Hello people, you know what, I think that if I wrote as much of my projects as I actually do with my fics and stories I would have already finished the whole thing muaahahahah. I´m such a bad student!!
It´s almost three in the morning so I will not comment too much today, have fun, review please and as of today I dont have any knowledge of Sailor Moon being owned by me. Ja ne!!
Those damned brats had invaded his preferred park, and on top of that, for a stupid idol concert. Yes, it offered him a very nice occasion to hunt in the crowd, but that was of no appeal for him that night in particular.
To top it all, many of the girls were eyeing him with such suspicion in their eyes he wondered if he seemed yet so strange and old. Young people these days… In other centuries women would be at his feet when he entered the great balls of the past. In fact he still remembered the lust in the eyes of queens and high ladies, all around the world. He had been famous many times, in different ages and countries…
Shit, he thought, so much for relaxation spaces. The last time he had had this bad luck, he was camping in USA, away from every one and he found himself surrounded by a sudden and historically most famous rock festival ever held. That had been nightmare, and in fact, not even this concert now could appeal to what he had seen back then. Those hippie guys sure were hell for him.
And yet, the kids who were now trying to follow the concert seemed to carry even more darkness within them. Sure, many of the fans of this particular idol were brats that seemed to shine while singing C´est la vie… Looking into the humongous stage, Mal seemed to find the reason. The idol shone just like daylight, not because of the lights or the fluffy peach dress she was wearing, that young blonde woman singing and dancing in the stage carried a brightness within her. Mal was able to tell, even if a great distance separated them.
--Kyahhhh!!—roared the crowd as the song finished and Mal´s hyper sensible ears suffered like never before. Brats! Fucking brats!!
--Mina is the best!!—one young lad shrieked beside Mal and suddenly the thousands of voices roared the idol´s name—Mina!! Mina!!
Still feeling utter disgust, Mal memorized that damned woman name. He was going to punish her later. She pissed him so much with all that light she shone… and mostly, because those fucking brats had invaded his park because of her. Oh yes, he would make her beg in her knees for mercy, she would regret ever choosing the path of an artist. Shit, why couldn't she be into something quieter, like painting and poetry? No, she had to be a freaking noisy as hell idol.
Mina had been feeling a bit down that day. Yes, she was smiling all over and shining like always, but something wasn't like every day. She felt a strange fluster in the back or her neck, as if something was about to happen and it wouldn't be a very nice thing in fact. She was dreading a premonition of disaster, a bad omen.
And then again, when one of the guys from the staff noticed her gloomy looking eyes and asked if she was depressed, Mina gave him a sound hit in the back and laughed like a hyena at such stupidity. For the rest of the world, she was the cheeriest and happiest woman ever alive. She never got depressed; she never cried and never showed it when she felt hurt or disappointed. It was way easier to make her glare and provoke her into an anger explosion rather than make her sad.
The concert went perfectly, so many fans had come that night and they seemed so happy!! The blonde woman flashed them with her brightest smiles; shine in them enough to light an entire city. As she danced in the stage, she exuded confidence, happiness and energy. After all, those three qualities and her voice talents had been her key for success. All she was now, she owed to that and to her fans.
Yes, no one knew of her secret fears, of her loneliness. Being famous was nice and all, but when she arrived home utterly exhausted after a concert or a session, she felt the ominous silence of her apartment, and lately, not even Artemis company was enough to make that go away.
She needed a romance. And internally she grinned a devilish smile, oh yes, a passionate lover who could make her see the stars!! Muahahahah!! No more sad and worried Mina for that night, she thought, that´s the goal now, to get a boyfriend!! To catch him, bed him and make him her complete slave. Hohohoho!! No more lonely nights for Mina!!
And then, in one second, the world turned upside down. Someone was firing a gun at her and it wasn't a lie or a dream. A bullet passed so near her that she wondered how it hadn't actually killed her. She ducked into the stage floor and remained there, completely unmoving as the crowd began to scamper their way out for safety. The bodyguards hurried to protect her as some cops guarding the event took down the enraged freak that had caused the whole mess. When everything finished, it hadn't pass more than just two minutes. The final toll was two girls and one guy hurt but thankfully not mortally wounded. As the cops took the culprit away, a lot of fans that weren't able to escape surrounded the stage or began calling people through their cell phones; some even took pictures and videos. But none of them noticed first than Mal that Mina too had been wounded.
In fact, if Mal had been a human, he would have ended being the only dead person from the whole attack. A lost bullet had hit him straight in the chest but he had just felt something faint, like a bee stung. He took a look at his shirt feeling completely annoyed, such fine piece now ruined by that goddamned bastard. Freaks! Just what he needed to make the night worse!! Well, it seemed like that scum of a man had been completely obsessed over Mina and has taken his love to the extreme. He wasn't the only one male wanting to strangle that over energized woman.
