When I had gotten out of the hospital, I slowed my run down to a walk and dragged my feet along the ground as I made my way back to the park, only to collapse to my knees in front of the swingset. I didn't even bother to try and pick myself back up. I felt too broken. I wanted to help him. He was my friend. How can I do anything for him if I can't trust him? All I wanted to do was help... I... loved him... I brushed a tear away as it dripped down my face. Riku... how could you? You're not supposed to smoke... I turned my head to look behind me when I heard footsteps approaching. A kind, yet worried face was staring back at me. It was Roxas. Quickly, I got up and broke into another run. I didn't want comfort. Words of comfort, I knew, would be of no use here.

"Sora!" Roxas shouted, and I could tell he was following me. But I couldn't look back.

"Sora! Wait!" Roxas called again. Remembering the boy that was causing me to run in the first place, I felt tears well up and a lump seemed to form in my throat, making me choke. I slowed down a bit and Roxas grabbed my arm, bringing me to a halt.

"What?!" I yelled, turning violently to face him, my arm still in his grasp.

"It's about Riku," the blonde answered, softly.

"I don't wanna talk about Riku!" I cried, trying to pull free.

"But, it's something you need to know."

"I don't want to hear it!!"

"Riku doesn't smoke!!" Roxas shouted.

"Don't lie! I'm sick of being lied to!"

"No one has lied to you and no one's going to. Riku's never smoked in his life!"

"Of course he smokes. How come he was diagnosed with cancer, then?" I demanded, figuring Roxas would have no response.

"His father has a smoking addiction, not to mention he's a heavy drinker too. But Riku's cancer was caused by second-hand smoke," he explained. I swallowed hard. The thought hadn't crossed my mind. But it was possible. If Riku's father drinks and abuses him, who's to say he wouldn't smoke too...?

"H-his cancer was caused by second-hand smoke?" I repeated. Roxas nodded, and let go of my arm.

"I-I've got to go apologize to him. I got mad at him for something he didn't do... again," I whispered the last word.

"Well, maybe you should go talk to him, then. Communication works better than you think sometimes."

"Yeah. Roxas, do you think he'll forgive me?" I asked, nervously.

"You're good friends, right?"

"...I haven't really been a good friend lately."

"You're the only one Riku will really talk to. And with your caring self, I'm sure you two can patch things up," Roxas smiled.

"But wait, Roxas. I promised myself... I promised myself after the car accident that I was done with Riku for good, that I wouldn't go back to him."

"T-that didn't work out so well. But why would you promise yourself that anyway? Riku is your friend, isn't he?" Roxas asked.

"Yes... But I promised myself that because with every incident with Riku comes misfortune and, for me, disappointment," I explained, staring down.

"And misunderstanding," Roxas added.


"Last time, your disappointment in Riku turned out to be a misunderstanding."

"Yeah, Riku wasn't drinking in the accident. So what? How many misunderstandings can there be before one of the disappointments turns out to be real?" I questioned.

"I-I don't know."

"Exactly. And it hurts too much to wait and find out. That's why... I refuse to go back to Riku!" I yelled, breaking once again into a run. And this time, Roxas didn't bother to follow me. But I couldn't help but wonder, 'am I the one doing wrong? Am I the one who doesn't understand the meaning of trust?'

Exam week was thoroughly unpleasant. I had a low attention span when it came to studying anyway, but with Riku still lingering on my mind, it became harder to concentrate. But all the same, the week passed and I found myself walking out of my final exam, only to be called to by Kairi.

"Wait up, Sora!" she called, running after me, dressed in her plaid school uniform.

"Hi, Kairi," I answered, dully, barely even looking up at her as we walked out of the school together.

"That's it? 'Hi, Kairi'? No 'how were your exams, Kairi?' or 'Gee, you look nice today, Kairi,'?" she questioned.

"No, sorry," I replied, absently, continuing to walk. Kairi grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"What's up with you lately, Sora? You barely talk, and you barely hang out with the girls and I anymore," she said.

"Sorry. I guess a lot's been happening lately."

"Bad things?"

"Good and bad."

"Between you and Riku?" she questioned, looking hopeful.

"Yeah, go ahead, Kairi. You can have him," I muttered.

"Have him? A big, mean, dummy like Riku?!"

"Wh-what?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"Uh, I mean, uh, sexy hunk...?"

"What's going on, Kairi? I thought you were obsessed with Riku..."

"I... Okay, I lied! I don't really like Riku or care about him at all!" she told me, becoming flustered.

"What?!" I gave her an inquiring look.

"I never really liked Riku the way Selphie did. Sure, he's extremely good looking but that's about all I see in him," she said.

"Then why-?"

"I just pretended to like him to make you jealous, Sora!!" she explained, desperately.

"What? Jealous?!"

"Yes! You had all that time and you never asked any of us out, and so I just had to make you jealous by pretending to like Riku."

"So... all that time, you liked-"

"You. I liked you, Sora," Kairi confessed, staring down at her shoes, her cheeks quite pink.

"Uh-huh... I don't really know what to say." Kairi giggled and flipped her hair back. When I didn't do anything, she repeated her actions.

