Author's Note: I like it. Read and review please. Thank you. Sakura X ? i dont know yet...might put up a poll...

Disclaimer: I. No. Own. Naruto.

There is a legend from long ago that people were captured and transferred into stories. It was a curse for enemies to be put to death by burning the books. But there was a good-yet, bad side to this. If humans were to read aloud the names of the captured souls, they were to be brought back to life. Thus, the horrid flaw was found…

A room was well lit in the middle of the night. A rosette haired girl was reading a novel that her friend had created, and to be exact; she loved it. She was very excited to be in it as well!

"Sakura placed on a cheerful smile towards her preppy friend…" she quoted as her emerald eyes scanned the papers as she read the very end of the book. Closing it shut, she flicked off the light switch, and let sleep engulf her.

The next morning was peaceful and quiet. Her eyes were glistened as she opened her eyes, and groggily walked towards the drawers next to her bed. She stared at the mirror with a kind smile.

"Good Morning Sakura!" she spoke to herself, letting her smile widened. Today was a Saturday—which meant, no school, no friends to bug her, and free time at the bookstores! She was going to buy a good book, one that is worth her money for a fifteen year old. She combed her short, pink hair through her hands, and tiredly placed on a new T-Shirt, and shorts. Walking out to the kitchen that was down the corridor to her rather, average home, she looked at the clock. "It's 10:40!? I must have overslept…" she rubbed her head, sighing tiredly. She supposed that she had stayed up really late then. Walking out to the porch on her door step, she grabbed her wallet and walked out. She had such a short walk to the shopping district, but it reminded her of something…somehow…

"Good evening Miss." The lady at the book store greeted. The rosette returned a smile at her as she walked into the huge room. Reaching over to the fiction novels, there was really nothing for her to read.

'Twilight, read it. Magik read it. Fire Star read it.' Her mind began to list off all the books that were already read, and she soon grew bored. "Is there any other book that could be a little more interesting?!" she cried, getting attention from random people in the room. She blushed and cooled down, heat taking her features on her face. Someone tapped her shoulder, turning around, an old woman, who looked like she was around 70, greeted her with a smile.

"Young lady, would you like to see my books? They are very old, but very entertaining." She gave her a crooked smile, and Sakura did nothing but shrug her shoulders.

"A-All right then." She had no idea why she stuttered, but she somewhat feared this woman. The old lady walked ahead of her, the pink maiden following behind.

They were soon in the very back of the room, with a sign that said; Fictions Belief. Sakura quirked a slender brow as the woman opened the door, with a somewhat eerie screech. Flicking on the lights, it showed a row of very ancient looking books. The border of the books were dusty and torn, the spine was barely holding it on as well. It smelled of decay—possibly from food, seeing that there was a half eaten sandwich. Sakura looked at the women oddly, but she still held that crooked smile as she pointed to the books.

"Take your pick, then, you may proceed to the checkout." She soon left, leaving the door wide open. Sakura wanted to leave immediately, but she didn't want to disrespect the Miss. She sighed, then took a step in to the depressed feeling room. She looked at all the old books that had their covers peeling off.

"These are all old…" she muttered under her breath. She walked to the back of the room, then something caught her eye. "Cherry Blossom of Konoha?" she read the cover aloud. The book was rather thick, she could barely hold the spine, and it was bigger than her palm. Opening to a random page, she read its contents.

Sakura let her tears spill to the stone cold bench as she silently wept her entire heart out. "S-Sasuke…kun…" she stuttered as she felt her entire body shut down on her for the night, leaving the boy to walk away at his own free will. She let out a mere whisper before she soon fell asleep on the ice cold bench. "Don't…Leave…"

"This will be interesting…I like it." She smiled quietly as she closed the book to examine it. "It's still in good condition…I guess I'll pay for it." She walked out of the counter, soon closing the door, she headed to the counter to the young woman.

"Mi-Miss, are you sure you wish to buy this book?" Sakura shook her head with a grin.

"Yes ma'am, this looks like such an interesting book." Quickly, the cashier leaned her head next to the fifteen year old rosette.

"Don't read this story with your windows open. I know it may sound stupid, but don't…this is a warning." Slightly frightened, the rosette nodded her head. "Good. Now, heres your book." She smiled sadly as Sakura returned the smile.

"Th-Thank you I guess." She soon walked out.

