Takes place in the modern day. High school students and all of that. Please R&R it would make me feel happy if you did!

"It's always the same thing with these people!" Sakura muttered under her breath.

A crowd of students from high class private schools pushed past her on the cross walk. Just before her only a short walk, stood Konoha High. She clicked her tongue against her teeth, giving a stern glare to a pale girl that kept staring at her.

Okay, she admitted that she was a bit different. But who wasn't? She stood five feet seven inches tall and wore a black fishnet long sleeve shirt under a hot pink t-shirt with the words "Killing is fun" written in big bold black letters across it and baggy black jeans with chains dangling from her belt hoops. Along with the outfit she wore her black and pink converses. Her hair that was recently died midnight black was pulled up into two spiky ponytails and her lip piercing gleamed when the sun hit it as she pursed her lips.

"They're always staring at me like I'm a fucking freak. Get a life, why don't you? You don't see me staring at you're frickin' pale ass." Sakura muttered under her breath once again.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" a deep almost intoxicating male voice asked from behind her.

Sakura sighed and turned to look at her best friend of 8 years.

"Feh...Hi to you too, Kiba." She said to the six foot five male.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever...So what the hell were you mumbling about?" He asked as he and Sakura walked towards their school.

"Ugh! Fucking girls these days! Wearing those stupid uniform skirts so far up seeing their asses wouldn't be anything new. AND! What the hell do they stare at me for? I don't stare at their ugly asses! I mean really! Am I a part of a circus?" Sakura said, throwing her arms up for exaggeration.

Kiba chuckled and rested his arm around Sakura's shoulders. He wore a green muscle shirt with black skulls covering it and a pair of black jeans. Along with his outfit he wore a pair of green and black Nikes. His eyebrow rose, moving up the silver piercing plunged into his skin and bit down on his lip piercing.

"Well they don't know you…I admit that it is frickin' annoying when they stare at you like they have never seen a human being before. But give them a break, they aren't very smart, Sakura." Kiba said, resting the gaze of his deep brown eyes on his friend.

"Yeah, okay. Anyways…Did you talk to Naruto last night? He never called me after his mom had to come in yesterday to bail him out of trouble." Sakura said, stopping at the steps in front of their large school.

"No. I didn't talk to him but he sent me a text message." Kiba said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's the same thing! Whatever…What did he say?" Sakura asked, looking around at the many students sitting on the school stairs.

"He said that he was sneaking out to get some ramen! I don't know if that's important but I sure as hell don't." Kiba said looking down at her.

"Oh shut the hell up." Sakura said, nudging Kiba in the ribs with her elbow.

"YO! KIBA! SAKURA!" A female's voice called out to the pair from up the stairs.

Kiba and Sakura turned to look up at their friend Ino. She ran down the stairs coming to stop right in front of them. She grinned and leaned onto Sakura's shoulder. She wore a black fishnet long sleeve shirt that went to make knuckle gloves and a white halter top over it. She also wore white jeans with various black markings down the sides and black converses. Her once long blonde hair had been cut (like Rhianna's was in the video "Umbrella") and black highlights were added

"Where the hell have you two been?" Ino asked, waving her finger in front of Kiba's face.

"What the hell do you want us to be early like you every fucking day?" Kiba asked, rolling his eyes.

Ino snorted and gave Kiba the finger. Kiba growled and lunged for her but she dodged and ran up the stairs, Kiba quickly followed, waving bye to Sakura. Sakura shook her head and walked up the stairs and into the building, to her locker. She opened it, took out her books, stuffing them into her backpack. She shut her locker and looked to the locker across the hall from hers. There stood the sexiest guy in the whole school, Uchiha Sasuke. He stood, looking in his locker, wearing a black shirt with a large gold skull on the back of it and black jeans accompanied with gold and black Nikes on.

"Hey Sasuke." Sakura said walking across the hall to the handsome guy.

"Hey…" The male muttered, not bothering to look up at the girl.

"Ouch...Anyways...I heard yesterday was your birthday. How'd that go...? The big 18 and all." Sakura asked with a smirk, folding her arms across her chest and leaning against the lockers.

Sasuke looked up at the girl, noticing it was Sakura, he shut his locker and smirked. He leaned in close to female, pressing his lips against hers pulling her into a bruising kiss that seemed to feel like a goodbye to her, she ignored it. His hand rested at the right side of her head, against the lockers, his left hand held her right hip and pulled her form close to him.

"Why ask when you were there babe." Sasuke asked once he broke the passionate kiss.

"Yeah, yeah. Why didn't you call me yesterday?" Sakura asked, looking her boyfriend in the eyes.

"I was busy. You know that I'm always busy." Sasuke sighed, releasing his grip on her body and shutting his locker, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

Sakura grabbed his chin in her hand and turned him to look at her.

"What the hell Sasuke!? You can't just…We did that…How can you have sex with your girlfriend of FIVE MONTHS and then just...not call her for a whole week? Let alone answer her calls!" Sakura said, folding her arms furiously.

"I told you that I was busy. Can't you drop it?" Sasuke said walking in the direction of their shared first period class.

Sakura rolled her eyes "Fuck no I can't!" she yelled at him, loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear.

Sasuke growled in annoyance and looked back at her.

"Keep it down damnit." Sasuke muttered to her.