"Um, Sora, I'm waiting," she said, giving me an urging look.

"Waiting? For what?" I asked.

"For you to ask me out," she replied, simply, smiling.

"I-I'm sorry, Kairi. I can't. M-my heart's still aching too much," I whispered. She looked at me curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it," I added. The red-haired girl adjusted the bag on her shoulder and cleared her throat.

"Looks like he was right," she said, quietly. Her eyes were watery, but she managed to keep herself from crying.

"Who was right about what?" I asked.

"Roxas was right about you and Riku."

"What about us?"

"It was so obvious, I can't believe I didn't see it before."
"What are you talking about, Kairi?" I demanded.

"You love him," she said, turning to me. I averted my gaze to the ground immediately.

"I-it's obvious?" I asked, awkwardly.

"Yes. And his love for you is just as obvious." I couldn't find anything to say. So what if we had both loved each other? It didn't matter anymore. Riku and I would just have to go our separate ways. I wished him well, though. I hoped he'd find someone that would give him the love he wanted, the love he deserved. It just couldn't be me. But why? Why can't it? I wondered as I walked away from Kairi without another word.

My feet carried me down the sidewalk and I had almost made it home. That lonely house was where I would spend my entire summer. No Kairi, no Selphie or Naminé, no Roxas, and most of all, no Riku. No skateboarding in the park, no swimming at the pool, no soccer. I wasn't going anywhere because everything reminded me of... him. I would be doing dishes while the girls would be shopping and the guys would be getting into whatever kind of trouble they could find, and Riku would be... Wait, I thought. Riku won't be doing anything. The two of us will be spending our summers... simply being broken. Realizing I wasn't quite ready to emprison myself in my house yet, I took in a deep breath and let myself fall backwards onto the grass beside the sidewalk. I lay down and rested my hands behind my head, staring up at the sky. Not long after I had started to doze off did I hear footsteps. I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of very familiar aqua eyes. Oh no... It's you.

"Sora, can I talk to you?" Riku asked.

"Why?" I asked back, sitting up in the grass.

"Please, will you give me a chance?" the silver-haired boy asked.

"I've given you far more chances than I should have," I answered, brushing myself off and avoiding eye contact with him.

"At least give me a chance to try to understand what's going on in your mind, and also to explain myself."


"Listen, I've never smoked before and I never want to," he said.

"I don't know what to believe anymore. Besides, the thought of you smoking ruined my image of you."

"And that's why you hate me?"

"What?" I asked.

"I heard you scream that at the hospital..." he told me, quietly.

"O-oh yeah..." I said, guiltily.

"I swear to you, Sora, my cancer was caused by second-hand smoke... because of my father."

"Roxas said the same thing, but if that was the case, why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. Unless you're lying and you just didn't want me to know that you smoke."

"Sora, I wouldn't lie to you. I don't smoke. Why are you always so quick to accuse me of doing something bad? Why are you always expecting the worst of me?" he asked, turning his head away from me and seeming quite hurt.

"B-because... I... Riku, I just look up to you so much, yet I'm always trying to find reasons why I shouldn't love you. My jealousy and my hatred towards you was just my way of lying to myself about my true feelings for you. After all, it's wrong, isn't it? Our love?"

"Maybe you should start caring less about what other people think, and more about what you feel."

"I'm just afraid that you'll do something I'll never be able to forgive you for," I said, feeling like tears weren't far off.



"I-I can't really be blamed for barely knowing right from wrong. My upbringing hasn't been the best."

"I know. But you said before that your mom is away. When will she be back? I'm sure she'll help you get through all this." Riku stared down and rubbed his hand awkwardly.

"She won't be coming back to me for a while, I'm afriad," Riku said, a soft, yet sad and distant smile on his face.

"Wait... What?" I asked. He looked up at me and nodded, that sad smile still lingering.

"She...died?" I asked, quietly. Riku nodded again.

"She died of lung cancer... like I have, caused by second-hand smoke."


It all made sense. Riku hadn't wanted me to leave him at the hospital after the accident because I was the only person to come and visit him. His mother had never come when he was at the hospital either time he was there. And most of all, Riku never mentioned her. I was speechless.

"Sora, I'm really sorry for everything I put you through. And I'm sorry that you hate me," he said.

"I-I don't really hate you, Riku," I told him, gently, feeling guilty for what I'd said before.

"I know we were really close to having a relationship and everything, but as you know we got interrupted because my life is pretty messed up right now."


"I only have one parent and he just happens to be abusive, alcoholic, and is a smoke addict which could soon end up... taking my life."


"And my 'friends' were only good at getting me into more trouble. And on top of all that, I... I fell in love with a boy who can't seem to get close to me," he said.

"Riku, i-it's not like that," I stuttered.

"Sora, I know this seems kind of stupid but as it stands now, I may not make it to see my eighteenth birthday."


"Please, I know this is a big request, and you can say no if you want, but I wish you would be the one to help me get away from it all." And it was then that I couldn't hold back any longer. I let out a really loud sob and ran into his arms, hugging him.

"No question about it, I'll help you. Come live with me and my mom," I cried.