"Chiyo…" said cashier girl turned to see the manager. "She wasn't suppose to read the names aloud, Chiyo. If her window's open, either way, they will find a way to get back in. That's how it happened last time with that little girl…now she has left this town." The old lady smiled sadly.

"Maybe this girl can change these characters lives from their sins…"

"Or she will die…"

"Mother, don't say such a horrid thing…she will change their ways." The cashier had a painful look as she closed her eyes, letting herself rest for at least a few seconds to see her mother shut behind the door. She sighed. "Maybe this girl will die…many have picked this book up before…but she seems different."

Sakura walked into her room, already home, getting ready to read the new book. She was so hyper, that she jumped on her bed, and then fixed it. She wanted to read this book; it was odd enough that this girl in the story was named like her. That was what had caught her attention towards it. And who was this Sasuke? Was he some secret lover in the novel? Her eyes held mischief as she ran to the kitchen, scurrying to make a nice drink of hot tea and a small snack.

"I cant wait!"she quickly rushed into her room, soon grabbing the book, and flicking on the TV to keep the noise moving, and not so eerie. She opened her book, excitement dawning on her.

Konoha was a home that held many children and ninjas together in their nation. The village hidden in the leaves…

This story deals with three children and their lives. Sakura Haruno—

Sakura's eyes widened. She began to rethink just in case, re-reading the line. Yup, the book had her name in it. But it was awfully odd. How can this book relate to her? She continued reading, pushing the thought aside.

Sakura Haruno, an orphan at age 13, parents disappeared without knowing. She was an intellectual child, very smart, and weak at times, but she held on her best. She had gotten good grades in the academy, and only one good friend. But that good friend had ditched her to chase after a guy. She felt she was alone, until she was joined with a team. Sasuke, and Naruto. Their sensei, Hatake Kakashi was very entertained with a hentai book, and was quite multi-talented at it. Sasuke, was one of the very rare crushes that Sakura had, and she was happy enough to be in a team with people she knew.

Sakura continued reading, every now and then taking a sip of her drink, and scanning the anime shows that were being featured in her room. She nearly sputtered a sip of her drink, reading the contents from the pass few chapters she read.

The rosette maiden was defending her comrades in this Chuunin exam, and she wasn't going to lose to some Sound ninjas. She ran towards the first one, with his hair short, and wind blowing through his hands. Jumping into the air, she quickly performed a transformation jutsu, and once the kunai had hit her stomach and arm, she turned into a log. She continued this multiple times, letting the fact that one way or another she was going to have to stop the act.

"Where's the next one now?" blood tapped his face as he looked up. "She's real?!" the kunai slashed his arm down, biting him when he yelped. Punches after punches came after her, but she still held strong, keeping the grip tighter, biting harder into his skin to where it began to bleed into her mouth.

"Eww…" but none the less she continued reading. Her phone rang, but she ignored it, she was way too interested into this book to not even hear the rattling of the window behind her. She glanced up, deciding it was time for a bathroom break.

Sitting up she glanced at the clock—12 PM. She sighed as she waddled her way over. Once she was in the small room she glanced around. Something felt out of place. But she did her duty.

A rattling on the window was growing slightly louder, then abruptly stopped. The book that was on the bed seemed to be radiant, but never bright. Finally, Sakura came back out with her hands perfectly clean and dry as she reached for her book to read once more. She was already twenty chapters into the book to the so called, Chuunin exams between Sakura's teammates. And the rosette was in the seating, surrounding them with all the other people there to see the excitement. She glanced once more at the TV, taking another sip of her tea before continuing her readings.

She quirked an eyebrow when she read a part about Naruto being trained at a hotel while his trainer, Jiraiya was hunting down women.

"Itachi Uchiha, ne?" she closed her eyes, letting the vivid image go into her brain, from what the description said in the book. She found him quite handsome, and for him to be about the same age as her roughly. "Dark, satin eyes from the Sharingan, but turn to the color of coal without. It's quite beautiful if you can see it up close I bet." Her smile softened as she read more and more. Her stomach was the one that had awoke her from her reading state. She sighed, getting up, not before she placed a book mark in it. "That book is so freakin' thick!" she exasperated to herself. But it was also true, the book was around seven, six inches tops. And she had only read about half an inch. At least the book was huge, so it had a lot of context on each page. But still…it was big. "It's going to take me at least a week to finish it!" she exaggerated once more. Reaching into the kitchen, she opened the fridge.

