Summer was nearly over. Otani would be leaving for his University residence in the morning. He sighed as he stared down at the floor deep in thought. He wouldn't be going to school with Risa or any of the gang for that fact. He wouldn't be walking up to the boards listing the class lists. He wouldn't be making a joke when he found out that he and Risa were in the same class yet again. It was all going to change.

He couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious. Yes he was nervous because he was going to a new school and would not know anyone there, but… he couldn't help but think this might damage his and Risa's relationship. She had been worried as well, about being left behind when he was studying hard to pass his University entrance exam. At the time he laughed at her and told her not to worry, but deep down he was worried as well.

The truth was he cared for Risa deeply, and loved to spend time her, and got funny feeling in his stomach whenever he saw her. He always wanted to see her smile and be happy. Unfortunately there was a nagging feeling lingering in the back of his mind. What if someone came along that captured his heart completely. He wasn't sure if Risa did. It took him ages to sort out the feelings within him and finally become her boyfriend. Did he really care for her in a lovey-dovey way completely, or was it more out of pity? Was this whole relationship just a mask so that they could remain together? Did his feelings really go as deep as hers did? He had never really told her out loud that he loved her, just sort of always agreed whenever she told him she loved him.

The last few months before he confessed to her were getting awkward, and everyone was loosing patience. Nobo and Nakao seemed ready to take any measures necessary to make Risa happy and make Otani finally accept her.

Otani began to twiddle his thumbs as he tormented himself with these thoughts.

This first year of school would be a real test for their relationship.

A/N: I decided to write a prolgue to see if anyone would be interested in this. Appologies for any grammatical errors. nn;