Author's Note: I wanted to let everyone know there was a sequel to this story up and running. It's called Druidess Part II: Don't Touch My STICK!!! Don't worry, it'll center around Hermione and Draco mostly but it will also deal with Ron and Pansy's strange and new love, it'll deal with Ginny and her crazy life, and of course our favorite Emo, Harry Potter. xD

So, here's a preview just for you!!!

Draco took a deep breath. Could this really be happening? On his wedding day, of all days, was this kind of tragedy really going to occur? He had let go of his prejudices, forgotten the ways of his father, and renounced the hatred that had enslaved him in his childhood... all for his happiness. It had worked. He wasn't a jealous boy anymore. He wasn't a coward. He wasn't that guy any longer!!!

But looking into the face of his worst nightmare, it all came back to him. He felt like a child; he felt like a fool. Why didn't he see this one coming? Bah!!!

"I choose not to believe my own son has betrayed our beliefs." His voice was exactly like Draco remembered, silky and vile, sweet and sour. It made him sick.

"Father, you're the fool." If he wasn't traveling down memory lane and remembering his terrible childhood, maybe his voice wouldn't have cracked. But it did.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!" His dreadful laugh shot down Draco's spine. "You're pathetic. What kind of man are you? What kind of man was that mudblood going to marry? You're nothing. You don't deserve anything!!!"

Draco blinked and held his tongue; insults would do nothing in this situation. But he was angry now. He was pissed, actually. Not because his own father, who was supposed to be dead and gone forever, had come back on his wedding day. It wasn't because he had wrecked havoc in the mist of his friends and new family. It wasn't because his father was standing in front of him, treating him like a child again.

No, it was because his father had called his new wife a mudblood. He had used the word against her before, but now it was different. It was wrong on every level.

"Don't you call her that word." He slowly felt inside his robe pocket and slipped his fingers around his wand. All that cowardice and dread he felt a few seconds ago, gone. All that was left was the man he had become.

"What did you just say to me?" Lucius' smile faded, now he was filling with anger; Draco could see it in his eyes.

"You heard me. You don't call my wife a mudblood. Her blood is more pure than yours ever was!!!"

That did it. Lucius had reached his limit. His eyes were red, his lip was quivering in rage, his hand was turning white as he squeezed his wand.

"Avada Kedevra...."


Teehee!!! Good old Harry Potter angst. Do you like it? Want more??? The sequel is up, go read it! Go! Hurry!