hoorah I finally came out with a sequel thanks to all the people who wanted me to make another one and a great story idea from KnucklesRedFury207.2 so here we go and I hope you enjoy it
He'd been here before, he knew he had and yet he'd never seen it before in his entire life. The soft grass and warm wind felt real on his fur but this must be a dream because Angel Island had long since disappeared from his world along with his friends.
"You seem reluctant to believe what is clearly in front of you," a soft feminine voice said to the boy but like in every other dream like this the owner of that voice was nowhere to be seen.
"That's the problem I don't see anything other then my own reflection," the silver hedgehog said peering into the lake in front of him.
"It is there where our answers lie, look beyond it and you may see something bigger then yourself,"
Shadow the hedgehog looked up when he heard the 'thunk" of his son getting up clumsy as ever.
"He must get that from his mother I know I don't sound like that getting up," he sighed looking at his paper once more.
"Maybe not but he sure as hell looks like you," Sam said trying not to laugh at the famous morning Mohawk with a scowl on his face that he and Shadow were giving him at that moment.
It was in that moment that Sam realized that as his now 17 year old got older he inherited more of his father's traits. Particularly Chris' morning Mohawk, the wild hair was sticking around long after breakfast and even after it was combed out it looked almost identical to his father's.
'Good God he's starting to look like a hedgehog even when he's not a hedgehog' Sam thought finishing his coffee then sighed in his head 'please God don't let him poke anyone's eye out with his hair at school pleeease'
Sam was brought out of his thoughts by his phone ringing and looked at the display to see it Mr. Stewart calling, knowing it had something to do with Chris he put it on speaker so both father and son could listen to the conversation as well.
"Morning Stewart what's up," Sam greeted casually.
"Good Morning Mr. Thorndyke I'm assuming Shadow and Chris are there with you at the moment?"
The man's suspicions were confirmed with Chris' charming fart noises on the opposite side of the table.
"Very nice Chris but I need you to be actually serious for a minute, the team in charge of project Shadow are concerned about Chris' development and want him under watch once again."
"Why are they worried I thought it was health as a child that they were worried about and the kid grew out of the panic attacks," Sam questioned concerned.
"The kid in front of me is physically healthy," he said looking up to see his nephew balancing a spoon on the end of his nose as he listened intently to the conversation.
"Highlight the physically," Shadow grumbled smacking the back of his son's head knocking the spoon off his face before adding," what panic attacks?"
"Chris used to get these intense panic attacks as a kid especially after nightmares, we think now that they were caused from post traumatic stress disorder because of his father and his phobias of small spaces, being alone and people in general. The panic attacks seemed to settle down after he met Sonic and the others," Sam explained to the black hedgehog.
'Yes well it isn't anxiety in particular were worried about its, umm…puberty. Their not sure how he's going to development in an environment with full human children, so starting today I'll be his home room teacher" Mr. Stewart explained as gently as possible.
"I'm pretty sure I've already started that just after my 12th birthday so why are you worried about it now?" Chris asked confused.
"You may have started it internally with your hormones and very microscopic maturity but were talking body hair, growth spurs, voice cracking and the whole shebang," his uncle explained to him.
"Joy," he replied sarcastically.
Not wanting to deal with the sex talk from any of the three men Chris quickly got to leave for school leaving Shadow, Sam and (in a matter of speaking) in the room to go get ready for school. it was when his son was out of the room that Shadow turned to the other man.
"What other things are we worried about concerning Chris' health and why does it have to do with his body changing?" he asked sounding sincerely concerned.
"Well were not sure what to expect really that's why were preparing for the worst...especially after the dreams started," the on the phone explained.
The black hedgehog turned to the man in front of him demanding an explanation as to why, judging from his lack of shock, both f these people knew about these dreams his son was having but he was in the dark on the situation.
"Chris hasn't slept well so we made him keep a sleep journal to write down his dreams and lately they've been telling him that his power is growing," Sam explained flinching at the look on Shadow's face preparing himself.
"Are you telling me that MY son has been having dreams about him having a great power and you kept it from my knowledge," Shadow hissed at the two men in a deadly tone.
"Well ya see here's the thing..." he drifted off before giving the hedgehog an apologetic smile," I forgot."
The black hedgehog just just gave him a look a look that said 'I-pity-your-stupidity-so-I-kill-you-later.
ok so that's all for now I hope that was an ok opening it WILL get better ttyl for now