there to catch her? What if she slipped? What if she DIED?!! Hinata groaned inwardly, she knew she should have never let TenTen get her into this!

"Hey baby, why don't you come down here? Maybe then we can get to now each other better." Hinata tore her gaze away from the ground, and tried ignoring what she'd just heard. It was better if she just got the whole thing over with. Although, fear seemed to paralzye her to the spot. There were still five more stories to climb, and she had a great fear of heights. The highest thing she ever climbed was a bunk bed, which wasn't much., and now...

"Move it Hyuga, the windows aren't going to clean themselves." Hinata bit her lip, and looked up towards the sky. Why did she let herself get into this? Sighing, Hinata hesistanly and slowly rose one foot, and then the other, and started to climb. It was better if she just got this over with.

.......oooooooo000000o...meanwhile down on the ground...o00000ooooooooo.......

"Whoa, where'd you get sumtin like that?" Kisame said, but not before letting out a low whistle. Sasuke ignored him, and continued to watch Hinata climb, along with half of the guys.

"She's the new maid, " Itachi stated monotonesly, and turned his face back towards Hinata.

"I have better things to do then watch this," Itachi muttered, and started to head towards the mansion, with Pein, Konan, Tobi, and Sasori following after him. Sasuke smirked at his brother's antics, and continued watching Hinata climb. By then she'd already climbed to the top. He was taken by suprise by how she moved, almost like a spider monkey, quick and smart. Who'd what've known she had it in her?

Either way, she better hurry or then he'd have to give her another punishment. Thinking about this, Sasuke couldn't help but let a smirk trail on his lips. Yet, his thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard the door open. Slowly, he took his eyes off Hinata, and that's when he was faced with his father. His face was grim, and he was looking at Sasuke with serious eyes. Sasuke was curious, but hid it well with his emotionless mask, which he called his face.

"Your mom's in grave state Sasuke," Fukagu kept a steady gaze on Sasuke, whom simply nodded. "Not just any grave state Sasuke, she's near death right now."

Sasuke had to bite his tongue to keep a gasp from coming out. "What do you mean?"

"The disease is eating her, and quickly, " now, Fukagu's eyes shone with sorrow. Sasuke stayed mute. He knew what his mother's sickness did to her, but he never expected this to happen right now, it was just too...early.

"I've got to go. Your mother's in the car right now." Sasuke stayed quiet, and watched as his father ran to the car. All he knew right now was that he had to leave. That's when he realized he was already running towards his father.

"I'm coming too." He stepped onto the car with his father, and the car zoomed off towards the Konoha Hospital. Thus, Hinata was left alone outside.

"Hey Itachi, how'd you get her?" Kisame asked him with raised eyebrows.

Itachi growled, and continued focusing his attention towards the television.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll find out either ways." A smirk lit itself on his shark-like looking face. Itachi narrowed his eyes at the TV.

"She's the maid. You better not molest her Kisame." His voice wasn't a shout, but it didn't have to be. Itachi Uchiha's tone was cold enough to turn the Bahamas to Antartica.

"Speaking of the new maid chick, I say we go check on her..." Hidan grinned evily, but it fell when Itachi turned to glare at him. "I mean, it's been more than an hour er two, she could've fallen off..."

Once more, Hidan was cut short, since all the guys had already left to check on the Uchiha's new maid.

She was alone.... She was alone. She was alone on top of a mansion, a 10 foot story mansion, and it was starting to turn dark. God! Why did she deserve to stay stuck up on a 10 foot Uchiha mansion when the sky was starting to darken?! This was definately not her day.

Sure, all the windows were clean, and pretty good as well, but heck! Getting stuck ontop of this humangous building was not what she asked for. Nope, it was all because she owed TenTen. This was pretty stupid, but definately not funny. It was far beyond funny. In fact, this had to be the most frightening thing that had ever occured to her.

Small tears trickled down her face, as Hinata tried her best to keep her gaze of the low ground. She was so high up, and the ladder had fallen about 30 minutes ago, and gosh dang it! This damn dress was itchin her. Her cleavage kept busting out. Stupid breasts, why'd she have to grow up so fast?

Tears continued to pour down, until she started to sob. Why? Why?! WHY?! First, she was disowned. Then she was left out in the street with no money watsoever. Her family hated her, and her cousin was too faraway to contact. Her job didn't pay much, and she probably would never get into the college she wanted, and now she was juggling her schoolwork with this job, and another as well. There was no time for rest in her life. It was pure work, work, work, work. Only the rich could afford such things the poor took forever to save to buy. Yet, she had been rich once.

Yes, once apon a time, so so long ago, and then her father. Her own father, took it all away. Her hopes, her wishes, her family. It was because of him she was like this. It didn't matter to her that she was no longer rich, but the fact that she was still seen as the same useless, coward, unwanted daughter of Hyuga Hiashi.

To this day she still remembered the exact words he spoke to her when he told her she was to be disowned.


The day was chilly, and the sky's appearance didn't seem to help much. Still though, Hinata was happy. She was really happy. In fact, it was the first time she had felt like this in such a long time. Today was the day she would become the Hyuga Heiress. Today was a day for celebration. Today Hinata would change. Hinata smiled at this thought.

She gently fixed the creases on her silver silk kimono, and walked to her father's study. Afterall, that's where she was told to go.


Hinata knocked softly at the door, not wanting to disturb her father in case someone important was with him or he was busy.

"Enter," Hinata felt her body stiffen once she caught the lace of coldness in his voice. But she quickly shook it off. Maybe she had mistaken that coldness, and lack of emotion in his voice, afterall he should be happy, right? His own daughter was about to take over.