The wounded kid´s blood essence touched his nostrils almost instantly. Normal human blood. Yuck!! Well, not that normal after all, they mustn't be so nice if their blood stink so badly. A normal, healthy and not so vicious human being had tasty blood. Yes, there were even more exquisite bloods in the world but a normal human´s was also fine. It tasted like every day food, good, but still not what you call a meal to never forget…
And then another smell hit him like a thunder. It was so alluring, so arousing… God!! He felt his whole body answering to that perfume… This was something he had never felt before, he knew it was blood, but just the faint aroma was enough to make his being aware. His well kept coolness from before almost crackled for the first time in centuries and he was about to just jump over the woman and drain her when he realized that the wonderful smell was that of Mina´s blood. His eyes went wide when he saw her stirring for emerging from under the cover of the bodyguards. She wasn't yet aware of what had happened. But Mal was, the fucking bastard had almost killed her, a bullet having actually rash the creamy skin of her neck, that precious place of her body that he wanted the most at the moment... Right then and there he swore for his life that he was going to kill the freak!
He also saw a well composed woman completely different from the one he had at first despised so much. For a moment, she seemed worried for the people of the crowd and muttered questions about any wounded persons. Other woman in her place, thought Mal, would have gone into hysteria or something like that. But not Mina. She was so much worried about others that she hadn't even noticed that she was the main victim. The bodyguards struggled with her because she kept asking questions and trying to reach for the kids that had been hurt. Mal wondered just how brutally strong she was when those five gorillas were having real problems controlling her.
And then she began to bleed a little bit. The wave of smell almost made Mal lose control over his body. What he wanted now was to leap over that stage, kick those bodyguards asses and take her to the nearest of his apartments and… and… shit!! Get completely drunk of her!! God, it was just the aroma of her blood!! His mind at the moment was unable to imagine what the actual taste of one drop of that precious liquid would make to him…
At that moment, in presence of that woman, Mal was feeling his instincts roaring, the lust for blood more brutal than ever. He needed to have her, and he wasn't going to keep waiting for other day, because he was going to ravage her today, as soon as he could catch her alone…
Mina noticed a stain in her dress and so absent minded as she was, she just dismissed the whole thing. The strands of her blonde mane covering what ever damage could be seen. In the end the five bodyguards had to give up and let her go down. Her agent managed to get a couple of cops and guards covering and following her every step, she knew better than the gorillas that keeping Mina away was just going to end up with her so completely enraged and her going bersek was the last thing they needed now. She spoke to the wounded kids, send them to the ambulances, talked to the media and gave her account of the events. All that happened in mere forty minutes and Mina showed so much clarity of mind that even people who knew her from long before were astounded with her behavior.
It was nearly at two in the morning when her agent finally left her in the security of her pent house. He entered with her and checked every room and space looking for possible attackers and when they found just Artemis lying in the couch, he said his good nights, kissed her in the cheeks and told her he was completely proud. What she had done would definitely speak for her in the future.
--You behaved like an adult, but more importantly, Mina, you were a brave lady…
Mina smiled when he turned and left. She closed the door and then, just then, she felt the tears sliding in her cheeks. Trying not to notice them, she undid her bow, massaged her head and walked to the balcony. There, looking at the city below her, her self control collapsed and Mina cried. She felt so scared, so frail…so lonely… God!! Only the greatest of the lucks had saved her tonight and the thought of someone actually thinking of ways to kill her was so disturbing!!
That´s how he found her. If she had knew about the hunter stalking her, she would have died of fear, but she was way too lost in the recent events to notice the tall man who landed in her balcony. He had followed her like a silent shadow over the three or so hours that followed the attack and finding her crying removed something deep inside him.
He stared in silence for a moment, before her blue sky eyes filled with tears turned up and met his silvery ones. Him being there seemed something unbelievable for her. She took in his tall figure, his broad shoulders and the severity of his face. His silvery blonde hair gave him a look like that of a non human creature, but Mina couldn't quite say he was an angel, something in the way his eyes roamed over her told her he was more of a demon, more into the dark side…
This time she didn't smile. That was good for Mal. Dazzling as she was before, she had the same annoying effect on him as the sole idea of the sunshine. Right then, a bit scared, crying and definitely more serious, he felt he liked her more. In fact, as his eyes traveled over her shape, her back resting against the crystals of the balcony windows, he reveled in the womanly curves of her body. She was quite beautiful in fact…
--Who are you?—she asked with a hint of fear in her voice.
He just continued staring at her body. He could see just how shapely her curves were. Perky rounded breasts, a nice waist and very well defined hips. Her legs were long and just as creamy looking as the skin in her shoulders and neck. Mal´s minded shifted a bit from the aroma of her blood and wondered if those legs wrapped around his waist would feel just as…
--Hey!!—Mina said sounding definitely scared by the way he was staring at her—Who are you? How come you landed in my balcony?
--Mina…--was all he whispered. The huskiness of his voice sending chills in Mina´s body. Not only was the man gorgeous, his voice was completely sexy!! She licked her lips but mentally smacked herself for being so distracted. She had already gone through a hell of a fear today and this guy at this time, out of nowhere was scaring the life out of her.
