A/N - Wow...how horrible am I? This update has been a long time coming, but life has been crazy. Anyway, I am hoping to update again within the week. Only a few more chapters to go :) Apologies for the long wait. Not too much action in this chapter, but I hope you enjoy!
p.s. Since I just realized I forgot my disclaimer in the beginning here it is now...I don't own NCIS or its characters.
Adriana walked back into the E.R. waiting room, and took her seat next to Ducky. The exhaustion was clear on her face, but there was also a sparkle in her eye and a smirk on her lips. Gibbs seemed to have noticed, because he shot a questioning look at Adriana.
"He's not too happy about some of my choices. Mostly the getting shot in the shoulder situation that got his attention," Adriana answered the unasked question.
"You were very lucky, my dear, that a shoulder wound is the most serious of you injuries," lectured Ducky. "You know this reminds me of a young lad that I once met in Dubai-"
Ducky's story was cut short by the sound of a stampeding goth charging into the waiting area. Abby's clunky boots did not make for a quiet entry nor did the half squealing half sobbing voice accompanying the heavy foot steps.
"Oh my God, Gibbs! Where is Tony, how is he, what happened? Is he going to be okay, because if he's not going to be okay I'm going to–wait what am I saying? Of course he's going to be okay. He's Tony, he's always okay!! Tell me he's going to be okay, Gibbs!" Abby cried while throwing herself into Gibbs' open arms.
"I don't know, Abbs. I just don't know."
Gibbs' mind flashed back to the horrifying sight that greeted him in Curran's basement dungeon. Tony was pale, bloody, and was half conscious by the time they were able to reach him. Gibbs shook his head clearing away the image, and returned to give comfort to his forensic scientist.
"Have they told you anything?" Abby asked while attempting to wipe away her mascara lined tears.
"We are waiting for Anthony's physician to report on his condition, Abigail. In situations such as these, it is best to wait for more information rather than jumping to any grim conclusions," Ducky responded.
Abby allowed another sniffle into Gibbs now wet shirt before turning towards Ducky's direction. Her face fell immediately when she spied Adriana sitting next to Ducky. In her rush for Gibbs' comfort she had not even noticed the woman's presence.
"You! This is all your fault! Curran wanted you! He wanted you, and he used Tony to get to you. If you weren't so damn secretive Curran would have never gone after Tony! And then you go off and to get Curran alone! Tony could have died and it would be all your fault!" Abby yelled at Adriana accusingly.
"Abbs," Gibbs interrupted softly.
Abby looked mutinously back at Gibbs before shooting an angry look at Adriana. Adriana seemed undisturbed by her outburst, and made no attempt to rectify the goth's opinion of herself.
"No, Gibbs! You can't honestly think that what she did is ok! Tony could die!"
"Abby!" Gibbs stated more forcefully, "She saved his life."
Abby's eyes welled up again as she reclaimed her place back in Gibbs' arms.
"I'm sorry Gibbs! It just...I don't want to loose him. I'm sick of losing people, Gibbs."
"I know Abbs," Gibbs said quietly into her ear as he led her to a seat in the waiting area.
The next hour went by painstakingly slow. Abby was curled up against Ducky, Adriana was fighting sleep as she stared at the entrance to the E.R., and Gibbs had just recently taken to pacing the waiting area. Every once in a while he would glare at the older receptionist behind the desk. He had requested information about DiNozzo fifteen minutes prior, and the response was a crass, "as soon as the doctor is available, he will come speak with you." Gibbs was not a patient man, and the waiting was eating away at his cool exterior. He was about to have another go at unpleasant receptionist when the door to the E.R. opened. A man in a white lab coat stepped forward and his eyes fell on the foursome.
"Family for Anthony DiNozzo?" Gibbs nodded in response to the Physician's inquiry. "Follow me please."
Gibbs was the first through the door followed by an eager Abby, and then Ducky. Adriana slowly made her way out of the plastic chair to follow. The Doctor made his way into the first available family room, and waited for the party to enter before closing the door behind them.
