An invisible boy fading beneath society's ignorance

A preacher's daughter struggling to find the balance between expectation and herself

A confused teen trying to make the most of his broken life

After losing everything he held dear before the age of ten, second-year high school senior Colby Dixon's life has been an endless, downward spiral. With only his wacky friend, Sawyer, his abusive mother, Grace, and his taste for alcohol, his focus is anywhere but on his home life, school, or future. However, one wintery night a fluke finds its way into Colby's life and changes everything he's ever known. But all good things must be balanced with bad and the more Colby strives for a better life, the more adversity he's met with. Now he's faced with the hardest decision of his life: does he continue on with his boring, wasted life knowing it's safe and secure, or does he risk it all for a chance at happiness?

A coming-of-age story between a lost soul and a fluke that was never meant to exist. Together, they will try to help one another find their place in the world and learn to cope with the lives they've been dealt. Without one another, they will surely fail. In the end though, everyone must learn to stand on their own two feet. But for Colby that would take a true miracle - and those aren't real.

When I was a child I was untainted by the dirty and biased plagues of the world. I would dream of lands far beyond our own. I dreamt of adventure and excitement, vivid colors the human eye may never see, and wonders that were guaranteed to steal the very breath from your lungs. I dreamt of being stolen away by a stranger in a mask with a dark history and passionate resolve. I dreamt of the disaster to follow, of my mother's cries of horror when she found my bed empty, and of the overall grief the school would undergo at my disappearance. I dreamt of my vanishing resulting in the entire world coming to a stop, coated in thick, black muck that even the brilliant rays of sun could not penetrate. I dreamt of an immaculate place far more incredible than anything I ever thought I'd experience. I dreamt that day would come and it helped me to escape my dull and mundane life.

I was wrong.

I could smell the burning rubber, trash, and buildings. The embers flew against the car windows. The skies were black and dark, the sun vanishing for the last time behind walls of smoke. Between my mother's shaking fingers, her cigarette trembled, the hot ash threatening to fall into her bare legged lap. I watched carefully, wondering if we'd go up in flames too and burn with the rest of the town. Would it even matter? My dad was dead. The mom that used to love me was long dead, leaving behind this poor imposter. For all I knew, Sawyer was probably dead too. Knowing my luck, she would be. Everything that mattered to me was gone by now. So, what? Who cares if the fires took the last of my dad's stuff and my only friend? Hell, what did it matter if it took me while it was at it? Looking up at my mom, I bet she had been thinking the same thing, her shaking hand resting on the auto lock.

From the back seat, I could see the color drained from her face and eyes, her lips greying and skin becoming paler, sicklier. Shadows gathered under her eyes which were puffy and red, stained with blood vessels. The bones in her arms and chest were clearly visible. That was the thinnest I had seen her. Her jaw was trembling and her hair was a mess of fly away strands mixed with matted knots. She still had her finger on the auto lock, and I knew what she wanted to do. She had done it before – the day my dad died. I still remember the door clicking open as she, told me to get out of the car. Then, she drove away and left me alone on the median of I-79, three lanes of rushing and uncaring traffic on either side of the highway while the darkness of the late night offered no comfort. Would she do it again? Would she leave me in the middle of the blazing inferno that was once our home?

"There's nothing for us there." We began to leave, her mumbling to herself in the front seat.

There never really was anything for us anywhere. There never would be. I was only eight years old. How was I supposed to know that life would get better? That this previous half year would be more than even my endless childhood imagination could conjure. It wasn't some magical journey into alternate universes or vast adventures through unknown territory. There was no villain with a maniacal plot, no end of the world to fear, and no endless wars brought to an end by my will alone. No, that would be ridiculous.

Instead, I got a miracle.

Thanks for reading the prologue to my new book AntiHero, due to release in Fall 2015! It's been a long while since I stopped writing fanfictions, but I still get a review or favorite every once in a while. There's nothing better than the feeling when you know you've written something that others continue to enjoy. Although I haven't been able to do anything here, I have been very busy writing and publishing my first Novel, AntiHero. I am super excited for it to reach across the world.

AntiHero takes place in a poor community in Western Pennsylvania. The reader follows six months in the life of the main character, 18-year-old Colby Dixon, who is less than impressed with his life. His dad is dead, his mom is always drunk, and his friend has her own problems. He doesn't care about school and honestly, no one really cares about him either. So why should he bother trying? Then, one wintery night, he runs across a fluke who will change his life forever, but at what cost?

AntiHero deals with many different problems, ranging from alcohol and drug abuse to domestic violence and sexual assault. There is love and hatred, safety and vulnerability, and the struggle between faith and surrender. I hope everyone will love it! My author page is located at Facebook which can be found through tumblr (AntiHeroJMF) or twitter (AntiHero_JMF). The book is set to release in a few weeks to the public and anyone who signs up for the newsletter is automatically entered for the chance to win a FREE autographed copy? Please sign up and follow! I assure you, you will not regret it!

I look forward to having the opportunity to excite and entertain everyone!
