Disclaimer; I don't own Tsubasa.
Why am I doing this? In part, it's to see how many of you click on the alert link and review this. Another part is that I decided that Last Night needed some promotion. So.... enjoy the first chapter!
Tomoyo's Warning
Blood. I can see blood on his face, staining his ivory white skin as he is held up by the other kid, and I can see his blood on the other kid's fingers, and on the edges of his mouth, and I can see his jaw working slowly, can hear the soft crunch as he chewed whatever was in his mouth, glance at him again, with blood streaming from his right eye socket, which I can see now is empty, and with a sickened jolt I realized what had happened. I tried to scream his name, tried t shout at the other kid to stop, but I couldn't speak, couldn't even move, as the other kid reached down towards his face again, blood soaked fingers digging into his eye socket. He let out a hellish scream as the slim fingers plucked out his other eye before falling limp, and suddenly I could see myself, sprinting towards the two of them, a look I'd never thought I could wear on my face, and I could speak, and at the same moment my double and I screamed out the same thing.
I watched in horror as the other kid, the kid who looked and sounded like the kid but wasn't the kid, tossed the mage's limp form aside and struck out at the other me, but there was a crazed look in my double's eye as he drew Sohi and sliced through the other kid's shin in one swift movement. I tried to shout, to help my double, because I knew exactly how he was feeling, because I was feeling it, too, but someone held me back as I tried to leap forward, and I whirled around to face whoever dared stop me.
"Hello, Kurogane."
I stared at Tomoyo-hime, blinking once in surprise as she released my elbow.
"They can't see you, Kurogane," she said softly. "This is a dream. You can't help them, and even if you could…"
I turned instantly as a low growl echoed from behind me, wincing at the sight of the other me pinning the other kid, the fake, against the wall, the crazed look that had been in his eye having spread across his features. A short distance away, the manjuu was cradled against the wizard's body, loud sobs racking his puny form. I didn't have to be awake to know the mage was… not well.
"It's already too late," Tomoyo-hime finished sadly. "But remember, Kurogane, this is a dream, a premonition I've been having for a time now. Yuuko-san agreed to allow me to warn you, because if this comes to pass…"
She stopped, turning and smiling suddenly.
"But that won't happen, will it?" she asked, reaching out and poking my forehead. "Not with the big bad ninja on the job. So, do you know what I have to tell you?"
I shut my eyes quickly, turning my attention back to her.
"That if I'm not careful something fucked up'll happen?" I snapped, growling softly. "I already knew that."
My princess smiled sadly.
"No," she contradicted, a sharp edge to her voice. "I can't tell you, exactly – something about interference. But I can warn you that this-" She gestured towards the scene behind her, smile vanishing completely. "I can warn you that this will take place in 24 hours… or less."
I glanced at the nightmare surrounding us before shutting my eyes to it and returning my focus to Tomoyo-hime.
"So what do I do to prevent it?" I snapped. My princess's sorrowful smile returned as she shook her head.
"I don't know," she replied sadly. "What do you think you can do?"
I scowled at the uselessness of her words, glancing up at the ceiling of the chamber we were standing in.
"Oh, Kurogane," my princess said suddenly. I turned back toward her, scoffing at the sudden cheeriness of her voice.
"What?" I barked, glancing cautiously around me. It felt as if the room was spinning, and the images began to blur. I turned back to my princess, raising an eyebrow in a silent inquiry.
"Good morning!"
I blinked awake quickly as the mage landed in my chest with an irritating thump, an insane grin on his face, sparkling blue eyes twinkling playfully.
"Good morning, Kuro-sama!" he greeted cheerfully, leaning down and kissing my cheek softly. "Ready to go find us a feather?"
I growled, shoving him off of me and glaring at the sun of this new world. Acid rains were already falling, weathering away at the collapsed buildings around us, the nightmare still playing in front of my eyes.
24 hours 'til Hell.