Christmas day 2006: Rory was still in a coma and showed no signs of waking up. The added burden of carrying the baby was causing Rory's heart to work harder than it needed to.

At eight in the morning the doctor comes into the room. He finds Logan, Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Richard, and Christopher sitting in the room awkwardly staring at each other, the wall, the clock, and at Rory.

"Miss Gilmore how are you today?"

"I've been better," Lorelai answers.

"We've decided that we're going to deliver you daughter's baby today,"


"When?" Logan questions.

"We're going to take her to the O.R. in a few minutes to prep her,"

"Can I go with her?" Logan asks.

"No. The situation is critical so I don't want any extra people in the room,"

"Ok," he recedes.

"There are risks with the surgery,"

"Like what?" Lorelai questions.

"Excessive bleeding..."

"You're saying that this could kill her?" Lorelai clarifies.

"Yes. It's a definite possibility,"

"It has to be done though right?"

"Unless she wakes up in the next few minutes there is no other way,"

"Ok," Lorelai agrees.

"Do whatever you have to," Logan tells him.

"Please just bring them both back to us," Luke pleads.

"I'll do my best," the doctor promises.

An hour later they find themselves waiting on any word. A nurse comes into the hallway. She wheels an incubator in front of her. She stops in front of them.

"Are you the family of Rory Gilmore?" she asks.

"Yes," Lorelai answers.

She lifts a blanket off the clear incubator. They stare at the tiny creature inside.

"Is she ok?"

"The baby is very healthy,"

They stare at the infant in amazement. She looks around. Logan walks up to the incubator.

"Hi Gracie. I'm your daddy," he says. Her eyes lock on him.

They study the infant with dark hair, and big blue eyes, a spitting image of her mother.

"How is my daughter?" Lorelai asks the nurse.

"They were working on her when I left the room. If you'll excuse me I've got to get her to the nursery to get her checked out," she excuses herself.

"What did she mean they were working on her?" Lorelai poses the question.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Luke begs.

"How can I not? It sounds like something went wrong,"

Suddenly over the loud speaker they hear a voice announce, "Code blue,"

Lorelai looks around. Emily's eyes meet hers. They stare at each other in fear. Christopher asks the question no one wants to hear, "What does that mean?"

"That someone needs resuscitation," Lorelai answers quickly.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that someone has gone into cardiac arrest," Luke clarifies.

Christopher says nothing. Lorelai starts to cry. She gets up, and starts down the hall. Luke follows her. He gently grabs her arm. She spins around, and he pulls her into an embrace. He caresses her hair.

"She's going to be fine," he promises her.

"What if she's not?"

"Lorelai don't go there. She's going to be ok,"

"No she isn't. My baby is dying... my little girl is dying," she sobs.

"Shh!" Luke tells her.

"I can't do this. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't come in here everyday and see her lying there, and I can't bear to lose her. I can't lose her. Luke I can't lose her, she's my everything,"

"I know. You're not going to lose her,"

"How do you know?"

"I just do,"

"Really Luke how?"

"I just do,"


"Because God isn't cruel. He would never take her from you,"

"If God really exists how did she end up here in the first place? It's Christmas. She should be at home with me. We should be opening presents, and getting ready to come see you and torture you. She shouldn't be here... dying,"

"Everything will work out,"

"No it won't. I don't believe that anymore,"

"Yes you do,"

"Luke I'm so drained. I can't handle another blow. I just... I can't,"

"What about Gracie? She's going to need you,"

"She needs her mother. A mother that she's never going to get to know. And her whole life she's going to feel guilty because the day that she was born her mother died. She's going to blame herself. She's never going to be happy. This isn't fair. This isn't right,"

"What do you want me to do Lorelai?"

"Fix it. Bring her back,"

"I can't,"

"Do something!"

"Let's go get some coffee," he suggests.

"I can't go get coffee when my daughter is in there on a table dying,"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to be able to turn back time,"

"You can't,"


The doctors come through the door. Logan stands up. He goes over to greet the doctor. He talks to the doctor for a few minutes, and then returns to his new family.

"Well?" Lorelai asks impatiently.

"She went into cardiac arrest,"

"She's dead?"

"No. They brought her back. She's ok," he answers.

A look of relief comes over all of their faces.

"The doctor said that in a few minutes their going to bring the baby to the room. They all get out of their seats and follow Logan down the hall to that room. The one that they had been in for months and months. Three minutes later a nurse wheels in a basinet. Logan stares at the baby. He takes a deep breath and says, "You hold her first Lorelai."

"Are you sure?" she questions.

"Positive," he answers.

Lorelai carefully picks the baby up. She cradles the baby in her arms. She stares at the newborn.

"You're beautiful. You look like... Rory," she finishes. The baby stares up at her obliviously with big blue eyes. She adds, "I guess I'm your grandma. I don't know what you're going to call me but... I guess it isn't important."

She looks up and finds Logan staring intensely at his newborn daughter. She grins, and moves over to him. She carefully places the baby in his arms.

"Hi Grace. I'm your... I'm your dad. You're gorgeous. You look like your mommy. You're...," He pauses and the finds the word, "...perfect," he admits.

The baby is passed around the room for everyone to see. Hours later they get to see Rory. She stays in the I.C.U. for days. Finally they move her back to her room. On the first Logan goes home with baby Lorelai Grace. Emily stays with Rory so that Lorelai, and Luke can rest.