CHAPTER 1: Falling For You, Or With You

Alice sat on the ground in tears. How could this be? How could she be Masquerade? How could she have been the one to betray her friends? Some of the only people she had grown to love? How could she have not known?

These were the thoughts running through Alice's head. But, they were not the ones running to her comrades. Everyone looked at each other, not really knowing what to do. What should the say? They all thought they were in a dream, just like Alice wished this was.

Dan, being the leader that he was, walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him through her tears. To her surprise, he gave her his usual grin. Not an evil one. No. One that she had seen on his face many times before. She gave a grim smile back.

"I'm so sorry," she said through sobs. "I had no idea. It was as though he was a part of me, but a different part. Like I was in a blackout of some sort," continued Alice, trying to find some way of explanation, but she could not. She had no idea what was going on. Alice was struggling.

Dan saw this and tried to comfort her. "It's ok," he said, helping her up. "Hal-G obviously had you under some kind of control."

"Yeah," Runo chimed in, running up to the girl who was like a sister to her. "Maybe it was like a mind control or something."

Now it was Julie's turn. "That has to be what it was. The Alice we know would never do such a thing as betray her friend," she said, smiling down at the young girl, who was looking up at them in awe.

"You're just too sweet for that, Alice," Marucho added in.

Alice nodded. They are so sweet. Even though I betrayed they can still take me back. Well, at least four of them. She looked back down at her hands that were covered in scratches from her previous battle. Suddenly, a hand reached down to her level. She looked up to see Shun offering her his hand. He gave a small smile that no one else could see unless they were in her position.

"What matters now is that you're on our side, now," he said quietly in his hard voice. Still, it seemed sweet to her. Alice nodded and took his hand.

When she was in a standing position she found herself staring into his eyes. Quickly, she looked away, hiding her blush, and asked, "Hey, guys. Can we go back to the plane, now," she looked at them and smiled. They smiled back. "This outfit is horrible," and with that they all laughed and walked back toward Marucho's plane, and their home, for now.

One thing was clear, though. They had forgotten Masquerade's mask. What a terrible thing that was to do.

When Alice felt clean again, she came out of the shower. While taking her shower, many, many thoughts ran through her head. They were much like the same she had before.

Finishing putting her clothing on, Alice walked out of her and Runo's room and into the long hall way. Everyone was probably in the living room talking about their next destination, which was unknown to them.

I feel so much better that I know who I am...where I stand. Now that I have real friends, I know I can make it through it all. They have all just been so kind to me, it is unbelievable. And I know I have many more adventures with them to go.

"Who knows where we may go next," she said out loud.

Suddenly, the plane went out of control. Alice grabbed onto the nearest railing as the plain went left, right, up, down, and even spiraled. Her grip tightened when she felt the plane accelerate down, and go back up again. This was too much for her.

Frantically, she looked outside, unable to move. There, she saw the problem. Her eyes widened as she heard a chuckle. It seemed rather dark, too. Outside of her window, stood—

"Masquerade!" everyone in the living room heard that scream. The Brawlers all looked at one another as they tried to move, but fell back down, either on the floor or a chair.

"That sounds like Alice!" exclaimed Julie.

Runo rolled her eyes, "No duh!"

"Did she say 'Masquerade'?" asked Marucho trying to sit up in a good position, but failing.

"Yeah," began Dan. "Let's go!" he said as he tried to walk again, but fell back toward the wall.

Luckily, Shun caught him with one hand.

"Dan, maybe you have not noticed this," Runo said in a calm voice and soon burst out, "BUT EACH TIME WE TRY TO GET UP WE FALL DOWN AGAIN!"


The bakugan huddled together on a table to keep safe.

"Can they not argue for all of one second?" Drago asked out loud.

Pyress jumped up and down. "No, they would not be them if they didn't."

"This yelling has got to stop," Skyress said. She seemed rather annoyed.

Everyone started yelling except for the black haired, ninja-like boy. He grabbed on to the closest railing and swung himself back, and then forward, realizing his grip on the railing as he flew out of the room, grabbing Skyress.

"Shun!" they all called after him.

Getting his balance straight, Shun ran down the corridor where he thought heard Alice's scream come from. He was right. They door was now open and the wind was blowing in a fierce matter.

Looking for Alice, he spotted her. She was grabbing on to the railings with all her might. Her eyes were shut closed.

"Alice!" he called. The girl opened her eyes to the pony-tailed boy. By this time, he was at the railing a couple of feet from the door.

"Shun!" she called back, letting one hand go off the bar: the worse mistake in her life. Her other hand soon slipped off and she was heading toward the door. Closing her eyes again, she waited to feel nothing but air. She did not. Holding her by the wrist was Shun, who had grabbed her just in time.

"Nice job, Shun," Skyress said jumping up. The wind took her and she headed toward the door, too. With one hand, Alice caught her. "Thank you," Skyress said as she nodded her thanks.

"Alice what happened?" Shun ask, still holding on for dear life.

"I saw him—Masquearde," she started, her eyes forming with tears. By now the plane was not too far from the ground. She could even see the trees. "He was outside. I think he may have caused the uproar of the wind." Shun nodded. "One second I was walking in to see you guys and the next I practically fell off my feet," she paused a bit, and later continued, "I thought I was masquerade and now he's here and I-I," sobbing she stopped in mid-sentence.

"Alice," Shun whispered, not sure of what to do. "It's okay, I'm here."

"Thank you," she said in between sobs.

"Shun! Alice!" Dan called. The others were behind him, all forming a chain on the rails. "You guys, okay?" he asked. They nodded. "Grab my hand," he called.

As soon as Shun let go of the railing, the wind's speed went up. He and Alice were tossed around, Alice, still holding on to Skyress. Shun, seeing that they were not going to make it, wrapped his arms around Alice, tightly. They soon found themselves falling out of the plane and into the sky.

The wind backed off and rain came in its absence…and it came fast. Dan ran to the door now that the wind let up. "SHUN! ALICE!" he called, but saw nothing.

Falling on his knees he began to weep. They were gone…and God knows where.

I know, I know it is kind of short. Don't worry, the next chapter will be much longer. I decided to give this show a shot and make a story for my favorite characters. Now, I am not in love with this show, but my friend challenged me to see if I could make a fic out of it. So, here we go.

This story will only have ten chapters, and will revolve around Shun and Alice. Don't worry, the other characters will come back, too.

See you next chapter and tell me three things you would like to see next,
