Err… I'm back?

Anyway, this is something random I thought of during dinner one day, and wrote in a couple of hours.

Also, I want to mention that a friend of a friend of mine passed away not too long ago. Rest in peace, Hannah. I didn't know you, but I wish I did.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. I raise Pokemon.

Wake-Up Call

Waking up to his name being whispered in his ear was somewhat of a new experience for Entei.

Sure, there was the occasional time when his alarm clock failed to go off, or when he would shut it off and close his eyes for 'five more minutes', or even the rare times when the alarm failed to rouse him from his slumber, but they all ended with either Raikou or Suicune shouting his name in his ear… or a glass of water being dumped on his face.

Yet, this time, it was… different.

Groaning, Raikou and Suicune's brother attempted to turn on his side to cover his ears, but found himself unable to do so. It was almost as if some unknown force was pinning him to his bed.

Curiosity piqued at this, Entei opened his eyes.

Though blurry at first, his vision grew clearer by the second, enough for him to make out the outlines of objects. Aside from the usual furniture and decorations of his room, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Except for a humanoid figure towering above him.

Entei blinked, and the details of the figure began to resolve in his vision. Shoulder-length red hair, slightly tanned skin, average figure…

And unmistakably female.

The teenage male's vision snapped into 'crystal-clear high-definition mode' after that particular discovery. Three things leapt out at him, namely the fact that he knew this particular person, she was sitting on his chest, and that she was dressed in nothing but her undergarments.

And the fact that said person was one of his closest friends (that just so happened to be a girl), and his current crush to boot, didn't make things any easier.

Entei screamed, tumbling out of his bed onto the floor, nearly taking his 'wake-up-call' with him. Instinctively scrambling away from the almost-nude female, the teenage male quickly averted his eyes.

"H-H-Heatran, what the hell?" He managed to stutter out, realizing that his back hurt from the fall, and that the girl in his room was really se –

No! Bad thoughts, Entei! Bad!

Heatran giggled, getting up from where she was sitting on his bed. "Morning, Entei."

"What the hell are you doing– h-how the hell did you get in my room?"

"I picked the lock," The teenage girl casually replied. Strolling into his field of vision, she retrieved her clothes from the floor – the blush on Entei's face went up yet another notch as he realized what that implied – and began to get dressed.

"W-what – h-how – w-why did you – gah!" Shaking his head, Entei privately marveled at the girl's boldness, trying not to think of stuff such as her curves, the way she giggled, or her red hair with silver highlights. A small part of him wished that he had half her audacity to act on his feelings and just ask her out on a date.

An even smaller part of Entei's brain chided him for 'not taking this golden opportunity', but he silenced its objections before more thoughts could develop down that line.

"Well, someone's got to wake you up for class, seeing as Raikou reset your alarm clock after you went to bed," she shrugged, doing up the buttons of her red and yellow short-sleeved shirt. "And while I endorse pranks at times, I don't want to see you getting in trouble."

Entei snorted, looking up and finding the girl – now fully dressed – hovering over him for the second time that day, her face mere inches away from his.

The amount of blood flowing to his cheeks now threatened to exceed safe levels.

"Whatever happened here stays here. Neither of us needs any rumors of us doing 'inappropriate stuff' circulating around," she stated, looking him in the eye. "Or Raikou looking for revenge pranks."

"S-sure." Like anyone's gonna believe me if I say an almost-naked girl woke me up for class.

Heatran nodded. "Glad we got that sorted out." She turned towards the door, but then looked over her shoulder back at him. "Oh, hope you enjoyed the sights, by the way," she added with a wink, a barely visible pink tinge on her cheeks.

Entei had a feeling that he wasn't going to be able to pay much attention in class today.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to investigate who spiked my food last night.