Aunt Mimi,

I don't get why I can't be an only child. Mai is such a pain in the butt. I hate sharing my toys with her!! She gets into everything and if she locks herself in her room one more time I'm running away to David's house.

Did I tell you that mommy is going to have another baby? I'm going to be a big sister AGAIN.

I want to be an only child is that so much to ask?



Being an only child isn't as fun as it seems. I'm an only child and it was pretty boring growing up with no one to play with. I'm sure your siblings will come in handy at one point or another.

There are good things to being a big sister. Don't try and hide the new baby like you did with Mai. If you're good then maybe you can come visit me sometime. I live in a really nice apartment in New York that you would love playing in. I have a room just for you.

Aunt Mimi

"Aunt" Mimi,

Would you please not tell my daughter that she can go see you in New York to see you? Mimi won't stop talking about it and now Risa won't stop crying because she doesn't want her baby to leave.

Thank you for telling her that being a big sister isn't as bad as it seems. She's really not happy about the new baby that's coming. I try and tell her that being an only child isn't so bad but I'm her father so of course I don't know anything.



I miss my god child. I'm sorry if she likes me better then you, but in the future I will talk to the two you first before I bring something like that up again.

I hear that you're going to have another brat again. Congrats. Can't the two of you knock it off for two seconds? Really what is this like 10?



I liked you better when you were the cute kid next door who used to bring me milk everyday so I would grow. You know how many kids we have. Knock it off.



Lot of good all that milk did me. I think you got smaller if anything.



Who's David?"



Don't mention David to Otani. David is a little American boy who moved here a couple months ago. I think Mimi has a little crush on him and I'm trying to wait for the right moment to bring him up. We're still recovering from that last incident.

We're talking about Mimi coming to visit you in a couple of months. It's not easy for me to let Mimi go anywhere far away from me, but she really wants to see you. I figure we can make a family trip out of it maybe.



No please. Not all of you. Anything but that.

Little Mimi has a crush? That's so cute! I won't say anything. I want to break the two of you up but I remember the last time Mimi had a crush. How is he going to handle it when she starts dating?



My baby! I don't even want to think about it. They grow up so fast. Not that I really have to worry all that much. All I have to do is let Otani lock Mimi in her room when she's ready to date. We'll have our baby girl forever.

Sadly I know better than that, but a mother can dream.


Why does everyone send my e-mail? I should just start charging by the e-mail. Well not Mimi of course. She's my godchild. I love her, but the rest of them can all go away.

A/N: I have to ask all of you what you think of this because I personally hate how this turned out. My plans for this story were to make a story with a collection of letters from and to Mimi, but when I wrote it I hated it.

My plans have shifted a little since then. I plan on making this a story about Mimi. There are still going to be letters from the Otani family in there but I don't think it's going to be the main focus of the story any longer. In the end though I still don't know how I feel about the story itself and and really confused it should continue or just let this be a one shot.

So tell me what you think. Do you love it or do you hate it?

I also plan of fixing the whole name thing. There's Mimi and then there's mini Mimi. If I write a story about the two of them I personally am going to have to fix it so I don't get so confused while writing the two of them into the story. I never planned on doing a story about Mimi so now my head hurts just thinking about the fact that I have two characters with the same name.