Authors note: The darkest ending oh are you ready? You should be because I would mention bringing a box of tissues.

I woke to my mind trying to forget a nightmare filled with stalkers anger, but there was fleeing my mind like water in your hand on a rainy day. Now onto the plane mom and Phil don't need me around, and dad is someone who won't smother me and hover as much I will miss my friends but that's what Skype is for, and I'm glad my friends promised not to forget me while I move away.

I felt something fade a glint of something, but if it was that important, I wouldn't have forgotten it in the first place. I felt myself rolled my shoulder. I felt myself stronger than I had in a long time. I felt like my whole look and outlook had changed in the span of a second. Maybe moving away might do me some good though I will miss the sun. but it's not like mom is going to sell the house if I ever want to move back to Arizona I should probably tell her that I want to move back someday. It felt so homey here regardless of the bad memories with mom. but with my friends, I have nothing but great memories of them. And I hope we can stay strong as friends as I move in with my dad.

Moving in with dad was exactly like I thought more freedom while at the same time I know Charlie can handle himself and the house and isn't co-dependent on me like mom was constantly needing me before she married Phil and found a workaround actually cooking and cleaning. Instead of letting me do all the work. Still when dad showed me around town. He talked about how in the last few months as some mysterious benefactor went ahead and made here and the reservation much nicer. Saying that just because it was a small town they didn't deserve to be in danger slick roads during the winter snow. As a preventative measure, the roads don't ice over because they have a heating system that clears the road of the ice and snow making it one of the safer roads in the pacific northwest. I was glad my dad didn't listen to my mother advice to watch me like a hawk. That would have grown old quickly, but he did introduce me to his old friend Billy black and his son Jake. Who boasted that he helped get my engine running for my car. which made me laugh and I was glad that I wasn't left to fend for myself. While my dad took the tv, Jake and I talked. He helped me with making some snacks we just talked for hours, and I barely noticed the time flying. A smile grew on my face other than friends i made back in Phoenix. I hadn't felt like I met someone genuine since I moved here and Jacob seemed to be that breath of fresh air, not someone one who wanted me around because I was my self and not because I was the new girl in town and the daughter of the police chief. I was able to make some friends and some lackluster and pity first dates. Something about them just wasn't enough with the friendship between Jake and started changing, and it was naturally happening, and Bella was smiling happily falling in love with the younger boy who was utterly smitten with her.

Though Bella finally lived that relatively kind of life. She always deserves there were no shapeshifter or vampires or monsters that took to the shadows and saw humans as prey. Jasper was tortured in the afterlife with the others for those they had killed indiscriminately. For the loss of their souls and giving in to the beast within reformation or turning other is a sin. As much a thing and the constant burning a lashing was never ending the none were spared because they all gave in and they were punished for their forebears for the sins. They committed that the lives they destroyed the longer the offenses, the longer the punishment. Carlisle punishment had quite a while to, go and he was finally allowed to leave his torture, Alice's scream could be heard and rings even when I lose consciousness. It feels at time like I've lost my mind, but I know that at least as the tear me limb from limb excruciating in their detailed torture, but I had more than earned my pain. What I did? I deserved the pain at least Bella could live her normal human life. Like she would always have deserved without crazy obsessed immortal stalkers or a love lorned married vampire who never deserved her love to being with.

Final note: well that was dark. I know most of you are shocked I could even go this dark for the alt timeline. Where Jasper doesn't survive, and Bella is not only alive but has no prior memories of Jasper of Edward and Alice all parts of the supernatural and the things that took place in the future. Are wiped from her memory allowing her to push forward and live the life she was destined to live and that she was going on to do good. And be the better influence on those people in her life. And visiting the friends she mentioned, and the people in her life grows. I'm of a belief that no one should live the life she has to be ok that this is what happens.