BR: My mom got this email from a friend and I was like I HAVE to make a short one-shot drabbles, so here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything at all.


'I can't believe him! He forgot again! Lets see how he likes not being able to relax properly!,' fumed kagome who was walking down the aisle in the market to get her husband Sesshoumaru something to eat since he "didn't eat vegetables."

It all started out as a planed outing with some friends of hers for a picnic, but when Kikyou called saying Inuyasha was going Sesshoumaru got pissed off saying she couldn't go. Thus starting an argument between them.


"No woman you are not going if that half-twit a brother of mine is going!," growled out Sesshoumaru. Kagome looked at him sputtering for a moment.

"What so you can go to an 'All Guys Night Out' when that good for nothing woman Kagura goes with her brother Naraku!," she hissed back. It was well known that Kagura had been trying to get her husband for a while now.

"Don't bring that woman into this," he replied clearly sounding disgusted. She throw her hands up in frustration and called the girls telling them she wasn't going.

"Whatever. I'm making tortilla soup for dinner then," she grumbled out.

Sesshoumaru tried not grimacing, he never really like that soup.

"Go get something else to eat. I'm going to go watch TV," turning around he left to the living room, leaving a fuming kagome in the kitchen. Desciding to take revange on him she tip-toed into the living room and took something he was going to need. Once outside she started Laughing.

End flashback

So here she was at the market getting him something else to eat like a good wife. (sarcastic much?)

"Cash, check or charge?" asked the cashier after bagging the items the Kagome wished to purchase.

As she fumbled for her wallet , the cashier noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.

"So, do you always carry your TV remote?" she asked.

"No," I replied, "but my husband refused to let me go out with some friends,

and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally."

BR: Okay tell me how you liked it.