How Well Do You Know Me?

Chapter 4:

Please Save Me!

"Vote for the candidate

That you'll surely appreciate

As our student body pres!

Make sure when you vote,

The candidate won't make a mess.

Or even try to gloat.

So far only one has signed up,

And his votes will fly up.

Because of loopholes and forfeits,

That will leave some regrets.

Join in the elections,

There won't be rejections

From the jocks and cliques,

Or the computer geeks.

Make a difference in our school now.

If you don't mind, I'll end this poem and bow."

I stare at the flyer and realize; Temari should totally join this. She's responsible, smart and can handle masses of people who crowd over her telling her about problems that she can surely solve. Since, Temari's a bit busy to look up at anything new or anything 'in', I can be her campaign manager and set up an image for her. An image that says 'I'm smart, responsible AND cute'! She will so totally yes! Are you sure about this? Yes, I'm sure. Besides, Temari is right for this job! She is, but—I don't wanna hear it! I don't wanna hear anything about repercussions! Fine, be that way.


"NO!" Temari slams down the flyer on the red lunch table.

"'NO'!? What do you mean 'no'?! This job is perfect for you! And you know you want to do it…" I coo.

"I do—but, there's no way I'll win against Mr. Popularity. He has thousands of fan girls here. Besides, I don't have a plan if I win. And I especially do not have a campaign manager!"

"Uh. Hello? Me."

"You? Your real goldfish only lasted for 3 weeks. Not years."

"Hey, at least everybody told me its aquarium was pretty. Anyway, that's not the point! You know you can do this! And you know I made a 'BFF Promise' to help you through whatever." I think I've got her this time. She'll say yes.

"You're right. I guess I could."

"I'm thinking your campaign could be 'Yes, we can!'" I grin and I think I've offered the best idea I've had so far.

"…" She raises an eyebrow at me. What have I done this time?


"You copied Obama's campaign…" To think about it, it does sound familiar.

"Well? What about you? What're your bright ideas?" I love her ideas. I can't wait to hear them. Temari's very, um, I don't what that word is but I bet she did if she read my mind.

"I was thinking that the campaign could be something everyone can relate to. Maybe a skateboard ramp for the boys; a book club for the girls. And possibly more study time so everybody can do better in there tests and—" I cut her off before she goes into her 'I'll-turn-everyone-into-people-who-study-twenty four-seven' mode. It's freaky when she does that, actually. She's your best friend, not your brain or anybody else's. She's got her own likes, dislikes and thoughts. Cut her some slack. Good point.

"Okay, okay, I get the point. Go Team Dynamite! Woot!" I screamed so loud that everybody stared at me. I'm use to this stuff, anyway. People staring at you is another way of saying 'Wow! She stands out!'

Temari giggles. "Alright. Let's go work on our campaign." We grab our books and lunch trays and leave the cafeteria.


We're here in study hall, practically idea-less of the campaign. How can we be idea-less? We were just brainstorming thirty minutes ago! We need inspiration; we need something that can help us think of something. Isn't that the same thing? Oh, who cares, anyway? Kurenai-sensei when she figures out you haven't been doing much in her class. I hate you.

I hear slightly faint snoring, it's near me; it's-it's Temari. Dun dun duuun. I shake her a bit to wake her up. She won't budge a bit. Damn, is she this hard to wake up? "Temari," I whisper. Still not moving. "Temari," I whisper again. "TEMARI…!" I whisper to the next level.

Suddenly, a guy with beady little eyes, an earring and a ponytail comes in. Ah, Shikamaru-san.

Shikamaru. DEFINITION. : Extremely smart guy, but he's sorta lazy. He's best friends with Choji, that slightly fat guy. I have yet to find about Shikamaru. But he seems like Temari's type.

"Uh, hey, Temari," Shikamaru says as he sits down besides Temari. And magically, she wakes up. How could she?

"S-Shikamaru-kun! I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't get much sleep last night, so, yeah," She apologizes to him and bats her eyelashes. Hello? I'm still here. What am I? Chopped liver? Lee's choreography? Maybe I should just observe and see what happens between her and Shikamaru. They seem like a cute couple anyway.

"It's okay, I don't get sleep either. Not that I mean, I can't sleep, it's just that—" I think he stared into Temari's eyes or something.

"You?" she asks, gazing into his onyx hues. Aww… They're so cute!

"I—" he didn't get interrupted by Temari's eyes this time. He got interrupted by Ino. That pig. What does she want from him? She better not be doing this intentionally.

"Shikamaru-kun," she glances at Temari, the glitters on her extra-sparkly lipgloss shine like the eyes of a rabid wolf waiting to steal prey from another predator. I hide my face behind a book; I pretend I'm reading.

