Hey KND and Cindyboy93 fans I have a new ff called When The Lights Go Down which follows Nigel, Rachel, Kuki, Wally, Hoagie, and Fanny as they all move to New York after High School this is rated T for the language and for some other elements in the story so without further ado here's When The Lights Go Down and please R&R.

Chapter 1

More Than We Can Chew

Dear diary Nigel and I are going to start our new life together in New York. It's not really how I imagined it when I saw my dream life. As Nigel puts it he found a studio apartment with two beds and as I can imagine a rat and cockroach infested apartment too. My parents hate the fact that I'm leaving the nest too early but I have to spread my wings and fly sometime. Luckily the KND organization is setting Nigel and I up with cushy jobs while we live here. Write back soon


"Your really going to love this place Rache, and to cap it all off our friends are coming to so there's really no reason to mope around" Nigel said taking his headphones off and looking at his new fiancé.

"Nigel I feel like we should be going in the opposite direction right now, I mean my mom shoved me out of the house screaming profanities while you got into a fist fight with my father" Rachel said as the cab driver stopped in front of a dilapidated apartment with Fanny, Wally, Kuki, and Hoagie looking at it.

"Nigel hun I thought you said it was a nice apartment not a decrepit building with bricks falling down to their death".

"Somebody owes me a fucking explanation Uno and I'm going to give you two seconds to give me one" Fanny said as Nigel looked at his old team excluding Fanny, Rachel, and no Abby to be seen.

"All right so it's not as swanky as I described but you have got to see the inside, I mean appearances can be deceiving".

The gang followed Rachel inside and he stopped in front of his new apartment door as Rachel carried makeup bag after makeup bag trying to keep a happy face.

"Why don't I unpack and you can show the other two lovebirds where they will be staying Nigey?, then I'll start dinner while you go food shopping with Wally and Hoagie so we have it for breakfast in the morning" Rachel said as Nigel shrugged his shoulders and led Kuki and Wally to their apartment next.

"Ahhhhhhhh cockroaches quick Wally be a man and kill them while I call for the nearest hotel" Kuki screamed as Nigel grabbed her phone and she placed her hands on her hips.

"Numbah one how am I going to call for a hotel while you have my phone you- you- you- you fairytale teller and phone grabber?".

"That's the point Kuki, there will be no hotel calling we made a commitment to this apartment and we will live it to the end" Nigel said as Kuki frowned up at him.

"This place better have running water or you will be facing a very angry Kuki Sanaban for the next couple of years".

"Uhh yea we're still waiting for our piece of shithole apartment here and things aren't looking good because these walls are paper thin" Fanny said pushing on one as the paper and wall both made a hole.

"It doesn't matter how paper thin the walls are Fullbright, at least it has four walls, running water, heat, and electricity".

"Actually it matters greatly to whoever lives across from us, because when Hoagie and I get our grove on it can get quite loud due to the fact that we both love each others company" Fanny said as Hoagie shrugged his shoulders laughing at Fanny.

"She's really not secretive about shit like that Nigel, and to tell you the truth she's the best screamer I've ever met in my life" Hoagie said as he slimmed down once he started dating Fanny and Nigel knew half of the reason why.

"I'm telling you guys that diet should be thrown out the window I mean why would you eat salad's breakfast lunch and dinner anyways?" Nigel asked as Hoagie shook his head.

"We get one cheat day a week and that's when I eat pizza, wings, chips, burgers, and all the other things we don't eat while we're on the diet".

They stopped in front of their door where Nigel saw their apartment was right across from his and Fanny and Hoagie both smiled at him.

"Good luck Nigel because Hoagie and I have some kinks to work out, meaning well wild crazy sex for those a little hard of understanding" Fanny said still grinning at Nigel.

"Great with all the people living in this apartment I get stuck with the sex crazed teens" Nigel said angrily as the door just slammed in his face and we can hear a bed coming out of the wall and Hoagie and Fanny were heard laughing.

"Rache I think there's something that has to be done about our friends and their sexual activity, I mean Fanny and Hoagie are like a playboy bunny and Hugh Hefner for God sakes".

Rachel on the other hand was sprawled out on their new couch with her Ipod blaring in her ears and she banged her head to the music.

"The 7 things I hate about you

The 7 things I hate about you

Oh you

Your vain

You're games

You're insecure

You love me

You like her

You made me laugh

You made me cry

I don't know which side to buy

You're friends their jerks

And when you act like them

Just know it hurts

I wanna be

With the one I know

And the seventh thing

I hate the most that you do

Is you make me love you" Rachel sang smiling up at Nigel as he grabbed a broom and started sweeping.

"As I was saying our friends are crazy health freaks with sex to fuel their appetite, I mean Hoagie has to weight 125 and that's a pretty sweet weight if you ask me" Nigel said as the walls rang with Fanny and Hoagie's screams.