"Sakura Haruno…" a chilled voice reached her neck, tickling her spine. She stood up, looked around. Shrugging it off, she took out an apple and chewed it. Almost on instinct, she ran back to her room, and once she was there, she began panting. "Call my name again…" his voice echoed, she shivered and shook her head, hyperventilating. She reached for her cell phone, her fingers slipping as she dialed the correct number.

"I-Iris?" she stuttered, looking around. Of course, her next door neighbor, and somewhat a childhood friend.

"Sakura-Chan? Whats up?" she sounded quite interested, since the rosette hardly ever called her. Sakura took a deep breath before gaining composure.

"Nothing, I was just wondering…do you want to sleepover? You can drop your stuff right now and we can hang out at my house." She sounded calmed, assured, unlike the way she was on the inside, frightened, freaked out.

"Sure Sakura-Chan. I'd love too, be there in a jiff." She quickly hung up as she looked around.

"Call my name again…?" she didn't remember calling anyone's name in this house. She sighed as she ran down the hallway to the door, standing into the hot weather with the sun beaming down. "Must have been my imagination…" she walked to her next door neighbor's house to see a teen holding a pillow and a few books in hand. Her hair was short, cropped to a boyish features, Sakura's was longer than the brunette's. Her hazel eyes were filled with glee as she walked with her along side. Soon back in her house, Sakura felt more normal as they raced upstairs with the pillow and books. Since the pinkettes bed was a queen, they would always share it together. Iris let out a smile, as she glanced at the TV.

"I'm gonna go get a soda, you want one?" she asked. Sakura gave out a polite nod before the brunette had left.

"Call my name again…" she heard it once more. She stiffened, she felt a tingle on her hand as she quickly withdrew it to her chest. It felt slightly cold. "Sakura…"

She brushed that thought aside as she continued to read her book. She had finally gotten to the part she was anticipating after Iris had returned with the drinks.

Sakura walked out of the Ramen shop, about to head home, but then, headed the opposite way. she saw him there, with a backpack in hand. He was at the village gates, ready to walk out on everybody. Sakura walked behind him quickly, so not to lose sight of the silhouette.

"Go home Sakura."

"Sasuke…remember when we were all together, we had a happy time, and…I told you I love you?" her eyes had lightened up, remembering such a happy time.

"No." there was a few minutes of silence until she had spoken once more.

"Sasuke-Kun…Please stay. Don't go to Orochimaru all because you desire power…" she felt her heart beginning to shatter. He didn't move an inch. "Please, either let me go with you, or I'll shout, and then the village will—" he had disappeared, and was breathing behind her in an even manner. There was an odd moment of silence one more before he had spoken again.

"Sakura…Thank you." A light tap was heard as he had hit a pressure point, very quickly she became drowsy as he held her in his arms, soon placing her on the bench, and getting ready for departure.

Sakura let her tears spill to the stone cold bench as she silently wept her entire heart out. "S-Sasuke…kun…" she stuttered as she felt her entire body shut down on her for the night, leaving the boy to walk away at his own free will. She let out a mere whisper before she soon fell asleep on the ice cold bench. "Don't…Leave…"

She mentally squealed in delight. How the hell it had been anticipated by her after the day she didn't know. She looked at her friend, who was jotting something down on a few pieces of paper.

"What'cha doing Iris?" she leaned over the brunettes shoulder, who tried her best to cover it up.

"Oh nothing, just thinking of a new story, speaking of which…did you finish that one story I wrote? Because I need to send it off to the directory." She said in her firm tone of voice. The rosette let out a sigh.

"I like it, but I think you need to proofread more of the pages…"

"I see…" Iris nodded her head. She continued to right more of the story then.

"Call my name…" Sakura let out a loose shiver throughout her body. She looked around, and saw that Iris didn't hear anything at all. Something was felt around her throat—something cold. With a tight squeeze it gripped onto her lightly, slowly making her suffocate. "Sakura…It really has been a long time…" the grip began to get tighter, but Iris still didn't seem to notice anything. "Say my name…" she knew it was a male, whispering next to her ear. She began to think. Her emerald eyes went wide, and without hesitation, she spoke his name.

"Itachi…" she said breathlessly, her friend not hearing a single thing. The grip on her neck softened, letting her take a big gasp of air. Iris looked at her oddly.

"Sakura, you ok? You sound like you're hyperventilating again. Do you need medicine?" her worried buddy asked. Sakura shook her head, letting her face put on a realistic smile.

