Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: the Last Airbender. Why do we have to do disclaimers again?

The last chapter of Tickle Fight! Beware of slight Aang bashing. I apologize in advance to Aang lovers. But frankly, I'm not really sorry.

Tickle Fight!

"K-Katara? Zuko? W-what's going on?"

"Uh… Aang! It's not what it looks like!"

Aang shot Katara a pointed glare. "It looks to me like my firebending teacher and my waterbending teacher are kissing."

"Okay… it is what it looks like."

"How could you do this to me? You know how I felt about you, Katara!"

"And I'm sorry, Aang," she pleaded. "But you have to understand that I don't feel that way about you!"

"So you did mean what your character said in the play!"

"N-no! I wasn't attracted to Zuko in the beginning! But, I'm sorry Aang. That's the only thing that was a lie. I-I do think of you as a brother. Nothing more. I'm sorry."

"But Katara! You can't! I love you, remember? Does Zuko love you?"

Zuko decided at that time to interject. "Yes. I love Katara more than anything."

Katara turned to Zuko with wide eyes. She hadn't expected him to say that. "Y-you do?"

Zuko looked at Katara with an affectionate smile. "Of course I do. Since I joined your group." She blushed crimson.

"Hello? I'm still here!"

"Aang, listen. I've made it clear before that I was confused about us."

"But you're not confused anymore, right?"

"Yes, Aang. I'm not confused anymore."

Aang looked elated. "Good! So are you coming with me?"

Katara looked exasperated. "No, Aang. I'm staying with Zuko. I-I love him."

Aang was devastated. "N-no, Katara! Has he brainwashed you, or something? We kissed! We've spent almost a year together! Zuko's only been with us for less than a couple of weeks!"

And here I thought Aang liked me. Zuko thought, dryly.

"No, he hasn't brainwashed me! And he's proven himself! He's helped Sokka rescue Suki and my father, and he's helped me find my mother's killer!"

"And I haven't? Is being the Avatar isn't enough for you?!" By now, Aang's face was streaked with tears.

"It's not a matter of proving yourself! I fell in love with him for him! An earnest young man who's honest, kind, brave, and caring!"

"So what am I?! A little kid who's annoying you?!"

"Are you listening to me? I said I fell in love with Zuko for Zuko! And right now, you're starting to act like what you're description of yourself!" Katara's eyes softened, and she lowered her voice. "Listen to me, Aang. You're a great kid. You're smart, funny, talented, all the things a girl could want and more. And you'll meet a girl who'll fall in love with you completely. But that girl isn't me.

"I'm sorry, Aang. I love you, you have to understand that. But my love for you is completely platonic. I'm sorry."

"Stop, Katara," Aang said. "I-it's okay. If you're happy… I'm happy. Even if I'd be even happier if you were happy with me. Just promise me, that you'll be happy with Zuko. Okay?"

Katara sent him a breathtaking smile that made Zuko's heart skip a beat. "Of course, Aang."

"And Zuko? If you hurt her, you answer to me!" The situation was somewhat comical. A twelve-year-old boy, no taller than Zuko's shoulder was threatening him, someone four years his elder and over a head taller.

Zuko nodded. "Of course, Aang," he said, earnestly. "I'd never dream of hurting her."

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find Toph. I owe her something." Aang said, wiping his tears away, walking away from the couple. I guess we were never meant to be, Aang thought. At least she's happy.

Katara sighed. "That was dramatic."

Zuko nodded. "I suppose. But it was essential."

"I suppose," Katara agreed. "I just wish that he didn't find out so… harshly."

"Yes, that opinion is mutual. But, he was going to find out sooner or later, if we were going to stay together, I mean."

"What do you mean, if? I plan on staying together."

The firebender smiled. "Good." And then he kissed her. And this time, they were uninterrupted.

"Come on, Twinkletoes. Pay up. Sparky loves Sugar Queen."

Aang sighed. "As much as I'm against this sort of stuff, I had to make a bet I was sure of. And now, it backfires one me!" he griped.

"Yeah, yeah. Quit your moaning. Just hand over the money." Toph stated, holding her hand out.

Aang sighed as he handed her a handful of silver pieces. I am never betting against Toph again.

Hope you like it! Yes, it's short. And yes, I realize I made Aang out to be a brat, but I had to. I'm not particularly fond of Aang. Sorry to Aang lovers, but then again, if you liked Aang, you most likely wouldn't be reading a Zutara fic. Speaking of the fic, I know that I sped up Zuko and Katara's relationship a LOT, but I had to get the fic out of my system. I had my dreams crushed by the Season Finale, and I HAD to write this fic.
