A/N: I told you I was inspired! Here is chapter 5 already. I have... an event set up so the next chapter will hopfully be out sooner as well. All I can say is, poor Risa. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, finally some Otani and Risa action. Forgive my grammatical and spelling errors.

Lovely Complex does not belong to me, I just own my own characters.

Risa woke from her nap later then she had anticipated, but she had needed that long sleep. Smiling to herself she went over to her desk and grabbed her cell phone from the charger and scrolled through her contact list until she reached Otani's name. Clicking the dial button she held the phone to her ear and waited for Otani to answer. After the third ring she heard him answer.

"He-hello?! Who is this?!" he sounded out of breath.

"It's me Otani, Risa. Are you alright? You sound out of breath," Risa replied.

"Yeah, I just finished playing basket ball with the guys," Otani moaned. Risa heard some commotion in the background and raised an eyebrow.

"What justhappened?" she asked.

"I sort of twisted my ankle while we were playing, nothing serious, I just bumped it by accident," Otani explained his breathing returning to normal.

"Oh, well that's good!" Risa said relieved. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I have been looking forward to it all week!"

There was a slight pause before Otani answered. "Ye-yeah me too. Ah, sorry Risa, but I am kind of tired and kinda want rest right now. I'll call you on the train tomorrow." With that he hung up before Risa had a chance to say anything.

Risa sighed placing her phone back down on her desk. Another short conversation with Otani. She couldn't help but find herself slipping into a small depression. She found that Otani was being shorter and colder with her on the phone. This had to be one of their shortest yet, with it being what, around thirty seconds? But tomorrow everything would be alright. She would be able to see Otani and they would be able to talk and spend all day together. The depression she was feeling began to disappear almost as fast as it had come. It never lasted that long. She glanced at her wall where she had posted various pictures of Otani and herself. She had a feeling some more would be joining them soon after this weekend. Putting a smile on her face she turned to head downstairs to see what had been for dinner, she was starving having only eaten a rice ball in the morning.


Otani stood with his back to Yue. When he had answered his phone Yue didn't stop kissing and touching him and it was maddening, he could barely concentrate to what Risa had been saying. Finally he had shoved her off so he could speak to her properly.

"Atsushi?" Yue called confused. Again that little shiver ran up his spine when she called him by his name. This time he didn't like the feeling it gave him. Guilt was beginning to take over him now that his mind was no longer distracted. In a way he was glad Risa phoned, it stopped him from doing something that he might have regretted.

"I'm sorry Oqura, I just. I'm suddenly really tired," Otani lied.

"Did it have anything to do with who just called? Who was that?" she asked gently.

"No one, just a friend from back home," Otani lied. Why did he lie? He didn't really know why. "Good night." With that he made his way to the front door.

"Wait," Yue said getting up to see him out. "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?"

"I can't, I'm going home for the long weekend," Otani replied dully.

"You don't sound all that thrilled about it," Yue said caressing his cheek, coaxing him to look her in the eye.

She was right, he didn't sound all that thrilled to be going back. Why? He would finally be able to spend some time with Risa after not seeing her for so long. If anything, he should be thrilled to pieces, but for some reason he wasn't. It meant that he wouldn't be able to hang out with Yue tomorrow, or for the rest of the weekend.

"Well then, I guess I will see you when you get back," she said smiling.

"Yeah, enjoy your weekend," Otani said back, and before he knew it Yue had leaned in and given him a goodbye kiss. It still felt so right to him. Suddenly he wanted to forget about leaving and stay there kissing Yue, perhaps even get to peel off the straps of her dress and kiss the skin beneath it, he had never been able to get very far with Risa, but something deep within him said no he should leave. Deciding to listen to that feeling he pulled away smirking and turned to leave. Yue watched him leave with a sad expression.


It was Friday afternoon, and Risa was waiting promptly at the train station for her boyfriend. Again she got little sleep the night before but luckily she had that long nap as well so she wasn't feeling completely exhausted. And she didn't look like death either.

Suddenly she saw the train approaching and her heart sped up with anticipation and her face broke into a smile. She was practically bouncing when the train came to a halt and the doors sprang open. As the people filed out she anxiously looked around for Otani, although it would be quite difficult to spot him with him being so damn short. He would probably spot her first before she spotted him.

"Why hello there my Giant Goddess," came a familiar voice from behind.

Risa almost squealed and spun around to see Otani standing there with his usual grin on his face. She didn't even care that he had called her a giant because she was just so happy to see him. She would have hugged him tightly right there and now and probably spun him around too but she knew he didn't like that and would have probably complained so she just smiled at him for now. She would hug and give him a kiss once there were some where more private.

"Hey Otani! How are you?!" she said happily.

"I'm great, although the train was rather crowded. I still managed to get a seat, so it wasn't all too bad," he responded. "I am surprised to see you here. I thought I would meet you your house or something."

"Well I couldn't just sit around and do nothing so I decided to come out and surprise you!"

"And it was a great surprise," Otani said as he grabbed Risa's hand and turned to leave the train station.

Risa beamed as he felt the warmth from his hand. He was still the same Otani as he was before he left her. Still shy as ever when it came to showing his feelings in public, but simply holding hands with him was enough for her right now.

"You don't mind hanging out at my place do you? I want to drop off my things rather than drag them with me somewhere," Otani said.

