Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Authoress's Note: Last chapter! That's about it. Enjoy!

It Started At The Creek

Chapter 5. Coming Home

Edmund's breathing started coming in shuddering gasps. He couldn't believe it. His little sister, his baby sister... dead.

He clutched her tight against his chest. "This can't be happening!" he thought.

"Your majesty. What happened?" one of the centaurs asked.

"Wolves. Send a letter, bring Peter and Susan home, all the wolves are gone. So there's no use in them staying anymore." Edmund replied, still holding Lucy close. The centaur nodded and walked from the room.

Edmund looked at the other creatures. "Could I have a minute alone please?" he requested.

They nodded and walked from the room. Once they were gone, he let himself go, crying like he had never cried before. Of course though, he had never acctually watched one of his siblings die and STAY that way. He heard the door open and looked up, and when he did he saw Aslan standing there.

"Aslan?" he breathed.

"Yes, my son, why do you weep?" Aslan replied walking in the room.

Edmund looked down at Lucy. "Wolves got ahold of Lucy. She died before I could get her the cordial." he replied.

Aslan walked closer. "And did you do the best you could?" He asked.

"Yes Aslan. But my best wasn't good enough." Edmund replied.

"Edmund, your best was all you could have done, and all Lucy could have asked of you. Did she once call for help?" Aslan asked.

"Well... no." Edmund replied.

"Then, do you think she would have called for something she knew you wouldn't be able to accomplish?" Aslan asked.

"No." Edmund replied.

"She know's your strength's and weakness's, just as your older brother and sister do, and just as you know her's." Aslan said.

Edmund hiccuped and looked down at Lucy. "You thought of the right title for her. She was Valiant." Edmund said.

"Just as I picked your title." Aslan replied. Edmund looked up at him. "Edmund, tell me, do you believe this country could go on without your sister?" Aslan asked.

Edmund shook his head. "No. Narnia has two kings and two queens. She needs all four of them, three is not enough." he replied.

Aslan nodded. "You have each grown quickly. And you've each gained respect and love from your people. You each have your talents, and you strive to do what you can for one another. Your weaker apart. When one of you is hurt, all of you are. You have your differences but you work together well. Together, you rule Narnia, and when one of you fall, another soon follows. Am I correct?" Aslan asked.

Edmund nodded, unable to speak and Aslan chuckled.

He walked closer until He was right in front of Edmund. Edmund loosened his grip on Lucy, and layed her flat across his lap. Aslan layed a paw on her chest and breathed on her. Edmund watched as color came back to Lucy's face and she took a deep breathe. And in an instant Aslan was gone.

Lucy opened her eyes and looked up at Edmund. "Where am I?" she asked.

"We're back at Cair." he replied holding her tight.

She sighed. "Ed, are Susan and Peter coming home soon?" she asked.

He pulled back and nodded. "Yeah, they'll be home soon." he said.

Lucy smiled. "Good! Because it's getting boring spending all my time with you!" she giggled.

"Oh really?" he asked. She nodded her head and giggled. "You better run." he warned playfully.

She got up and ran out the room, Edmund in hot pursuit. She ran into someone and looked up to see Peter standing there. "PETER!" she exclaimed, hugging him tight. PEter chuckled.

Edmund ran into Susan. "Wow, that was quick." he said cocking his head.

"What kind of greeting is that?" Susan asked.

"Sorry." Edmund said hugging her.

"Better. Now what do you mean?" she asked.

Lucy gave him a warning glance. "Umm... nothing." he replied.

Susan shrugged and pulled Lucy into her arms. Peter soon did the same with Edmund.

"Lucy, why is your dress bloody?" Susan asked. Lucy looked down and noticed it was from where the wolves had gotten ahold of her.

"Umm... well... I sorta... kinda... well..." Lucy stuttered. Edmund looked down.

"Well, what happened?" Peter asked.

"She was... attacked... by wolves." Edmund said, still looking down.

"Is that why a few days ago Aslan came and told us to come home?" Peter asked.

"Probably." Edmund mumbled.

"There's something else. What happened?" Peter asked.

"She... died." Edmund said, pushing down the lump in his throat. Susan let out a sob and pulled Lucy into her arms again.

Peter seemed frozen. "Your telling me, wolves killed my baby sister?" Peter asked.

"Our baby sister." Susan and Edmund corrected.

"Fine. Our baby sister." PEter rolled his eyes.

"Well... yeah." Edmund said weakly.

Peter looked like he wanted to faint.

"But she's fine now Pete. Everything's fine." Edmund said quickly. Peter cleared his throat and nodded. Lucy linked her arm with Susan's, Edmund did the same with Peter, and then Lucy and Edmund linked arms before they dragged their older siblings inside.

That would be the end. I know, the story's pretty short, only 5 chapters long. But I was crying while killing Lucy off! And I found a way to end it, and since the holidays are coming up, I decided to end it. So, I hope you enjoyed it and please, don't let this being the last chapter stop you from reviewing! Thanks for reading and God Bless!