He watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was brooding again, obviously still pissed about being forced to go through with the show. The marshmallow ceremony was over about an hour ago, yet she was still sitting at the campfire. He turned to face her and crossed his arms over his chest. He cocked his head to the side as he looked at her. He absently bit the bar of his tongue ring and rolled it between his teeth. He turned his head to look at the cabin then back to look at the fiery pest. He snorted as he lost a mental battle with himself and walked over to the campfire. He sat down next to her, drawing a disgusted look to her face.

"What do you want, Neanderthal?" What a love attitude she had? It reminded him of one of the gate guards at juvy. He let a cruel smirk play across his face.

"Why so glum, princess? Pissed it wasn't you that got sent home?" She shot him a glare that could have knocked him backwards, had he not been expecting it.

"I am going to win this. You wait and see." He nodded and bent over resting his arms across his knees.

"Sure, you are." Her face turned red as she stood up. He looked up as she walked off. He grinned; he always loved a good chase. His mind reeled as he stood up, thousands of evil ideas playing through his mind. He watched as she stomped off, shaking his head as his grin widened. She wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. She caught her foot on a rock and fell to the ground. He calmly walked over to her, and he could have sworn he heard a string of cuss words. She turned and glared at him.

"Don't you say a word."

"Wasn't planning to, darling." Her face turned red as she stood up and dusted the dirt off of her pants. She crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Leave me alone." He took a step closer to her, putting on the most menacing face he could manage. She took a step back and looked around. It hadn't occurred to her that it was dark, and they were alone. Her heart jumped as she looked back at him. He brought his hand up and she jerked away. She jumped back away from him, catching the same rock on her heal sending her flying backwards. She landed hard on the ground. She opened her eyes and looked to see him standing over her. He knelt down and brought his hand up. She shut her eyes as she started praying that he would just go away. After a moment of nothing happening she opened her eyes.

"You are too jumpy, princess." He said as he tossed a twig down onto her stomach. She sat up and looked at the twig batting it off of her. He let out a laugh. "You had a stick in your hair." She scrambled to her feet, seething. She frowned at him and shoved him hard backwards. He brought his eyebrow up and looked at her, in mild amusement.

"Oh, gonna be that way?" He smiled and took a step towards her. She brought her hand up to push him away again, but he grabbed her wrists. He pushed her back with a smile.

"Get away from me." Courtney ordered stomping her foot. He shook his head and turned around to walk of. She ran over and pushed him face first to the ground. He rolled over and kicked her leg out from under her sending her down on top of him. She pushed herself up and looked at him in disgust.

"Hey, princess." She frowned as she noticed how blue his eyes were. She shook her head and sat up. He sat up underneath her and grinned. "You okay?" She rubbed her head and nodded.

"I think so." He arched his eyebrow at her, waiting for it to hit her. She became very still. She was close to the pig..very close. She shrieked as she realized she was pretty much straddling his lap. She threw herself backwards and stumbled to her feet.

"Ass hole." Duncan laughed as he fell back on the grass. She would warm up to him eventually.