"That's fine with me!" Risa said happily. She didn't care as long as she got to spend the rest of the day with Otani.

Arriving at Otani's place he set his heavy bag down on the wood floor and called out "I'm home!". As soon as the words were out of his mouth his mother came running out of the kitchen and pulled him into a hug.

"At-chan! You're home! Oh hunny, how was the trip?!" she said stroking his hair. "We've really missed you!"

"Ugh, mom! Do you have to do that now..." Otani said embarrassed as he glanced over at Risa his face now red.

Risa giggled. She loved Otani's mom, she was so kind and her and Risa got along so well. She would always try and show Risa many adorable pictures from Otani's childhood. Poor Otani always died of embarrassment when they were brought out.

Finally managing to pull away from his mom's grip he grabbed Risa's hand and dragged her upstairs to his room.

"Want me to bring some snacks up for you? Or are you going to be busy for a while?" his mother chuckled.

"Just leave us alone alright?! Can't we just chat up here for a while?" Otani yelled back.

"Uh-huh, talk. You got it At-chan!" his mother replied with a smug expression and went back into the kitchen.

"Honestly, that woman doesn't know when to lay off sometimes," Otani said with a sigh as they entered his room. As soon as Risa was in he closed the door behind her. No sooner had he done that when Risa put her arms around his neck from behind.

"You don't know how I have wanted to do that!" exclaimed Risa happily, a blush appearing on her face from how close they were.

Otani appeared a little surprised by her hug but didn't complain or push her away to which Risa was very happy about. Before she knew it Otani had slowly turned around in her embrace and looked up at her with a serious but gently expression. Risa's blush deepened and thought he was going to kiss her and mentally prepared herself for it, but instead he gently began to push her back towards the bed. Risa began to instantly panic. Is he going to do what I think he is going to do?! With parents downstairs everything?! Risa swallowed and watched his face. When her legs bumped into the bed he moved her into a sitting position.

"There is no way I am leaning up to kiss you," Otani said with a grin.

Oh right, how could she have forgotten. Each time they shared a magical kiss it seemed Otani made sure that he would have to lean down to kiss her, otherwise it wasn't cool.

With that thought Otani slowly leaned down towards her. Risa thought he was so cool and handsome when they were in a moment. She closed her eyes and awaited the feel of his lips on hers. In a few short seconds they came. They gently brushed against hers and it was as if Otani had never left. It felt like they were just together yesterday. Risa responded back shly and happily, when suddenly she felt Otani's press a little harder against hers. It was something for Risa, he had never done that before. He was probably just as glad to see her as she was with him. Suddenly she felt his tongue against her lips as if they were trying to pry them open, to which Risa had no idea why. Instinctively she pulled away unsure what he was doing and not sure if she wanted to find out at this point. Opening her eyes she smiled at him but saw that he looked a little frustrated. Blinking, this baffled her even more. They just kissed and he looked like she had just refused to do so.

"Otani?" she breathed.

He shook his head and stood up right. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"I know! We should go do Karaoke! It feels like we haven't done it for ages!" Risa said excitedly.

"Silly, that's because we haven't done it for ages," Otani responded chuckling.

With that said they made their way downstairs. But they didn't make it out of the house before Otani's mother peered from around a corner.

"What? That's it? At-chan can you not please your girlfriend? Careful or she might dump you too," his mother chuckled disappearing again.

Otani blushed and turned to yell back, "We weren't doing those things you perverted woman!"

Risa couldn't help but smile, he got flustered so easily. "Don't worry about it Otani, she was just teasing."

Otani just grunted and grabbed her hand as they headed out and made their way to the Karaoke place. They were walking in silence and it made Risa feel slightly uncomfortable. She glanced over at Otani, who was wearing an expression she wasn't quite sure how to describe. Was he sad, confused, angry? she wasn't entirely sure. But she knew just the thing that would cheer him up!

"Hey Otani, I heard that the place got some of Umibouzu's new songs!" Risa said smiling.

As if those words were magic, Otani instantly shock out of "his little depression", or so Risa decided to call it. "Seriously?! Oh man, I have been wanting to try out those new songs,"

"I know, hun! Knowing us we are going to spend the rest of the night there! Good thing I brought lots of money with me!" Risa said excitedly.

Otani looked at her and smiled, "Yeah!"

Risa smiled to herself glad to see that Otani was cheering up. And he stayed that way for the rest of the evening, which turned out to be another memorable one. The new Umibouzu songs were amazing and made great songs to sing. They each sang so much until they were out of money and their vocal cords hurt. So Risa had predicted right. They had spent all their money there and left the place late. And of course with Risa not having slept well the night before was now extremely tired.

"Well you look like you need some sleep, Koizumi," Otani commented looking her in the face.

"Yeah, but I still want to hang out some more!" Risa complained. She didn't want to part ways just yet.

Otani chuckled at her remark. "You goof, we can see eachother again tomorrow!"

"Right!" Risa said.

Being the little gentlemen that Otani was, he walked Risa to front of her house. "Good night Koizumi, call me when you're up tomorrow. You look like you could sleep right through," he said with a laugh.

"HEY! I don't sleep that much, chibi!" Risa shot back.

At first it looked like Otani was going to snarl something back like he always did, but his expression calmed and he said nothing. Deciding to be bold Risa leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek before going inside. Otani stood there smiling until she closed the door to which the smile disappeared as he walked home deep in his own thoughts.