"I'm perfectly fine…I was…just acting like fish out of a random moment!" she grinned, Iris grinned in return. She glanced at the book her pinkette maiden was busy reading.

What had seemed like hours passed by, Sakura was taking good long sips of her drink, and the ghost like person—otherwise what she had officially named, Itachi, didn't bother her. She choked on her drink at the next paragraph.

Sakura let out a loose gasp as Itachi had held her by the neck while having to see his crimson eyes. Naruto stared in horror as the high sand elder looked with a much different reaction. Kakashi had his eyes widened as the teenager was being lifted off the ground. "I dare you to say my name the way you said it before Haruno." He growled. Sakura merely spoke as she placed all the venom she could muster into his name. She smirked.

"Itachi Uchiha." She spat. She was then thrown to have her back hit the tree, and her hissing in pain.

Sakura couldn't do nothing but drop the book.

'This is practically related to me…' she held a gasp as she tried to compose herself. Iris smiled at her as she picked up her book and handed it back to her. She thanked her friend before her hand began to twitch slightly.

"Keep reading to the very end Sakura." He whispered menacingly. A lump in her throat formed, and she began to feel herself sweating lightly. She really wanted to read more, but for him to say it so menacingly, it frightened her.

She continued reading, already passing two inches of the book from where she left off. Itachi soon let her be for the rest of the evening. She had gotten interested into the book once more, completely forgetting about the events that passed in the last few chapters. Her eyes glowed as she read the pages, enjoying the feel of having something to always to occupy her mind. She felt her stomach grumble once more. And Iris stifled a chuckle.

"Sakura…you want to eat dinner?"


"Clock…" she pointed a finger towards her alarm clock that had read 6:10PM on it.

"How…How long was I reading?!" emerald eyes glued to the clock as she absently got up, being pulled by one of her sometimes-best friend.

"Sakura, you're always like this when you read. You're going to practically starve yourself if you don't know how to act on your own…you know, when I'm not here?" she let out the loose chuckle. The pink teen forced a little laughter of her own. Reaching back into the kitchen, she muttered something. The brunette shifted in front of her. "What did you say?" curiosity getting to her.

"I said Akasuna no Sasori—otherwise known as Sasori of the red sand. And then there's Deidara of Stone, and Kisame Hoshigaki, from the land of Mist. I'm recalling their descriptions. I find them all to be rather odd. But Kisame seems to be a cool type of person." She smiled.

"Tell me more. Anyone else?" Iris said, hyper activeness taking in her effects. Sakura flicked her forehead and she stood still, retreating to the fridge. "That hurt Sakura-Chan…" she complained. Sakura still kept that smile on.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you more profiles of some people while we eat a decent dinner." She looked at Iris who was scratching the tip of her head playfully. Oh how she had remembered that she had accidentally burned some fried rice that was in the making. The door began to bang rather loudly, which raised a slender pink brow from the rosette. She walked towards the door, opened it rather slowly, and looked outside. No one. "Huh…I guess it was a prankster." She closed the door aside. Walking next to her friend.

"So what are we making today Chef?" Iris joked. Sakura tapped her chin. An idea popped in her mind.

"Yakisoba! Quick, tasty, and very simple to make." She grinned, pulling out of the fridge, shrimp that she had bought yesterday, noodles, and vegetables. She handed the plants to her assistant as she had commanded her to chop it. Doing as she was told, they went straight to cooking.

The dish was prepared, with them sitting down, hands clasped to the other as they said in union; "Itadakimasu!" Beginning the food, something cold had touched Sakura around her waist. She shivered.

"Something wrong Sakura-Chan?" said girl quickly shook her head.

"Itachi let go…" she muttered under her breath as she began to eat. That's when her friend Iris yelped.

"Something bit me!!" she grabbed her arm in a protective position like Sakura did when a hand touched her. Sakura quickly got up to inspect said arm as she looked at it.

"It's probably something not important. It could have been a bug. Don't worry." Sakura said assuring her. She nodded, taking the food and eating it as fast as she could, walking back up the stairs to the rosettes room. When she was gone, she felt someone biting her neck…hard. She let out a small whimper as she gripped her shoulder. No blood came out, but she could feel how deep it was. Something—or someone kept rubbing a hand at her waist, which was ice cold like Itachi's. "Stop harassing me Itachi!"