"My name is Doctor Tehain, and I was the attending physician for Mr. DiNozzo. Please have a seat," Dr. Tehain spoke in a neutral voice as he gestured to the small table in the private room. Abby, Ducky, and Adriana pulled up a seat. Gibbs chose to stand as he attempted to read Dr. Tehain's body language in order to gauge the outcome of the conversation. Abby was the first to speak up as soon as they were seated.
"Tony's ok, right? I mean, not ok, but he will be?"
"Mr. DiNozzo is alive at present, but-"
"Cut the crap, Doc. Just tell us like it is no sugar coating needed," Gibbs gruffly interrupted.
Dr. Tehain nodded before continuing, "Mr. DiNozzo is stable right now, but his condition is critical. His list of injuries is long, but only two that could be potentially life threatening. Mr. DiNozzo suffered multiple lacerations to his arms, back, and face coupled with extensive bruising which will cause him to be in pain for quite some time. His cheekbone is fractured, and his right shoulder was dislocated, but we were able to set it. He also sustained 4 broken ribs one of which caused a slight puncture to his lung causing it to collapse. We have inserted a chest tube to relieve the pressure."
"Will Anthony need surgery to correct the pneumothorax, Dr. Tehain?" asked Ducky.
"At this point I would say no. I believe the pneumothorax was caused by a shift in body position most likely due to a blow, but the fractured rib is not protruding into the pleural cavity. It is my opinion that the ribs will set naturally, but it is something we are keeping an eye on. Our main concern right now is combating the sepsis. The knife wound to Mr. DiNozzo's left shoulder was deep, but not life threatening. However, the blood loss in addition to an infection has caused him to go into septic shock."
A gasp from Abby caught the Doctor's attention. Ducky put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and whispered some soothing words of encouragement. Adriana still had a blank expression on her face as she absorbed all of the information about her fallen friend. Gibbs cleared his throat urging the Doctor to continue.
"We are treating the sepsis with a strong course of antibiotics. We have also included an anti-inflammatory for the bruising and swelling, as well as pressors to increase his heart rate. We had to place Mr. DiNozzo on a ventilator to assist his breathing as his oxygen levels were too low at his arrival. We will be keeping a close eye on the sepsis, but the low oxygen levels, and the significant trauma to his body could jeopardize his recovery."
"What are his chances, Doc?" Gibbs asked in a low voice as he fought his emotions.
"I don't deal in numbers, sir. In cases like this, it all depends on the patient. I won't lie to you, if he does wake up the recovery will be long and painful."
"What do you mean IF??" Gibbs barked.
"Like I said, Mr. DiNozzo's condition is critical. Right now all we can do is monitor him closely, and wait. His body has been put under considerable stress, and the human body has limits. If he is a fighter-"
"He IS a fighter," Gibbs interjected.
"Well then, you should have faith that Mr. DiNozzo will pull through this ordeal."
Gibbs continued to stare at the Doctor for another few moments before nodding, "He better, or he'll have to answer to me."
"Can we see him?" asked Abby in a meek voice.
"Of course. He has been moved up to the ICU so he can only have two visitors at a time. I'll have a nurse bring you up," replied Dr. Tehain before leaving the group to find a nurse.
Gibbs sighed, and pulled out a seat next to Abby. Tears were still leaking from her eyes, and Gibbs embraced her once more. He rubbed her back reassuringly although he wasn't sure who the motion was more comforting for. The past few days had been an emotional roller coaster for all involved. He was grateful that they had been able to track down Tony, and kill the sick bastard who had tortured Tony nearly to death. Gibbs couldn't help feel a pang of guilt in his chest when he thought back to how he had treated Tony over the past six months. DiNozzo had attempted to keep in contact with him, but he had kept his responses minimal. It wasn't that he did not want to keep in touch with his senior...former senior agent, but he would always think back to the look in Tony's eyes after the meeting with Vance. His team had all been looking to him for instruction, and in his own grief he had brushed them off. Gibbs saw confusion, disappointment, guilt, and sadness all flash in those eyes before Tony had schooled his expression back to one of indifference. That brief moment when Tony's emotions had shone through was too tough to bear. He hated that he had let them down so he dismissed them, all of them, and went back to being the gruff SOB people always took him for. Now all he could hope for was that Tony would pull through this so he could make things right. He would get his team back, and no one, not even the Sec Nav could stand in his way. Gibbs' thoughts were interrupted by a nurse who had entered the family room to escort them up to the ICU.
