Part I

After a long night of fighting crime, the tired Teen Titans are in their beds fast asleep. Robin starts tossing and turning in his bed as visions of Slade creep into his dreams. Suddenly, he wakes up with a scream, relieved that it was only a dream. He gets out of bed and starts pacing around the room for some five minutes. Robin takes a few steps toward his bed, then stops. He knows full well that he won't be able to go back to sleep.

Robin opens his door and walks out into the hallway. He thinks about going into the kitchen to get a glass of milk when he stops in front of Raven's door. He looks at her door, wondering if he should bother her so late (you know how she can be). He knocks lightly a few times as he whispers, "Raven. Hey, Raven."

Soon enough, Raven comes to the door, opens it halfway and says, "What…do you...want?"

Robin answers, "It's me, Robin. Sorry to wake you."

Raven tells him, "Robin? What are you doing up? It's two o'clock in the morning."

Robin, feeling bad, tells her, "I know, sorry again. I had this nightmare about Slade and I couldn't go back to sleep. I just needed to talk to someone about it."

Raven is semi-annoyed, but opens the door for him. Only because it's Robin. "Come on in."

Robin walks into her dark, gothic room. Raven snaps her fingers to light up a few candles. She sits on her bed as Robin sits next to her.

Raven asks, "So…this dream about Slade. Tell me about it."

Robin replies, "He was everywhere, all around me. Even when I couldn't see him, I could feel him. Every step I took, every move I made, he was there mocking me. Telling me no matter where I go, he'll always be there…"

Raven interjects, "…to torment you. Make your life a living hell."

"Yeah. Something like that."

"I get those types of dreams too, only they're about my father Trigon."

"So, how do you deal with it?"

Raven replies, "A lot of meditation, a lot of patience and tons of willpower. Slade, like my father, may be still out there. But knowing you'll get another chance to defeat them in real life will prevent the dreams from consuming you. Besides, you're the toughest person I know. You can handle it."

Robin smiles at her remark. "Wow, thanks Raven." He then starts looking around the room. He says, "You know what? After all this time living together, this is the first time I've ever been in your room. It's nice."

Raven responds, "You don't think it's creepy?"

Robin tells her, "Well, only if you get rid of those skulls. Then it would look just like my room." Raven laughs. He adds, "It's cool. Nice mirror, big chandelier, soft bed…" Raven's eyes open wide, as do Robin's. He tries correcting himself, "Uh, I didn't mean…"

Raven tells him, "I know what you meant. Don't worry."

"Well, I think that was my cue to head out. Thanks for the advice, Raven."

"My pleasure." He gets up and heads for the door. She says, "Hey, Robin?" He turns to her as she asks, "What made you come here to see me?"

Robin thinks for a second, then tells her, "Well, I don't know. I walked by your door and remembered how you went inside my mind when Slade infiltrated it. I thought you'd be able to help me tonight. Plus, I felt we've connected on a different level since then. I've felt that we've been closer…unless I'm just making that up."

Raven lets him know, "No, I feel that way too. I don't see eye-to-eye with the others, especially Beast Boy, but I have felt more comfortable being open with you."

Robin says, "I'm glad things are vice versa then. Well, I'm gonna try to head back to sleep. Again, thanks Raven."

Raven replies, "No problem, Robin." Robin closes the door behind as Raven looks at the door and smiles. She climbs into bed and snaps her fingers to turn out the candles.