Lovely white fluffy clouds filled the sky. Hinata smiled at the beauty. She drew her hand out as to pretend to feel the fluffy, soft looking clouds. Just as she was midway to her goal, she heard her boss scream.

"Hinata! Get over here!" Hinata immediately shot out of her daydreaming.

"H-Hai, I'm coming!" The dryed up grass rose up again once Hinata got up, and ran into the club.

"Well it's about time you got here Hinata!" The tall, big chested blonde hollered. Hinata cowered when she heard the tone her boss was using. Her boss saw this, and her tone softened.

"Go back to work," she gave Hinata a warm smile. Hinata weakly gave back one of her own.

"H-Hai, T-Tsunade-sama." Then she scurried away to the working area.

TenTen turned once she heard Hinata's light footsteps. "About time you got here Hinata!" There's been three hungry customers whining for food! Well, actually there's only one, and that's Naruto." TenTen saw Hinata's eyes widen.

"N-N-Naruto-kun?" She whispered. TenTen gave a small smile. She knew Hinata had a crush on Naruto, since she first laid eyes on him. Afterall anyone could probably tell unless they were REALLY stupid, like Naruto.

Hinata had her mouth agape. "I can't s-s-serve t-t-t-them!" She practically yellled. TenTen walked over to Hinata, and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry Hinata, I'll be here as back up." Hinata bit her bottom lip, she still wasn't fully convinced. Although TenTen was her best friend she was still aware of how Hinata acted around Naruto. She would turn as red as a tomato, so much that people who saw her could actually mistaken her for one! Plus to make matters worse, he was probably with Sakura and Sasuke. Hell! They both knew about her crush on Naruto. Still, that did't seem to disturb the two, since they were a couple. Yet, what Sakura didn't know was that Sasuke had two lovers. Everbody, but Sakura knew Ino was Sasuke's lover, including a mysterious red head. Altogether Sasuke had three girls.

Hinata hit herself in the head, shaking out the thoughts, and trying to make out if everything was real.

"Hey Hinata, are you okay?" A concerned TenTen questioned her.

"Huh?" Hinata hadn't really been listening to what TenTen had been saying. TenTen repeated her question, with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"O-Oh...y-yes T-TenTen. I just sorda d-drifted o-off to s-s-space. " Smiling sheepishly she looked at TenTen, hoping she'd believe her.

TenTen raised an eyebrow. Knowing Hinata very well she knew when she was lying, and she was definatly lying right now.

"Are you sure about that?" Hinata gave out a small exasperated sigh.

"O-oh alright! I-I d-d-don't l-like Sakura or S-Sasuke! S-Sakura's t-too s-s-s-sluttish, and Sasuke's t-too..." A question mark came upon Hinata's mind. "...c-c-cold." TenTen gave out an exasperated sigh, but then burst out laughing. Hinata looked at her in confusion.

"W-Why are you l-laughing?" It took a TenTen a bit before she could recover her breath to answer.

"Woah! Hinata! I never thought you'd ever say that!" Giving her a wide grin where all her flashign white teeth shone, she patted Hinata on the back. Hinata looked away with a dark shade of red al over her face, obviously embarrased.

"Don't worry I won't say anything. Besides I hate that pink haired slut, and her cocky snob ass boyfriend." Hinata looked over at TenTen in with an arched eyebrow, but that was quickly replaced with a huge amount of laughter. Pretty soon it all ended once they heard:

"You two get back to work!" TenTen and Hinata immediately quieted down, but continued to give out small fits of giggles.

Tsuande stepped into the room. "So who's going to waitress those three customers over there?" Tsunade said pointing towards th blonde, pink, black haired trio. TenTen looked over at Hinata, only to find out she had become as pale as fresh cleaned sheets.

"I'll take it Tsunade," Tsunade raised an eyebrow. Mind wide awake, TenTen quiclky took in her mistake. "Tsunade-sama!" Content,Tsunade walked out of the working area.

"God, she's evil at times." TenTen whispered over in Hinata's direction.

"I heard that!" Tsunade hollered back. TenTen's eyes widened, and a paniced look came upon her face.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath. Hinata gave out a small giggle.

"Well, I better get going or Tsunade will fire my ass.cýa!" Grabbing her waitressing outfit, she droppped it over her head. Then walking over to the dor, she stopped and turned to look at Hinata.

"Oh yeah...I almsot forgot," Hinata gulped once she saw TenTen's mischevious smile. " owe me." Nervously Hinata smiled back, she coudln't say no since TenTen had just saved her a day of humilation.

"O-Okay," Little did Hinata had just made her doom sentence.

Hope you liked, five reviews for more:)