Disclaimer: I'm still JRK and I still don't own anything. I'm getting really sick of writing disclaimers. IT'S FUCKING ANOYING!

BTW: DO NOT KILL ME! I would NEVER write fanfics where the main character dies unless they come back to life or something like that. Lily is only TEMPORARILY dead. SHE WILL COME BACK TO LIFE! I'm going to rate this T for language in later chapters. Also Lily disguises herself in school because she doesn't want people to think she's an airhead just because she's pretty. One sec let me just get this out of my system; YOU MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD! GOING BACK IN TIME TO KILL YOUR ARCH ENEMIES' MOTHER IS FUCKING CHEATING!! Sorry about that you'll understand later. Anyway on with the story!

The Love of a Ghost

Chapter 1: Dying

Lily ran from the library, ignoring the sniggers from the people who had free period, if she didn't hurry she was going to be late for charms. She may be the smartest in the class but that wouldn't stop Flitwick from deducting points. A loud giggle reached her ears before being hurriedly stifled. Lily ignored it, she couldn't waste time finding out what was going on.

She reached the second floor and let out a sigh of relief, there was the charms classroom. Lily stifled a cry as a large bucket of some vile substance was poured over her head. She heard a whisper, "Mudblood" before running straight into the girl's bathroom opposite the charm's classroom. No way was she going to class until after she cleaned up.

Lily walked over to a sink dropping her bag onto the floor. She would have to think of a good excuse for being late. She looked down at her robes wrinkling her nose in disgust. Whatever it was was burning through the fabric. It didn't affect her skin, thank Merlin.

After succeeding in getting most of the stuff out of her hair she heard a loud sobbing, she inwardly cursed herself. This was Myrtle's bathroom, typical. Lily magicked up a face cloth to wipe away the slime, once her face was cleared she looked into the mirror. A chubby brown haired girl looked back at her, her hair was shoulder length and a boring brown colour which was hopelessly messy, equally boring brown eyes looked back at her. Her face was covered in pimples and moles. Her nose was a misshapen lump, Lily sighed it would be nice to be herself for a while before using her wand to reverse the spells.

The change was astounding, the lank brown hair became longer and glossier changing from the boring brown to a startling auburn. The moles and pimples all disappeared leaving her skin soft and smooth with a light spattering of freckles across her normal sized and shaped nose which turned up slightly at the end. Her eyes became a deep intense emerald colour. Her figure changed as well; she stayed the same height but instantly became more slender.

Lily smiled at herself, her true self. She would change back later; it felt good to look this way again. At her muggle school Lily had been treated like an airhead, she wouldn't have minded if it had only been her classmates that treated her like that, but the teachers also believed she was thick! When she got perfect test scores she got detention because they thought she cheated! Not only was it not true but the nerd who copied off her was added on the smartest students in the school list! To add insult to injury her teacher believed that Lily had copied of her! That was why she had used the spell; she wanted to be treated normally! Not like she couldn't add two and three together!

When she went to Diagon Alley and bought all her things the idea had come to her and she headed straight to Flourish and Blotts where she bought a book about how to use magic to change your appearance and it had worked brilliantly. A little too brilliantly actually, now she was the butt of jokes and pranks, the popular people looked down at her as if she was nothing more than dirt on their shoes. The good part was no one thought she was an airhead.

Lily was so busy thinking that she didn't hear the door open and close again after someone had entered; Lily had begun to rummage through her bag looking for the spare clothes she always carried around with her. She grabbed them and straightened up looking directly into the mirror and seeing the reflection of the man standing behind her.

She would have screamed had a pudgy hand not been slapped across her mouth, the face in the mirror was strangely familiar, the man looked about 50 but with a long bath and four bars of soap he probably would have looked a lot younger. He was very chubby on the verge of being fat, his head was very round and he was balding. He had squinty eyes and a pointed nose which gave him the appearance of a rat. (AN: You should have worked out who it is by now) He looked so familiar but Lily could have sworn she had never met this man before.

Lily began thrashing and kicking out trying to get free of the man's grip, the man was struggling to keep hold of her and cried out when Lily's foot connected with his…delicate spot. The man fell to the floor groaning, Lily began backing up, and she reached behind her to pick up her wand her eyes never leaving the man.

She edged further and further away going towards the door whoever this was probably had bad intentions and Lily didn't want to find out what these intentions were. The man saw where she was heading and made to get up grabbing his wand from the ground as he did so. Lily inwardly cursed herself; she should have taken his wand away so he couldn't curse her.

The man said or rather squeaked, "I'm so sorry Lily but it must be done." Lily's eyes widened, how did he know her name? And what "must be done"? He raised his wand and pointed it at her "A-Avada K-Kedavra" he stuttered sending a jet of green towards her, Lily dodged the spell, it missed her by inches, it dawned on her; this man wanted to kill her. Lily had to get away from him; she spun around running towards the door, she was three steps away from the door when a different man blocked her path, he had absolutely no resemblance with the first man.

This new man was tall and thin, he was bald with slits for nostrils, his nose was almost completely flat, and he reminded her of a particularly poisonous snake she had seen at the zoo when she was younger. His eyes were blood red with cat like pupils. Unlike the other man this man held himself up with confidence and looked incredibly powerful.

His gaze left her and rested on the first man who was cowering on the ground and was whimpering. The new man's eyes narrowed with anger, his voice sent a shiver down Lily's spine, "If you want something done you have to do it yourself." The man on the ground let out a whimper, the second man turned to look at Lily again the corner of his lips curling up in a sneer, "I think I'll make you suffer before I kill you Mudblood, CRUCIO!"

The curse shattered Lily's hastily conjured shield, the man's face contorted in fury, how dare the Mudblood defy him? Enough playing around Voldemort thought (AN: If you didn't get it by now you never would) "AVADA KEDAVA!" he shouted, Lily dove away from the curse. Again and again he sent the killing curse at her and again and again she dodged. A sink shattered as one curse missed Lily's head by a centimetre Voldemort was getting angrier and angrier as Lily got more and more afraid; she couldn't dodge forever.

The man who had first tried to kill Lily had been completely forgotten about, but now he stood up, unnoticed by Lily or Voldemort. He raised his wand and pointed it at Lily's back which was currently facing him. He took a deep breath before uttering the two words.

The curse hit Lily full on, she stood for a moment before collapsing to the ground, her eyes closed. It was done. Voldemort calmly putting away his wand, surveying the dead girl in disgust. "You have done well." He said to his faithful follower. The man nodded, grateful for the praise but feeling slightly guilty about what he had done. He had placed himself in great danger; if anyone found out what he had done, he would be a dead man.

Voldemort pulled out a small sphere from a pocket in his robes, he threw it to the floor and a portal opened, together the two men stepped through leaving the dead girl lying on the floor.

Don't hate me, Lily will come back to life…later. Don't you want to kill "The Man" it should be pretty obvious who it is, don't worry he will die a horrible painful death, later. The next chapter will be about someone going to tell Dumbledore about "dead girl" remembering that Lily wore a disguise at school so no one will know who she is. Also Lily has no friends and no one notices that she's missing. Next chapter will also be about everyone trying to figure out who "dead girl" is. If with all that I still haven't made 1000 words then I will also add in Lily's experience as a ghost.

Lots of Love