If I Knew

This is the weird stuff I come up with when I'm bored, see. I don't think it's that good, but you judge. Reviews are love as always.

Don't own Doctor Who.

Doctor's POV on Rose at Doomsday in a poem… and yes, I know he'd never say this stuff out loud, but it's my poem.

If I knew it was the last time,

The last time I'd cup my hand in yours,

Feeling the secure grip

I'd never let go.


If I knew this was the last time,

The last time I'd ever run,

Beating in rhythm with you,

I'd never stop,


If I knew this was the last time,

The last time I ever took my arms around you,

Feeling your cheek caress mine,

I'd never take them away,


If I knew this was the last time,

The last time I'd ever see your face,

Eyes twinkling and beaming smile,

I'd never look away.


If I knew this was the last time,

The last time I'd ever get the chance to say,

Those precious words, that broke the promise I kept,

I'd cherish each letter, and give them you with a rose.


If I knew this was the last time,

I'd smite fate forever and keep you as mine.