Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: the Last Airbender.
This is just another cheesy Zutara fanfic from a supporter who had her dreams crushed by Nickelodeon.
Tickle Fight!
After a week of intense training, the group had decided to take time off to go to the beach to recuperate.
Katara sighed. What an idiot, she thought, glancing at Sokka, who was shamelessly flirting with Suki. Was it just her, or were his flirting techniques extremely cheesy? No, it couldn't just be her.
In a way, she envied the lovesick couple. They had something together that Katara had always wanted, and probably wouldn't get anytime soon. Of course, she could always be with Aang; he had made his feelings pretty clear after the play. But she couldn't pretend that she loved Aang, as a lover, and just hope to fall in love with him later in life. It wasn't fair to him, or her.
She glanced at Toph, who was currently talking with Zuko. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she assumed Toph was teasing Zuko about something, as his face was flushed. She strained her ears, to see if she could pick up any parts of the conversation.
"Lemme touch your scar. I wanna see how big it is."
"No." Zuko said firmly. Katara could see Toph's face mold into a pout.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like people touching it."
Hah! He had let her touch the scar at Ba Sing Se.
At that, Toph pounced on Zuko, tickling him. "You. Will. Let. Me!"
"N-no!" Zuko was laughing with Toph, a handsome smile on his face. His smile always seemed to make her heart skip a beat. She wondered if she had the same effect on him. She wouldn't know; she had just forgiven him the week before. And even if they were on friendly terms, they didn't talk often.
Katara was jolted out of her thoughts when Toph yelled, "Katara! Help me!"
Laughing at the blind girl's antics, she walked over to the duo, her hands making groping motions. "Okay, Toph. The first one to make him squeal like Sokka wins!" They all shared a laugh at the subtle insult.
"Tickle fight!"
The pair of girls attacked the firebender with brushes on his bare stomach. Zuko exploded in laughs. They continued onto this for a small while, rolling around slightly. Somehow, during the 'tickle attack,' Toph had sneaked away, leaving only Zuko and Katara.
Soon, the laughter and attacks slowed down, leaving only the sound of Sokka, Suki, and Aang's voices. It was then that the two noticed their position; Katara was straddling Zuko's waist, her arms propping her body above Zuko's.
Blue eyes locked with golden.
Before each of them knew it, they found themselves leaning in towards each other. When their lips were an inch away from each others', Zuko paused. "Are you sure you want to do this, Katara?" he whispered.
Katara felt an involuntary shiver throughout her body. "I wouldn't have it any other way." And with that, she closed the distance between them.
She could feel him smile slightly into the kiss. He licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Happily, she complied, opening her mouth slightly to allow entrance. He took advantage of this, and pushed his tongue gently into her mouth, exploring every cavern and crevice. Gods, she tasted good.
Even as the kiss turned into a full blown make-out session, Zuko was still a complete gentleman. His hands were always at her neck or on her waist, never anywhere inappropriate.
When air became a necessity, they broke away, panting slightly. "Wow." Katara whispered, leaning her head on his chest.
"That was amazing," Zuko replied. As are you, he thought, happily. "So, you don't mind kissing me?"
"Of course I don't mind. If I did, wouldn't I have pulled away?"
Zuko nodded. "True. So then you won't mind if I do this…" Leaving the conversation with those words, he captured her lips once more.
While the first kiss was gentle, and tentative, this one was needy, harder, and even more passionate. Somehow, throughout the kiss, they switched the positions, with Zuko on top of Katara. It wasn't that she didn't mind. She had control of the last kiss; it was his turn to show what he was capable of.
A loud cough interrupted them. They looked up simultaneously, only to see Sokka glaring down at them. Embarrassedly, the previously kissing couple got up to face a livid Sokka.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Zuko winced slightly at the volume. Did he have to talk so loud?
"Nothing that you don't do with Suki!" Katara retorted.
"At least we don't have two make-out sessions in a row!"
"At least Zuko and I don't flirt shamelessly!"
"Are you kidding me?! You two flirt so obviously, it's painful to watch!"
"When do we do that?!"
"At least ten times a day!"
"Oh please! We don't do it that often!"
"Hah! So you admit that you two flirt!"
"I-no- Ugh, you're so infuriating, Sokka!" Katara shouted, promptly hitting him upside the head, and stalked off, dragging Zuko along with her.
In the distance, Sokka saw Haru, the Duke, Teo, and Chit Sang hand Toph a handful of silver coins. He distinctly heard Toph say, "Pay up! They got together!"
Once they were far away from Sokka, they stopped in a secluded area of the house. "Now, where were we?" Zuko whispered.
Katara let out a giggle. "I believe we were here." And she kissed his lips fervently. She felt Zuko chuckle slightly against her lips, then press harder, adding more passion.
The embracing couple pulled away from each other to turn to the source of the voice. Katara paled. It was Aang.
Yes, this is a stupid cliffy, which I know is probably unoriginal. But I had to write a Zutara fanfic that bashed Aang somewhat. Frankly, he annoys me. I apologize to Aang lovers. But really, if you liked Aang, then why are you reading this?