Parent Trap: Yu-gi-oh! GX style!


AU This appeared in my dream so, yeah. Jaden Yuki is your typical country cutie from Okinawa. Judai Haou is a devilish handsome prince charming from Domino. When the two accidentally meet in an all boys summer camp, it was hate at first sight. Gradually they came into terms as brothers, as they plan to swap lives to get their stubborn parents back together.


Jaden Yuki as Hallie Parker

Judai Haou as Annie James

Joey Wheeler as Nick Parker

Seto Kaiba as Elizabeth James

Mai Valentine as Meredith Blake

Atticus Rhodes as Chessy

Zane Truesdale as Martin

Maximillion Pegasus as Grandpa Charles James

Yubel as Jackie (Annie's friend)

Aster Pheonix as Lindsay (Annie's friend)

Jesse Anderson as Nicole (Hallie's friend)

Jim Cook as Zoe (Hallie's friend)

Others that might appear:

Syrus Truesdale

Tyranno Hassleberry

Atem Yami

Yugi Moto

Blaire Flannigan

Axel Brodie

Lyman Banner



I, Mura-chan, DO NOT OWN YU-GI-OH OR THE GX SERIES!! If I did, I would be there, siding with Jaden and kissing Jesse until I die! XD Nor do I own the Parent Trap!

Somewhere in the Kamiya campsite for all boys, many white buses came in, as the staff of the camp waved to their new arrivals. When the buses came to a halt, many guys and one confused girl came out and ran around, searching for there things and greeting new friends. A she-man walked up in the middle of the crowd as he held up a loud speaker.

"Okay slackers...welcome to the Kamiya Camp for boys...and now I give you Mr. Lyman Banner to sort you into your cabins" He handed the speaker to a kind man with black hair and glasses, a cat named Pharaoh at his side.

"Thank you Mr. Crowler..."

"THAT'S DOCTOR CROWLER!" The ugly man shouted as he stomped away muttering. Banner just shrugged and continued to announce names and such.

Meanwhile, one girl by the name of Blaire Flannigan, was chatting to some older males, until she realized she was the only girl there.

"Wait! I thought this was, a girl's camp!" She cried, waving her hands frantically as the other males laughed. Some of the older men brought everyone's bags and suitcases to a small area and a random guy in a blue boy scouts uniform is seen carrying a small red bag with brown straps and a picture of a Winged Kuriboh sown on it. The man threw the bag into a pile of other suitcases and bags until a familiar young boy with brown hair and eyes wearing red/white outfit pops up and sees his bag.

"Alright! I found my pack!" The brunette named Jaden Yuki grinned triumphantly, as he was about to reach out for it, until a bag went on top of it. He moved his hand out quickly as more bags piled up to it. Jaden frowned as he paced around the pile with a thinking face.

"Now the question is, how do I get it out?" He asked himself seeing a glimpse of his bag and tried to pull it out, "OK I can do this!" He exclaimed but it didn't budge, " I can't,"

"You must be new." A Southern like accent chuckled behind the determined Yuki.

"How could you tell?" Jaden asked in the same tone, as he turned around to see a guy the same age as him, teal messy hair and emerald green eyes smiling teasingly at him. Jaden blushed a bit and grinned.

"You don't know how to grab your bag, some other people don't anyways but I would say you need some serious help," The boy suggested with a kind smile.

Jaden gave him an appreciative look, "Thanks, it's the big red/brown one!" He pointed to the pile of bags. They both tried to pull it out, but it was still invalid. Suddenly, they saw a tall boy with spiky black hair covered by an orange cowboy hat and had one eye bandaged, although they know his eyes were sea green. The tall boy picked up his green duffle bag in one swoop, making Jaden look impressed.

"Woah, now that's my kind of dude!" Jaden smirked, but the blunette next to him growled in jealousy but cupped his hands around his mouth.

"YO COWBOY!" He shouted, making the said Australian look at them questioningly.

"Umm could you help me get my bag out it's the reddish flffy looking bag that's deep waaaay in there..." Jaden pointed to the pile as the Aussie came over to them.

"Sure thing partner...Oh that? No problem." He replied as he finally pulled out the bag and handed it over to the brunette, "Hey are you from Okinawa? Have you been to Kaibaland?(me: Wahahahaha!! Yes Kaibaland is there...don't like it? DEAL WITH IT! XD) Are you next-door to a movie-star?"

"What are YOU, some kind of rabid fangirl? I've never even been to Kaibaland, and yeah I live in Okinawa with my dad, he owns a vineyard-"

"A what-yard?" The boy with emerald eyes blinked in confusion.

"A vineyard...It's a place where you grow grapes to wine, that's we and my dad I mean-" Jaden explained until he heard Banner call his name.

"Yuki, JADEN!" he shouted through the speakers.

"Right here!" The brunette hollered as he waved his hand frantically.

"The Slifer Cabin!" the counselor shouted to Jaden.

"Hey that's where I'm goin'!" The two new friends of Jaden exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yes!" Jaden cheered as he high-fived the boys and walked together to their cabin, "Ah, I never caught you names..." He said, smiling cutely.

The blunette on his left blushed slightly, "I'm Jesse Anderson..."

"And I'm Jim...Jim Cook!" The Aussie on his right greeted.

"So you guys by any chance know how to play Duel Monsters?" Jaden asked, starting the convo to his new companions.

"Of course!" Jesse grinned.

"Yeah I do," Jim shrugged as if it was no big deal but stepped away as a black limousine with some sort of logo in the side of it honked the horn.

"Woah, wonder who's in THERE?" Jaden asked more likely to himself, but kept walking with the others.

FINISHED CHAPPIE NUMERO UNO!! I kinda started on something new ne? You guys might be wondering about the roles here...well it was from my dream, so I'll stick to it. If you have any suggestions...just tell me kk? But no flames! Another thing is if I should ad pairings..I obviously added Spiritshipping...but should there be more? I'm trying not to make it too into the original story..but changes might be it won't entirely follow the Parent Trap I won't make some of the Characters OOC...

Read and Review lovies!

You'll make me one happy writer/fangirl! :D

Mura-chan out!