Whoops. I forgot.

Ino. DEFINITION. : SLUTSLUTSLUTSLUTSLUTSLUTSLUTSLUUUUUT. Bitchiest person I've ever met. She actually believes in the saying 'Blondes have more fun'. What a bitch.

"Those football losers need you to plan for the next game," Ino explains. She rolls her eyes and looks at her nails to see if they're broken or anything. It irritates me the way she just treats everyone like a piece of crap. Maybe I should flush her down the toilet and see how she feels once she gets to the sewers. HELPLESS. AND DIRTY. ALOOONE. Ah, leave her. Who needs that bee-otch anyway? For once, something that comes out of your mouth that I agree with.

Temari furrows her eyebrows and stands up. She picks up her books and grabs her bag that hung from her chair. "I gotta go..." she mumbles. What a great way of saying goodbye. I follow her out of Study Hall and to our lockers.

"Temari, I think you need to explain something," I say calmly. Temari's scary when she's angry.

"What?" she asks, rudely. "Look, I know you were listening. You were pretending to read again, weren't you?"

My eyes shift from left to right. "Uh, no."

"Yes. You were 'reading' a book about Quantum Physics for Seniors that I was supposed to borrow for advanced reading."

Oh. Whoops. "Well, can't you just tell me what's going on between you and Shikamaru?"

She pauses for a bit and sighs. "I can start off by telling you he's smart."

I give her a straight face. "Temari..."

"Okay, fine! He's just so cute and smart, and can't help but wonder if he likes me back." She closes her locker and leans against it, staring at the ceiling. This is the first time I've seen her do that in 2 years.

I smile. "Why didn't you say so?" That annoying bells rings. LUNCH TIIIME. "Let's go. We've got some campaign planning to do!"


"Ten-chaaan! Tema-chaaan!" Lee squeals. He opens his arms wide for a bear hug and runs towards us. Boom. The famous 'Lee hug'.

"Lee-chaaan!" I squeal too. We both stare at Temari with the 'just-do-it' look.

"Lee-chaaan. Yay. OFF ME. NOW." She says in a monotone. She's always like this with the 'Lee hug'. I find it pretty funny how Lee and Temari always argue. Lee lets go of the both us.

"Sooo..." He starts.

"Sooo...?" Temari and I continue.

"I've got an idea for your campaign, Tema-chan!" he jumps up and down.

Temari frowns but I think she's willing to listen. "Shoot."

"What if we win the school over by free stuff?!" he asks.

"Lee, I'm not materialistic and my campaign isn't either. I don't want people to get the wrong image of me." She replies. This is gonna be goooood.

"Yeah, but, you're showing them an example of what you're planning and besides you've pretty much got nothing. And the debate's next week."

Temari sighs. "Good point. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, if you're going to try and impress the guys, you and your campaign manager need a serious make over."

Temari and I look at each other, eyes widened. "W-What?"

"And if you wanna impress the girls, show them who's boss." Lee's got a pretty good point.

"Put it in a way that I could understand." Temari commands.

"You gotta be the finest of all Lionesses and the head of the pack if you wanna get through this the teenager way. Besides, look at Neji, girls are all over him and no one's even signing up because they're afraid to lose to him."

Lee: I

Temari: 0

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Good. I scheduled your appointments at the 'Great Gai Salon'. 4:00 sharp, don't be late and I so will be there." Lee stands up and leaves quickly before Temari tries to strangle him.

"LEE!!!!!" she screams.


Temari and I walk into the green-colored salon. Everything looked so clean and shiny. Magazines were organized by brand and issue. We see a man who has much resemblance to Lee. Y'know, thick eye brows? Fruit bowl head? Always wearing green?

He tilts his head and looks at us. Then Temari and I look at each other.

"YOU MUST BE TENTEN AND TEMARI!" the guy hugs us. "Omigawd. Lee tells me so much about you. I understand you he scheduled you for the 'Gai Special'."

"Excuse me, may we know your name and how you know Lee?" Temari asks politely.

"Lee is my apprentice." he sits down on one of his shiny, green, leather seats. APPRENTICE?!

"Apprentice?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You know, he's planning to be in the salon business too." How surprising. Lee wanting to be in the salon business.

"GAI-SENSEI!!! ARE THEY THERE YET?" We hear Lee's voice behind a guess what? A green curtain.

"Yes, they're here. Come out." He suddenly opens the curtains and sees Temari's some-what angry face.

"Lee, take the cinnamon buns and I'll take Barbie Doll." Excuse me? He leads us to two chairs that we both nervously sit down on. We gulp.

We wonder what we'll look like once we're outta here.

Lee, we hope you know what you're doing!


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