Disclaimer: I don't own Narnia, sorry to the people who thought I did.

A/N I'm sorry I've been sick and hung up on school! I'm having trouble not failing and I did write it out, just didn't type the chapter.


"Peter, wake up, I can't sleep." Peter moaned and put his hand over Edmund's mouth. Lucky I've been woken up so much to wake up so quickly.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Peter asked, his voice cracking with non-use. "Or are you nocturnal?"

"I don't know what nocturnal means and I always sleep, why?" Edmund said.

In truth Peter didn't know what that word meant either, but it seemed like it belonged. And it was three syllables.

"Because your always waking me up, that's why." Peter answered, "Why did you wake me up?"

"Because I couldn't sleep. You are so loud. You snore louderly." Edmund said.

Peter took a deep breath, realizing he wasn't going back to sleep just yet. "Alright, number one, I don't snore; number two louderly isn't a word. So go back to sleep."

"Well, I have to fall asleep before you do, alright? So I can't hear your snoring." Edmund turned over and looked at Peter so long that Peter was forced to ask why he was. The answer was "You didn't answer it was okay or not."

"Alright, okay, fine, okey dokey, acceptable, yes sirree. Go to sleep." Peter said, turning over so he wouldn't have to see Edmund's laugh.

"That was funny. Peter?"

"What?" Peter said, regretting the sarcasm.

"Where do you come up with that stuff?"

"I don't know." Peter was struck with an idea and said "I came up with it in a dream, and you can only dream it with practice."

"I'm going to sleep then. Night."

"Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Peter said, wondering if he should go fetch a book.


xSlytherclaWx: the X files? I never saw it. What happened? Thx for the review,and sry about not updating so often, but does it help that I think about it often? It's the thought that counts.

RoXxIdEvIl Thanks, I hoped that it was funny along with cute, I didn't know if I was mixing it up so well. Thx for the review

reader13: I had something like that happen to me, it might have been the same show, I don't remember much, but I remember a ugly thing was under the bed and I was scared to go under it until my sis took my hand and dragged, yes dragged, me under. Haha, I was about three. Thanks for the review I found it funny at your epicenes, jk.

Taylor5795: Such a sweet brother. Wally even has a history behind him, starting with him being bought by my big bro and being given to me for my birthday, though I didn't name him Wally by Chapstick. And the history ends with him being on my bed right now. Thanks for the review.

PrettyFanGirl" Thanks; I look forward to your reviews so much. They hold something Special.

I would like to say that tomorrow is my birthday so wish me happy birthday!