Disclaimers: I do not own Batman/Bruce Wayne. I don't own Jim Gordon. I don't own anything except the plot.

A/N: Like I promised, the multi-chaptered story for Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne is finally up. I hope you all enjoyed. Reviews appreciated!

Summary: Gordon and Batman rely on each other, but when a threat is against Gordon's family Gordon must rely on Bruce Wayne. What will happen? Will Gordon notice the mysterious disappearances?

Loyal Friends- Prologue-Loyal Friends I

Three months have passed since the fateful night at the docks.

Ever since that night, the lives of Bruce Wayne and the Gordon family have changed, but to eyes of the public – things went back to normal.

After everything that had happen, nothing could be normal for them.

It was one in the afternoon and Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon were sitting on their respective leather couches in Bruce's Midtown penthouse, looking out the window that showed them the Gotham Skyline.

They both had a glass of champagne beside them on the small table.

Gordon had come by after successfully moving in to his new home. He had come to tell Bruce the news, and to spend time with him.

"You know my children want to call you Uncle Bruce." Jim said with a smile.

Bruce glanced at Gordon.

"Really?" he asked.

Jim nodded.

"After everything that's happened, my family has grown to love you."

Bruce laughed and took a sip of his drink.

"To tell you the truth, I don't mind that at all," he replied.

Turning from the view, Gordon looked at Wayne with a grin.

"I knew they were getting to you."

Bruce faced him with a similar grin on his face.

"How could they not?" he said. "Your wife's wonderful cooking…Little Barbs clever tidbits of info….Jimmy's stories… What's not to love?"

"So, does this mean you'll be around for the holidays?" Gordon asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Whenever I can." Bruce answered.

Gordon nodded; satisfied. He then met the younger man's eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything."

Bruce shook his head.

"I'm the one who should thank you," he said. "You saved my life – thrice. And I bet you'll save it even more in the future."

Jim smiled. "I saved your life. You saved mine. I guess we should be even, but considering the circumstances…"

"We still owe each other a lot more." Bruce finished; returning Jim's smile.

Jim finished his drink and smiled wider.

Bruce smiled wide back.

They both turned back to the window and watched the sun light up their city; sitting together as what they've always were together.

Loyal friends.


End-note: I just watched the movie for a second time. I got this story back in my head. I wrote it. And I hope you enjoyed! My other story Perfect will be up sometime this week. Reviews appreciated!