"It's not Itachi Saku-Chan…" the person drawled in her ear. She shivered more. Somehow this person was of course not Itachi due to his voice, which sounded…seductive, literally smacking herself in the head, she focused on something more important. "Call our names again…ne…" he whispered once more, causing her to blush and practically ran out of the kitchen.

"Leave me alone!" she slammed the door shut, breathing uneven as she laid her head down on her pillow. She let out a huff, "Ghosts are not real. Ghosts are not real. Ghosts are not real…" she muttered into the pillow, chanting it over and over. Iris turned on the TV, watching anime cartoons in a somewhat loud way.

"You ok, Sakura-Chan?" the tomboyish teen poked her friends side, earning a grumble. "That's the Sakura I know!" she smiled, showing pearly whites as she took a sip of what was left over of her drink. Sakura muffled colorful words as she banged her head in her pillow again. "W-Why don't you read your book?" she asked, holding it up for her. Sakura lifted her head, grabbed said book, and threw it on the bed. Somehow it turned to the page she had left off on.

"Damn ghosts…" muttering under her breath, she kept on a perky smile as she continued reading. "Deidara of Stone, a bomber terrorist that caused many threats to other villages. Working inside the Akatsuki, he was brought in at around the rough age of fourteen. But in the story they skipped about two years…so he must be sixteen or seventeen…" The rosette furrowed her brows together as she pondered. Iris eyed her like an idiot would to a smart ass. She grinned, throwing something hard at her forehead. "Damn it! That hurt!" she rubbed the now red bump on her forehead as she looked what was in her hands—a console. "You want me to play video games with you?" Iris grinned, nodding her head. A smirk spread across the emerald teenager's lips. She plugged the console into the TV, getting ready for a fired up battle of a game. "Loser gets the soda for the winner." She grinned.

Sakura stood up with a grin on her face as she jumped up and down triumphantly. Iris was slumped over, getting up and soon leaving the room. Sakura turned off the console game, and it returned to its previous shows—anime. Iris soon came back with a Cherry Soda in her hand as she tossed it to the rosette.

"There you go you stupid winner." She huffed.

"Heh, thanks." She popped it open, taking in a large drink. "Ahh, the sweet taste of victory." She crawled into her bed, grabbing Cherry Blossom of Konoha, and removed her bookmark. "No such thing as ghosts." She chuckled, feeling confident.

It was pitch black as the only light in the house was Sakura's bedroom, with it brightly showing through her window. Her tomboyish brunette friend was still scribbling on pieces of papers, now at least on her eighth one, front and back filled with words, all in perfect order. Soon enough they were both under the covers from the coldness inside the home. But none the less they were both still doing the same thing—writing and reading. Sakura felt nothing as she continued to read her book. Nothing cold, nothing hard and sharp either.

She stared at the clock as she replaced the book mark inside about halfway of the novel; soon said book was on the stand with the lamp shade and the now old Cherry Soda. She looked at her friend Iris as she begged her goodnight. "You can turn off the TV and lamp when you're done." Sakura muffled as she let sleep fill her thoughts. Iris looked at the clock that was on the table—1:00 in the morning.

"Hai Sakura-chan." Iris smiled a cheerful smile, even if her friend had fallen asleep, and continued writing down on the piece of paper. "Sakura-Chan…my best friend…" she murmured as the girl next to her continued her snoring. A strawberry lock was in her face as she pulled it aside, and stared down at her with a frown. "Sakura-Chan…my best friend…also a person I dislike at times as well." She replaced it as soon as it came with a charmed smile. "Someone I can always battle with, and not have to feel neglected by, a true best friend." Soon, all the utensils were placed onto the ground, as well was the neat pieces of paper. "It's so cold in here!" Iris let out a chilled shiver as she walked up to the window and opened it, letting warm heat arise into the room. She dimmed the light to its lowest setting as she rested under the covers, turned off the TV, and let sleep engulf her as well.

Figures approached dawn as they crept into a window while the sun began to rise, shielding their faces with cloaks of pure black as they launched themselves into the room silently and watched as they faced a sleeping girl. The four groups loomed over her as one reached out a hand only to have it slapped away.

"Stay hidden until she finishes the book, mask your chakra and flash step if needed." A masculine voice commanded, which received nods from the others. They soon retreated down stairs, hiding in the shadows or the dark rooms.

Author's Note: How was it? I'm planning to introduce the full Akatsuki...maybe cause terror in the souls of Students... :D Also, I'm doing my best to make it OC and not OOC for Akatsuki. Arigotou! :D Working on the next chapter.