"If you'll just follow me I will bring you up to the ICU waiting area," the nurse spoke as she gestured for them to follow.
Once they arrived at the ICU waiting the area the nurse spoke up again, "Only two visitors are allowed in the room at one time."
Gibbs walked over to her immediately, and nodded in Abby's direction. Abby followed him quickly, being careful not to allow her platform boots to make too much noise as they walked into the ICU. The nurse led them to room 6. Gibbs steeled himself as he prepared to enter the room. Abby grabbed his hand firmly, and he felt his heart break more. Abby was such a sensitive person underneath her dark exterior, and Gibbs knew how hard this would be for her to see Tony in such a state.
"I am sure Dr. Tehain has already mentioned the ventilator, but I just don't want you to be shocked when you walk in there. He has two IV's attached, and a chest tube. There are several monitors as well for monitoring his heart and respiratory functions. You may hear some strange beeping noises, but I assure you, we are closely monitoring your family member. Take all the time you need," the nurse spoke in a soothing voice. She nodded for them to enter the dim room, and then made her way over to the nurses station.
Gibbs kept a firm grip on Abby's hand as he lead her in to the room. Gibbs paused as her heard Abby take a sharp breath followed by a sob. The tears were once again beginning to pool in her caring eyes. She stared at the seemingly lifeless form of her friend hooked up to more machines than she thought possible. He was pale white, and the ugly bruising on his face and neck was vivid against the white hospital sheets. Blue, she thought. Light blue would make him look less dead. She felt Gibbs put a hand on her shoulder as he nudged her forward. She walked forward carefully as if any sudden movement would cause him more pain. Abby stopped as soon as she got to his bedside. She forced herself to take in the appearance of his injuries. She could make out the bandaging over his left shoulder and ribs through the thin hospital gown. The sound of the ventilator was nauseating, but if it was helping Tony then she would have to accept it. She wanted to give him a big Abby certified hug, but she know it would not be one of her best ideas so instead she hesitated. She looked over at Gibbs for guidance, and when he nodded encouragingly, she pulled up a seat and took Tony's hand in her own.
"Hey Tony...you're going to be ok. I just know it. So you better wake up, mister!" Abby's upbeat words were dripping with sadness, but she continued on. "The team needs you, Tony, we all do. Even Gibbs. I mean, who's gonna keep up us to date with all the movie trivia, and work on McGee's back bone, and teach Ziva American idioms? Please fight Tony..."
Gibbs watched from the other side of the bed as Abby gave Tony orders to live in between sobs and updates about bowling nuns. He remained in control of his emotions as glanced over at DiNozzo's forced breathing as the respirator pumped oxygen into his lungs. After about twenty minutes he decided it was time to interrupt Abby's one-sided conversation.
"Abbs," he said quietly, "think maybe it's time to get Ducky in here?"
"Oh!" Abby gasped as she wiped her eyes once more, "I almost forgot about the Duckman! You're not going to leave him are you? Because he shouldn't be alone, Gibbs."
"I'm not going anywhere, Abbs. Not until DiNozzo is complaining about the food, and hitting on the nurses."
This elicited a smile from Abby. She leaned over planting a gentle kiss on Tony's brow, and whispered some more comforting words into Tony's ear before leaving the room to get Ducky. Gibbs let out a breath that he felt like he had been holding since first arriving at the hospital. He rubbed a hand over his stubble covered face. This was one hell of a situation. Gibbs scooted his chair closer to Tony's bed, and took the younger man's hand in his own.
"Ah hell, DiNozzo. Don't you do this to me...you had better beat this, Tony."
Gibbs could feel the words in his throat as he fought even harder to keep his emotions in check. He had to stay strong for his team, and for Tony. He straightened himself out as he awaited the M.E.'s arrival. Now was not the time to let his guard down, not even in front of a long time friend like Ducky.
To be continued...
A/N - Well, there you go! I hope you liked it, and thanks for all the reviews so far.