Cracked Visage Overview


A/N: This story has a lot of pairings, almost all the characters in the game have a relationship of some sort, though most don't get much mention. The story won't be all romance and sex and it won't be all drama either. This story has humor, drama, romance, tragedy, action, and a lot of other genres. This is because real life has all of these things and so the story needs them to be truly amazing. This is my first Final Fantasy VII fic and my second fic of all time, so I'm still fairly new. I have not played through the entire original game, or Crisis Core, or Before Crisis… I have seen the movie and watched Last Order. I have also seen all the Crisis Core cut scenes and played pretty far into the original game. So though I am not the most versed Final Fantasy VII writer, I do know the basic story and I have researched for my fic. The POV of this story skips around a lot, so you kind of have to pay attention to the speech characteristics of the characters. I.e. Reno's yo or Rufus' sophisticated speech. Well that's it, so please enjoy!


The world has a serene visage… But the cracks are beginning to show. Gaia needs a savior. But is anyone strong enough in this world of underlying pain? Or is he already lost? Can Cloud save himself in time to save Gaia? Or will it be up to Zack? AVALANCHE is trying, but reformed with only one original member and no Elfé, they have little hope. With Rufus taking over ShinRa after his father's death, the situation looks pretty grim. But what must be done will be done, whether Cloud wants to be the hero or not.


Mainly 1st person from several different people's view. 3rd person at times.


Yaoi, semi-AU, (some) spoilers, OCs and semi-OCs, torture, murder, (severe) language, homo and het couples, (hints) incest, very mild Tifa bashing, blood eroticism, S/M, major fluff (at times), angst, hate, OOC (at times), graphic sex (lemons, limes, etc..), dark, child abuse (Rufus), and (minor and literal) insanity.


Semi-OCs. Canon Turks given names and personalities. All semi-OCs are Turks from Before Crisis, the mobile phone game in Japan.


I do not and never will own Final Fantasy 7, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, or any of the characters mentioned in this story (outside of my own OCs). I received no profit for this story, aside from the warm fuzzy feelings provided by my readers.

Pairings (past, present, and future):


In homosexual relationships the seme name comes first, then uke, unless the pair doesn't have fixed positions. Threesomes have semes listed first, then next line for dominance, then the real uke.

Note: FTB - Friends with Benefits

1. Zack x Cloud (present)

2. Zack x Aeris (past and semi-present)

3. Zack x Cissnei (Cissnei crush)(past and semi-present)

4. Reno x Zack (past)

5. Reno x Rufus (Not fixed)(future)

6. Reno x Ryuu (FTB)(Semi-OC)(present)

7. Reno x Elena (present)

8. Reno x Various women (mentioned/hinted)(mostly prostitutes)(past and present)

9. Reno x Rufus x Cloud (future)

10. Tseng x Emina (Hinted)(Semi-OC, Elena's sister)(past)

11. Tseng x Elena (future)

12. Tseng x Aeris (one-sided)(present)

13. Tseng x Rufus (Rufus crush)(one-sided)(past)

14. Rufus x Cloud (mutual sexual tension)(future)

15. Sephiroth x Zack (FTB)(past)

16. Sephiroth x Cloud (Cloud crush)(one-sided)(past)

17. Sephiroth x Aeris (In death)(far future)

18. Sephiroth x Genesis (past)

19. Hojo x Ifalna (rape)(past)(child)

20. Hojo x Lucrecia (rape)(past)(child ??)

21. Vincent x Lucrecia (affair)(past)(child ??)

22. Vincent x Yuffie (Yuffie crush)(one-sided)(future)

23. Tifa x Cloud (onesided)(past and present)

24. Sears/Biggs x Jessie (mentioned)(mentioned in the future, happened in the present)

25. Sears/Biggs x Elfé (past)

26. Verdot x Tseng (mentioned/hinted)(past)

27. Lazard x Rufus (incest)(mentioned)(past)

28. Angeal x Sephiroth x Genesis (mentioned)(past)

29. Cid x Shera (past and future)

30. Dyne x Barret (hinted)(past)

31. Heidegger x Rufus (rape)(past)

Note: "Child ??" means that the child's biological real father is unknown or will be revealed later in the fic.