"Nigel their just being Fanny and Hoagie, I mean Fanny's the bully type and Hoagie well he just so happened to catch Fanny on a good day" Rachel said her headphones swinging this way and that as she pulled pots and pans out.

"The list is on the counter sweetie I'm going to make you a dinner to die for, plus tonight is going to be filled with passion as soon as I can find the bed" .

"And just think clean up is a breeze because the beds a mess so we just throw it back into the wall no questions asked" Nigel said pushing the bed into the wall as Rachel giggled.

"You know how to make the best out of a bad situation Nigel, and I think that's why I decided to go to this apartment with you, that and I love the hell out of you" Rachel said Eskimo kissing Nigel as he grabbed the recipe Rachel was using.

"Veal Parmesan Rache are you kidding this is going to take hours to make, not to mention the simmering sauce all day and the whole you and patience thing".

"I have plenty of patience Nigel, you just lay back and unpack these boxes and I'll be Suzy Homemaker all right?, I have enough training in baking to cook Veal Parmesan Nigel".

"All right then I'm off to the supermarket with the guys and you just stay here looking cute and Miley Cyrusing" Nigel said walking off as Rachel knew his game.

"Here's the card Nigel and I know the balance so if there are any unsupermarket balances like boozing I'll know" Rachel warned as Nigel gulped and took the card dashing off to find Wally and Hoagie.

"Ohhhhhhh Hoagie please don't stop, for the love of God please harder baby harder" Fanny screamed from inside of their apartment as Nigel decided not to disturb them.

Wally was waiting outside of the apartment to Kuki's frantic squeals of terror as Nigel walked up to him and a pink tote bag flew from the room door.

"I didn't sign up for this Wally, We have mice the size of mini vans, roaches the size of humans, and our beds are inside of the wall, I mean who can live like this?" Kuki screamed as Nigel grabbed her oversized green sweater sleeve.

"Kuki I know things look bad but spruce it up, I mean Rachel is great with that designing shit, and your great with imagining things so put your heads together and think of something" Nigel said as Kuki sniffled and looked around the apartment.

"All right but if I'm sprucing then so is Wally, we'll need mouse traps, bug spray, and a bed frame with mattresses, and if you come back reeking of whiskey I'm going to tear you Aussie hind sweetie".

"All right that's traps, bug spray, Bed frame with mattresses, and non whiskey breath gotcha, anything else you need while we're green sweetness?" Wally asked as Kuki gave him a list.

"I'm making Lo Mein tonight so everything on that list plus a TV and call the cable guy when you get a chance too".

"Wally walked off as Nigel followed him to his car and Nigel hopped in the driver's seat as Wally kindly sat in the front seat with Hoagie tearing out after them out of breath.

"Hey- guys- going- somewhere?, can- I- come- too- if- you- don't- mind- fellas?" Hoagie asked sweat dripping from his face as Nigel drove off with his two friends.

"Now this is what I call fun, let's kick this party into high gear with a little bit of the suds shall we?".

Hoagie popped open three Budweiser bottles as Wally quickly refused and Nigel pulled the car over and looked angrily at him.

"Wally we promised ourselves that we were going to live it up after High School, now take the beer and drink it before Hoagie forces it down your throat" Nigel said as Wally had the best defense for this.

"Kuki said no alcoholic breath and I think that includes beer, gin, vodka, and yes even whiskey and I don't want to anger her" Wally said as Hoagie made his arm into a whip and made the whipped noise as Nigel laughed.

"First off she said no whiskey breath, I never heard her say no beer, Vodka, or gin breath Wally, and our girls have to know that they can't control our drinking".

"Fine I'll have one beer then I'm limiting myself, I'm going to buy Alvin And The Chipmunks because it's Kuki's favoritest movie ever, I need noodles, vegetables, a TV, and surround sound speakers".

"Good luck with the speaker and those walls, Fanny and I could hear ourselves having sex in the room echoing into the hallway the walls are so thin" Hoagie said as Nigel stopped at Wal Mart to find the girls waiting and Wally quickly sprayed his breath with breath spray.

"All right Hoagie just chill and act cool apparently Wally has never seen Band Of Brothers before, maybe you should buy that instead of Alvin And The Chipmunks because it'd teach you the power of friendship and the art of war" Nigel said throwing his and Hoagie's bottle in a backpack with the caps intact.

"Hola Seniors and how is the grocery run doing?, I mean I'm sure it must be going well if you guys ended up here" Rachel said as Wally guiltily looked at Kuki as she looked back at him.

"Wally Beatles you haven't been drinking again have you?, because if you are you better hope you understand Chinese profanities very well young man" Kuki said as Wally shook his head no and Nigel and Hoagie nodded.