He took a step forward, Mina tried to go backwards and felt she was cornered to the window. More over, those eyes of him were so full of lust and some other dark ideas that she couldn't help but feel glued to the spot. Oh God, Oh God!! He was so overwhelming… He noticed and seemed to come out of his reverie for a moment.
--My name is Malcolm—he said, recovering a slightly dominance over his voice.
He came nearer, so much that now he towered over her. The top of her blonde head just reaching his chin. Mina´s eyes widened as plates as he suddenly scooped her up with a swift motion. His hands so wonderfully shaping her bottom and gluing their bodies together. She stood now in her tiptoes and her body was strongly aware of the shape of his… Woah, when had the temperature risen so much!! She felt about to burn and his skin was also so warm.
--What are you doing?—she cried suddenly feeling scared enough to fight back. Her attempts were soon stop when he kissed her so strongly and passionately that Mina felt the air leaving her lungs. It was also a shock for Mal. Kissing a human woman had never felt so good. His blood lust had always been stronger than any sexual desire he could have felt. That wasn't happening with Mina and then the faint fear began to dance in his mind. Such infuriating woman couldn't be…
Oh yeah, she was… She answered the kiss just as passionately, feeling that her body had found this man to be the lover she had craved for. She too wanted him desperately and badly… Her arms rounding his neck, her lips exploring and ravaging his, her tongue dancing along with his… He felt so much at those moments that momentarily he could forget of the delicious liquid throbbing in her veins. The reason that made him follow her like a hunter to his prey… At first, he pushed her hard against the window, savoring the wildness of that woman, but soon, as her legs began to brush his, slowly going up, he realized he wanted to…
--Come to my bed, Mal…--she said in between kisses.
The invitation. It had been granted and he hadn't even ask. His mind quickly realized he would be coming back many times. She had allowed him to do so and he was more than happy to oblige. Maybe the blonde lady hasn't thought that he could drain her from blood any moment from now. Not like he would. His body wouldn't be able to bear with such thing and he knew it.
With her legs and arms tightly wrapped around him, Mal made his way to the bedroom. When he came to reality again, they were standing beside the bed and their kisses had become so desperate they were almost ripping their clothes away. Mal had gotten rid of his first and seen that Mina´s complicate and fluffy dress wouldn't come out as easy as her underwear, so he turned her back and taking the sides of every fold, practically tore the buttons line apart, small pieces flying everywhere. He slid the fabric from her and began to lick her shoulders while his hand cupped one breast and the other went south, to more private zones of her body.
--Mal…--she stiffened feeling waves of pleasure ripping trough her body. Oh God!! She thought while opening her eyes a bit and noticing the big mirror in her room reflecting the whole scene. She was doing it with a total stranger!! She was about to get into bed with a man she didn't know and now there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening, not that she wanted in fact… A man whose fingers were driving her crazy… Whose hard body was pressed to her back, his chest warm and smooth, the muscles in his stomach, and the hardness of his manhood throbbing against her skin, his legs….No way, she just wouldn't let go of him.
He also saw the mirror. It was an old myth that those like him couldn't see their reflections. If people actually knew that they actually enjoyed it when they could see themselves piercing their victim's necks and licking the blood away… If only they imagined how much he liked it when he sat down in the bed, with Mina still in front of him and he scooped her hips to the right position. Or just how good it felt to see how their bodies became one…
Neither of them had ever felt so much pleasure. Mina felt him sliding inside her, making her full of him while his hand kept caressing that so pleasurable spot in her body and his other hand busy stimulating her breasts. She couldn't help but moan along with him, feeling aroused with the knowledge that he too was experiencing so much as her. He was saying her name with so much passion she actually melt for him.
Malcolm knew she was about to burst into flames. He too was experiencing the best sex he had ever had with a woman. Not even the vampire women were as good as Mina… And when he felt control was beyond his power, he sank his teeth in the spot where a bullet had almost claimed her life, and at the second a single drop of blood came out, the taste of it almost made him insane with pleasure. Mina screamed and arched her back further encasing into her both his teeth and his manhood and then her body convulsed with a strong orgasm. Mal felt both the pleasure of their sexual act and of their blood ritual… When he came back to his senses, ages later, he was still licking the spot where he had bitten her and holding Mina´s limp body against his own with such strength and care he actually worried. Their breath was ragged and their bodies slick with sweat and so hot too.
But looking back at the mirror, he found himself staring with emotion in his eyes to a beautiful creature, gloriously naked and glowing with satisfaction from their recent acts. Her skin seemed creamier, her hair like a golden blanket and her eyes, staring at the reflection of his with something indefinable in them. And the emotion that provoked in his heart bothered him as she led him into the bed and covered their bodies with a blanket; for the rest of the night he wouldn't sleep, busy thinking and staring at that blonde dazzling and infuriating woman sleeping so peacefully in his arms.