A/N: This is just a small fanfic i did while listening to music the other day. I had nothing else to do, so I did what I always do when in doubt, I started writing. It's a oneshot, and my first one I'm putting up here on FFN. Enjoy and review please!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter even if I may wish I do, in reality I don't but the plot is mine.
Harry Potter paced the length of the waiting room repeatedly. "Harry, calm down, it's just a doctor's visit," his best friend and sister-in-law Hermione said. "Then explain to me why it's taking so long!!" Harry was not in the mood to be reasoned with.
His wife and best friend's sister, Ginny, was here to see the doctor about stomach problems she'd been having. Her brother's wife, who had gone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with them had come along as well. Meanwhile, Ron, Ginny's brother, was holding down the fort at the Auror Office. Since the head Auror was pacing up and down a doctor's office waiting room.
Harry was a wizard, if you hadn't been able to tell. He could preform magic and fly on a broomstick -- rather well too, he was on his House Quidditch team, was captain of it for two years even. Hermione, Ginny, and Ron were all magical too.
But, back to the here and now. "Harry, I'm positive that if there was something wrong, you'd know. The doctor would've come out and told you. I think it's just stress or something like that, Ginny's been dealing with a lot lately, you know that." Hermione's words barely registered in Harry's brain, but what he heard was true. Ginny had been dealing with a lot lately. She was trying to balance a career in Quidditch while taking care of things at home, while Harry had told her repeatedly that he didn't mind. That as long as she was happy so was he. Which was true to the last syllable.
Just then, Ginny came out of the door that led to the back part of the office. The part that the doctor sees you in. She had a faint smile on her face, her long red hair pulled back out of her face. Harry's head snapped up and he looked at her anxiously. "Well? Is there anything wrong?" He asked, walking over to her. Hermione came over as well, standing beside Harry. "No, not really. Just a small case of the stomach flu" Ginny answered, "The doctor said I should take it easy for a while, so I'm gonna skip out on a few practices. I'll still watch, but I won't play." She smiled up at Harry. "See, I told you there wasn't anything wrong with her." Hermione said to Harry. "I knew that she was alright, I just wanted to make sure." Harry defended himself. Hermione shook her head with a smile on her face. She turned to Ginny, "He's a worry-wart." She said. Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on, we'd better go. I gotta go relieve Ron at work before he loses whats left of his mind." Harry chuckled at that. So the three of them walked out of the office, Harry's arm around Ginny's waist. Harry soon departed for the Auror office, while Ginny and Hermione headed to Ginny and Harry's house.
Hermione and Ginny were sitting at the table, drinking some tea that Ginny had just made. "Hermione, call I tell you something that you promise you won't tell anyone else?" Ginny asked tentatively. "Of couse you can, Ginny! What is it?" Hermione asked, knowing instantly that Ginny was hiding something. "Well, when we were at the doctor's office, he told me something. About why I've been having stomach problems and why I've been getting sick alot lately," Ginny was looking down. Hermione waited for Ginny to go on and when she didn't Hermione gave a little push, "Well?" Her voice was soft and curious. Ginny took a deep breath, "Well, I don't have the stomach flu," she looked up, "I'm gonna have a baby." Hermione blinked a couple of times before squealing, "Ginny, that's great!! When are you going to tell Harry? How far along are you?" Hermione was throwing questions at Ginny left and right, Ginny laughed softly. "I'm about 3 months along, and I want to tell Harry tonight when we're alone, but I have absolutely no clue at how I'm going to." She smiled, "any ideas?"
Hermione pondered that for a minute. "Umm, no not really. Sorry, but I've never been in that situation." She said, apologetically. "It's fine, I'll think of something," Ginny said. Just then, the clock on the wall chimed 6 o'clock. Wow, is it really that late?Ginny wondered. "Well, Harry'll be home soon, so I better start thinking!" Ginny laughed. "Ok, tell me how it goes!" Hermione got up and hugged Ginny. "I'll see you later!" She called before apparating to her own house.
Ginny turned around and took a deep breath. Before she could blink, however, Harry apparated into the kitchen. "Hi." Ginny said, walking over and hugging him before she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Harry smiled and hugged her back, "Feeling better?" He asked. "Yes, thank you. I've been taking it easy ever since we got back. Hermione stayed over for a little while and we had tea," Ginny said. Harry smiled. "That sounds ... nice." Harry had hesitated for a minute, then he laughed at himself. Ginny laughed along with him.
"Come on," she said suddenly, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him into the living room. Harry let her pull him into the room, with a puzzled look on his face. Ginny turned around and pushed him down onto the couch and she sat down next to him, snuggling close into his side. She looked up at Harry. He smiled down at her, "I would kiss you, but I don't really want the stomach flu." He joked. So Ginny reached up and kissed him full on the mouth. Harry went along with it, even though he wasn't sure what was going on. When they had broke apart, Ginny whispered, "You don't have to worry about that, because I don't have the stomach flu." She looked into his green eyes cautiously. Harry tilted his head to one side, "You don't have the stomach flu...?"
"No, I don't."
"Then what's wrong?"
Ginny took yet another deep breath. "Harry, I'm going to have a baby. Our baby."
Harry blinked, while his head reeled. It felt like he was trying to go in a hundred different directions at once. "A ... baby? ... our ... baby?" His voice was soft. Ginny nodded. Harry just blinked some more. Finally, it hit home. "I'm going to be a ... father." It wasn't a question, and he had trouble saying the word. Then his face lit up and his smile was from ear to ear. "Ginny, we're going to be parents!" He almost yelled, pulling her up into his arms, standing up and spinning her around once. "This is great!!" He looked straight into her face, and said, "I've heard many thing about how great my parents were, but I never got to meet them. So I will swear on my life that I will do everything I can for you and this baby" -- he put his hand on Ginny's stomach -- "so it can have the best life possible," he vowed. Ginny looked up at Harry and smiled, then kissed him. "I'm not worried about that. I know your going to be a great father."
A/N: Ahh, Harry's reaction to when Ginny first tells him that she's pregnant. You may not have seen it this way, but this is what I thought happened. I know some of it is OOC, but this is FanFiction, not the real thing. I did my best. This is my first story up here did I say that already? lol, if I did, oops and oh well, if I didn't, then there ya go so please R & R. reviews are greatly appreciated!
I'm not sure what the relation between Harry and Hermione would be since Harry married Ginny and Hermione married Ron, but I just took a guess as in-laws. If I'm wrong, please tell me and I'll fix it.