"We tried to stop him but he wanted a beer so we gave him a beer and well after that we got here and he sprayed his breath with breath spray" Hoagie said as Nigel's head went up and down but Rachel knew she was catching him in a lie.

"All right I had a half of beer but Hoagie made the whipped noise and Nigel pulled out the Band Of Brothers thing it was all because of them" Wally said as Kuki hugged him and stared angrily at Nigel and Hoagie.

"Which one of you offered him the beer and I better find out soon or heads are going to start rolling in this parking lot" Kuki said as Rachel stared at both Nigel and Hoagie as Fanny did the same.

"It was Nigel Kooks no doubt about it, they brought his car, I'm sure it was his beer, and even if Hoagie did open it and ask Wally if he wanted one before making the whipped noise whatever that is, Nigel was the one driving and he never stopped them from drinking.

Wally moved his arm down and made a whip sound as Rachel looked at him and Kuki hugged him again kissing him.

"It's the worst sound in the world for a man to hear, and I'm disgusted that Hoagie would even think to use it" Kuki said as Wally moved into the doors as Kuki followed him.

"Wally I was thinking that maybe we should stock up on your video games for awhile, I mean I have an Ipod to listen to and I'll be working as a bellhop at the Radison during the day what is my little Aussie going to do with his time?" Kuki asked as Wally stopped at Alvin And The Chipmunks and picked one up as Kuki jumped up and down excitedly.

"I can't believe you remembered that was my favorite movie, now let's go get our food, traps, bug spray, and you some video games".

"Nigel Uno I can't believe you were going to let Wally take the wrap for the drinking thing, I mean look at where your heads at cutie pie" Rachel said as Nigel stopped the carriage and stared at her.

"Rache he's changed since him and Kuki started dating, I mean he used to shoot up, he smoked Pot, and he drank that was the Wally Hoagie and I grew to love" Nigel said as Rachel shook her head and looked seriously at Nigel.

"Nigel Kuki brought him out of the fire and turned him onto a new drug, the drug called life and I don't miss the old him at all, his room was a mess and he would do anything for money to get more drugs including-".

"Taking it from Kuki yea, yea, yea I know Rache I just wish he would mellow out a bit when we ask him to drink".

"Rachel would you watch Wally for awhile?, Nigel, Hoagie, and me have to have a long talk about what they did to my poor little Aussie earlier" Kuki said as Rachel caught up with Wally who was at the video games.

"Are you two trying to turn him back onto drugs, because if not you sure have a funny way of showing it".

"Listen Sanaban I'm glad you cleaned Wally up and all but now I have no one to shoot up with and that makes me angry since Fanny can't know what I'm doing" Hoagie said itching his arms as Kuki looked down at him.

"Nigel Alcohol was Wally's gateway drug, you can't put stuff like Budweiser's under his nose and tempt him to drink".

"It wasn't just me Kuki it was Hoagie too and I do admit we talked to Wally about a Band Of Brothers but we had no idea it would impact him that badly" Nigel said as Kuki hugged him and stared back at Hoagie.

"I'm surprised Fanny hasn't noticed the track marks yet Hoagie, I mean they have got to be hard to hide" Kuki said as Fanny walked up and heard Kuki's comment.

"All right Hoagie arm's up and if you think I won't make you put them up fucking try me, I knew you were weirding out as we dated and in fact you started weirding out when Wally was on the stuff" Fanny said as Hoagie slowly lifted his sleeves up to see needle marks all the way up his arm.

"Kooks I'm going to need your and Wally's help, I mean he was on the stuff and he got off maybe he can help me talk some sense into my junkie boyfriend" Fanny said as Kuki grabbed Hoagie's arm.

"First thing's first we need to find out where he's hiding the junk, and in order to do that we go to his buddy that he used to get high with" Fanny said as Wally looked up with PS3 games piled high in the cart.

"You deserve all of those and more sweetie now let's hurry up and get the rest of the stuff, you need to tell us where Hoagie's hiding his stash because he needs help badly" Kuki said as Wally went to the checkout and stared at Hoagie.

"Is this how I looked when I was high Kuki?, I mean he looks like shit run over twice and why does he keep itching himself?" Wally asked as Hoagie started freaking out in the store.

"Ahhhhhhhh all these bugs get them the hell off me I hate bugs, they blamed me for Tommy's death the little pricks blamed me" Hoagie screamed as Troubles So Hard by Moby was the song that reminded Wally of the state Hoagie was in.

"I hate my parents for that shit and now I have bugs crawling all over me like I'm a fucking anthill or something" Hoagie said as Fanny led him to her car and forced him into the front seat.

Well that's it for now tell me what you think and I'll write more when I get some replies