Yet, then again, Hinata had never been what her father had wanted her to be, in fact she was the opposite. She was too kind, too weak, too shy was what he always said, but then again he could always change his mind. Yes, that had to be it. He was going to congraulate her, he was proud of her for one. That had to be it, it had to.

Hinata felt her body relaxed, and she entered her father's study.

"Ano, you c-called m-m-me?" She bowed, and looked at her father. That's when it hit her like a ton of bricks. He was not happy, he was not going to congraulate her. He was still the same.

He frowned at hearing her stutter. "Stop that damn stuttering of yours already. You're already 18 for pits sake! Get a grip!"

Hinata looked down at the ground. "G-Gomen,"

Hiashi glared at Hinata. "I didn't call for you to apologize to me. Yet, that would be nice. Considering what you've put me through these past years." Hinata's head shot up, and she looked at her father incredously. Who was he kidding?!! He had made her life a living hell! And all she had wanted to do was to impress him.

Yet, she said nothing, and turned her gaze back to the ground.

"You're not going to be the heiress, in fact you've been disowned right this minute,now leave my office. Your presence disgusts me." With that he turned his eyes back to his office work. While Hinata's head swam in emotions.

This was all so simple for him, but for her, it was her life. She'd been working and trying her hardest to show what great heiress she could be, but Hanabi always came out on top, but it all came down to this. She wasn't cut out for it, and she'd been disowned. Now what? Now what was to become of her? What?

Silent tears swam down her cheeks, and she stood there for a long time.

"What's going to happen to m-me?" Hiashi looked up at her, and his eyes widened. He'd never seen Hinata cry. That was probably the only thing he could give her credit for, she never cried, well at least not in front of him. Still though, it didn't matter now. She was useless. It was her problem not his.

"I'm not your father anymore, it's your responsiblity." Hinata gulped, but she pushed back the tears. So that's how it was going to be.

"O-Okay, b-b-but before I leave I just want to let you know, I-I love y-you." And before Hiashi could say another word, Hinata ran out of the room, and left the Hyuga mansion behind forever, not even bothering to take her belongings with her.

Hinata's eyes flooded with tears, and she began to sob. It was true, she did love her father. No matter what he did, she still loved him, but he didn't love her, he didn't even like her. And it hurt, god, it hurt.

Bunching her knees together, she continued to cry.

She stayed like this for few more minutes of this, Hinata was exhausted, and felt like sleeping. She couldn't sleep though. She was 10 stories up high, and she was at the corner of the roof. Unfortunetly though, Hinata's brain could not control her body at the moment, and so she ended up falling asleep at the edge.

Itachi looked at the sleeping form before him, and his eyes softened. She looked so peaceful, she would look even more peaceful if she had those tear stains off her checks.

Unconciously, Itachi gently touched her cheek, but quickly retreated it. What was he thinking?! He shook his head a bit, and closed his eyes. It didn't matter what he was thinking, his real job was to get her off the roof. Stupid Sasuke, he wasn't supposed to leave her out here all alone.

Her skin was pale, and from when he had touched her cheek he knew she was burning up. Growling, he grabbed Hinata with one arm, and suprisingly enough he found her to be very light.

He looked at her once more, and frowned. Her cleavage was hanging out. Quickly, he tore his gaze away, and hurridly walked his way down the stairs. This was none of his business, once she was down, he'd seen her back home, besides her job was done for today.

"Can I touch her? She look cutey." Tobi smiled, and reached his hand out to touch her, but it was slapped away by Pein.

"Let her be Tobi, she's asleep, and if she wakes up to seeing you touch her, you're going to get a slap to your face." Pein's eyes narrowed as his eyes skimmed Hinata's body.

"Stop checking her out you pervert! You're gonna get a slap in your face to with how you're looking at her, un!" Deidara rolled his eyes, and then turned to look at Hinata. A smile spread on his lips. "Besides, she's mine, un."

"Who would want to be yours?" Sasori replied, which earned him a scowl from Deidara.

"Who would want to be yours?!" Deidara snapped back.

"Plenty of people," Sasori replied, and a smirk appeared upon his handsome face.

"Yeah, the plenty that are blind!"

"Yeah, and the plenty that aren't."

"Will you two shutup. You're annoying me," Zetsu hissed as he glared at the two rivals.

"Whatever," Deidara growled, while Sasori continued to smirk.

"I'm taking her home," Itachi calmly implied, once he noticed his two friends had stopped their foolish fighting.

"Ugh, no! You can't! I didn't even get to..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm taking her home," and without another word to his friends, Itachi strod aways with Hinata in his arms.


"I'm sorry to say Mr. Uchiha, but she won't be with us for long." Fukagu's eyes saddened, and he tried to hold back the tears.

Sasuke, who had been behind him the whole time, stiffened, and felt himself start to fade.


The doctor understood the question, and answered, "One more year, but she has to take the medicine every day." Fuakgu looked at the room his wife was being held in. Critical area.

"Mikoto..." He whispered with such feeling, that the doctor felt his eyes glisten, but quickly pushed it aside, and returned to his profession.

"You may go look at her if you'd like."

Fukagu was silent for a while before he nodded. "Come on Sasuke, let's go take a look..."

He turned back around to look at his son, but found he wasn't there.

Sasuke didn't understand it. Why did it have to be his mom? Why did it have to happen? Why today? Why?! Why?! WHY?! He yanked at his hair, and ran towards the forest that led to the roadway to his home.

He continuted to run, not noticing the car that was approaching.

Listen up peoples, there must be up to 25 or more reviews for me to update again.

Okay, I lowered the number down from what it was before

Sorry bout that, I barely checked over the story, and I realzied I'd made a mistake with the number of reviews

Okay then

Cya Nara