He lifted his gaze from her to stare at a girl leaning against her locker behind Sakura. Her name was Kyoko and she was well known around the school for being the most horrible girl when not getting what she wanted. She wore a short jean skirt and a yellow tank top with a white, zip up, hoody. She wore with that white and yellow converses, her long blond hair fell to her hips. She smirked and blew a kiss to Sasuke. He smirked and nodded to her. Sakura raised her eyebrow and turned to look at Kyoko. She then turned to look at Sasuke.

"HELL NO!" Sakura turned and stormed over to Kyoko.

"I know you might be stupid but I didn't think you were crazy. That is MY boyfriend, got that? He is mine. You need to keep to those crappy guys you date. Because that one. Is mine!" Sakura growled at Kyoko, glaring at her.

Sasuke gripped Sakura's shoulder.

"About that…since it came out like this…I've been dating Kyoko for the week I didn't call you. She's my girlfriend." Sasuke said in a plain tone.

Kyoko smirks and pushes past Sakura, grabbing Sasuke's hand.

"Excuse me?" Sakura said taking her backpack off and setting it on the ground.

Kyoko turned around to say something "smart" to Sakura when her fist made hard contact with her face.

"You man stealing tramp!" Sakura yelled, sending her fist towards Kyoko's gut, she was stopped by Sasuke just in time.

He threw her to the ground, standing protectively in front of Kyoko. He looked down at Sakura with his cold piercing onyx eyes.

Sakura stood and slapped Sasuke across his left cheek, she stood, looking into his eyes.

"I'll make you regret this Sasuke…" She said, clicking her tongue fiercely against her teeth, she grabbed her bag and pushed past the disgusting couple and out of the school building, ready to get her well needed pay back.

Outside Kiba, Ino, Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru sat on the steps.

Naruto looked up at Sakura and grinned.

"Where is Sasuke?" He asked.

Sakura shook her head and told her friends the whole story.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Kiba yelled, ready to run into the school and kick Sasuke's ass.

"What a pig!" Ino said holding Kiba back.

Ino shook her head and pats Sakura's shoulder.

"We'll help you get your payback, Sakura." Ino said looking towards their friends.

Shikamaru wore a brown t-shirt that fit his muscled upper body with the words "Chill..." written in big bold letters on his shirt and black jeans with black and brown Nikes. He looked towards his girlfriend, Ino.

"Ugh…troublesome…whatever..." He said shaking his head, knowing it was no use to argue with her.

Naruto nodded, wearing his plain orange muscle shirt and a pair of baggy black pants and orange and black Nikes. He shook his head, not believing that Sasuke could be so cruel to Sakura. He stood and wrapped his arm around Sakura's shoulder.

"We will definitely help." Naruto said grinning, trying to reassure Sakura.

Hinata sat on the steps in a purple short sleeve, body hugging, shirt that fit her curves. The shirt was decorated in silver and black broken hearts. She wore baggy black jeans with her name down the side in silver cursive writing and with that, her custom made silver, black, and purple converses. Hinata nodded her head.

Sakura nodded and looked at her friends, folding her arms over her chest.

"I really hate doing this because becoming this is like becoming what I hate the frickin' most but…I have to be just like Kyoko…but better." Sakura muttered, almost depressed at the thought but lightening up when she pictured Sasuke being hit by lightning and a boulder falling on Kyoko.

"I can help you with that…" Hinata said in her quiet voice, lifting from her seat on the stairs.

"My sister has a lot of that stuff…" Hinata muttered, walking towards her home.

Without having to be told to, the group followed after her, forgetting completely about the school they were supposed to be in.

They arrived at Hinata's home only a few minutes later, walking in through the back door. Hinata took Sakura, leaving everyone in her living room as she led Sakura to her sister Hanabi's room. Hinata took out an outfit she though would suit what Sakura was looking for. She passed it to her and walked out of the room, not saying a word, she returned to where everyone else was. Only minutes later, Sakura walked into the living room in a small jean skirt that showed off her smooth legs and a tight curve hugging pink shirt that showed the shape of Sakura's breast and fell smoothly into her curves. Along with that she wore a black half hoody that rested on her chest and her own pink and black converses. Her died black hair rested over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back with her bangs resting over her forehead delicately.

"Wow." Kiba said, looking at Sakura, swearing he never knew she had a shape so goddess like.

"Awesome!" Naruto said, grinning as usual. He looked at Sakura and nodded in approval as if he was her father.

"Hot mama! Let me get a taste of thaaaaaaaaat!" Ino said, growling like a lion, earning a laugh from her friends.

Shikamaru tried hard not to stare at Sakura's shape, knowing Ino would hate him for doing it so he kept his eyes on the wall after his look at Sakura.

Hinata smiled a small smile of approval. She stood and walked in a circle around Sakura.

"It's…so past Kyoko…It's delightfully scary…" Hinata said with a quietly ghostly laugh.

Sakura smirked and turned to look in a mirror, kept on a closet.

"Let the games begin…" Sakura muttered under her breath.


Okay so I know it's probably not a great story to some of you but…I like it. It's not too much but its not…not enough. Get it? Anyways..PLEASE R&R! Flag me, Set an alert. Do it! Just don't flame me to bad. I know some of you like beating someone down with harsh words but lighten up on me. I tried…It's been awhile.