"What about... our relationship?" he asked, looking down at my face that I was trying to bury into his shirt.

"If I explain, my mom will understand."


"Yeah. Besides, I-I kind of liked the feel of your lips," I said, embarrassedly, pulling away from him slightly.


"I had to give you mouth-to-mouth when you passed out in gym class."

"And you liked it?" he asked, surprisedly.

"Not exactly. I cried because it wasn't the 'first kiss' I was expecting."

"I see," he said, pausing for a minute. "Well, if you're ready, I'm willing to give you your final lesson."

"And what's that?" I questioned, still teary-eyed.

"How to kiss a boy." I looked up at Riku, my lip starting to tremble.

"But, I've never done this before," I told him.

"I know. Neither have I. But that's kind of the point," he smirked. I nodded, giving him a tearful smile. I tilted my head up towards him, ready for him to lean in, but he pulled back.

"On one condition. Promise you'll trust me from now on?" he asked. And this time I knew I could. All the secrets were out. All was said that needed to be said. We loved each other, we wanted to be with each other, we even needed each other. And now I didn't need to hold back any longer. It didn't matter who saw us together, it didn't matter that I cared for him more than I ever did for any girl. There was no need for me to pretend to hate him anymore. All we needed now was trust, and I did trust him.

"I'll promise if you swear never to drink or smoke. I-I don't want to see anything bad happen to you," I sniffed.

"I swear that to you, Sora. I promise," he said, looking me in the eye.

"Then I promise too," I answered, hugging him tighter. I loosened my grip when I felt a soft hand on my face brushing away a tear that had left a wet path down my cheek. I stared up into those incredible eyes, that delicate face that was so nicely framed by silver hair. Riku's hand travelled down to my jaw and a single finger ran along under my chin and tilted my head up towards him. This time, Riku did lean in towards me and the second his lips brushed against mine, a shiver of excitement surged through my body. I felt a hand on the small of my back, pulling me in closer. Riku let himself go deeper into the kiss, pressing harder against my lips. Seconds later, he was rubbing my back as his tongue licked my lips, then entered my mouth. I could tell my face was turning bright red, especially since all this was taking place in plain view. But I didn't care at this point. I liked what was happening. Even though I didn't know what to do, I didn't mind. I let Riku do everything, mostly because I was too shy to kiss back too hard. But I was enjoying every minute of it, and Riku tasted sweeter than I'd ever imagined. Finally, Riku let go of me, broke the kiss and took a few short gasps of air.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," I answered, dumbly, still in awe.

"Haha. Good," he smirked, kissing my lovestruck body quickly on the cheek. "And that completes the final lesson. How to kiss a boy." Riku grabbed my hand, snapping me out of my daze.

"Y-yeah," I smiled, shyly. I then glanced around to see an older man staring out his kitchen window at us, and a few girls from school walking down the street towards us.

"Ehehe... N-now, let's get home to my place so we can start our new life," I stuttered, blushing even more.

"Together," Riku said. I grinned at him.

"Yeah. Together."

Riku became just like a member of our family almost immediately after he moved in with us. To my mom, he was like another son. And to me, well, he was my boyfriend. I don't have to deny it anymore. Tidus, Seifer, and Raijin went on to become top althetes of pretty much all the summer sports teams, while Riku and I spent the summer with Roxas, Axel, Demyx, Hayner, and Wakka, and sometimes the girls. When we weren't hanging out, I worked at a diner to get money to pay for any treatment Riku might need for his cancer. Riku said he would work too, but my mom insisted that he stay home and be waited on. He feels guilty but I think the life of luxury is what he deserves. After having it so rough in the past, I figure it's good for him. I think he's happy living with us.

I know they say to never judge someone before you get to know them, and it's completely true. Riku didn't turn out to be the stuck-up jerk I always thought he was. He turned out to be something much better, and all he needed was some help. I just wish I hadn't been so stupid in the beginning and hated him, but all is forgiven and forgotten now, and I'm happy about that, even though I was probably more of a jerk to him than he was to me.

Every night, Riku and I talk for a while before we go to bed. We talk about everything from my job to what kind of swimsuits we'd look best in. But one thing I'll never forget, even if Riku's cancer takes him away from me much too early, is the last thing we say to each other before we link hands and sleep.

"How much do you love me again?" Riku always asks.

"More than all the stars, the moon, the sun, and the earth put together," I answer. "And how much do you love me?"

"More than words can say. After all, I might not be alive right now if it weren't for you," he replies.

"I love you, Riku." And he always waits a while until he thinks I'm asleep, but I make sure to stay up long enough to hear him whisper,

"...I love you more."

A/N : ... THE END!! I'm not totally pleased with this chapter, but as many times as I've read it over, I can't seem to get it right so that I'm happy with it. But, it's not that bad, I suppose. Thank you to all reviewers and readers who have stuck with this story right till the end. I really appreciate it. I wish there were more chapters because I love the reviews I get where everyone anxiously awaits the next chapter. But anyway, that's about it. Sora and Riku are together. All is good. Yay. So one last time to all the fans of this story, thank you so much!!