Disclaimer: Don't own the Clique!

A/N: This is my first fanfic ever! I really hope you enjoy it……hey, I'm surprised that I was able to figure out how to post this story!

Setting: After Sealed With a Diss. Bratfest at Tiffany's never happened. So no BOCD.

Octavian Country Day School

The Auditorium

Monday, September 10th

8:35 A.M.

"Quiet down, girls!' Principal Burns ordered into the microphone. "Quiet down!" Gradually, the auditorium began to grow silent.

"Now, I have a very important announcement." The look of excitement on Principal Burns' bird-like face already made Massie Block bored. She sat with the rest of the Pretty Committee in the dusty-attic-smelling auditorium. Massie looked over to Alicia Riveria, BFF and beta of the PC, and fake-yawned. Alicia stifled a giggle then folded her hands under her armpits, stuck her elbows out, and contorted her face like a ducks. Massie let out a snort of laughter at the hysterical impression of Principal Burns, whose celebrity look-alike was Chicken Little.

Massie reached for her phone in the pocket of her DKNY jeans to snap a picture of Alicia, but then she remembered the ah-noying ban on cell phones in the auditorium. Then the sound of Principal Burns' squawk-like voice filled the auditorium, and their attention snapped back to the front of the room.

"The start of a new semester means change, but change can be a good thing. I am pleased to announce that we have some new students attending OCD." Everybody looked around in surprise, as if they were expecting the Hilton sisters to walk through the auditorium doors.

"So let's give a big OCD welcome to Bliss, Alex, Chloe, Blake, and Rachel! They just moved here from California and will be attending OCD as 8th graders."

Five astoundingly pretty girls walked onto the stage in a single file. Their walk was model-worthy, with confidence, purpose, poise, and grace. They came to a stop in the middle of the stage, and turned to face the awestruck crowd. The tallest, and prettiest, girl seemed to stare straight into Massie's eyes, boring into her soul. Massie tried to stare back into her eyes with the same intensity, but she faltered and broke the gaze. But before she did, she thought she caught a glimpse of a smirk on the girl's face.

Massie looked up again at the sound of somebody's voice. The girl had just taken the mic from Principal Burns.

"Thank you, Principal Burns. I'm just so happy to be here at this great school with my four BFF's. Even though Alex, Chloe, Blake, and Rachel aren't my sisters, they're just as close, and I'm just sooooo grateful to have them here! Auf Wiedersehen for now, ladies!" Bliss said in a sweet voice dripping with honey, but Massie saw right through it.

Principal Burns started to applaud, and all of OCD joined in, staring at Bliss (the ah-bvious alpha) and her girls with admiration and envy, as if they were the alphas, and nawt the Pretty Committee. Since the second Bliss, Alex, Chloe, Blake, and Rachel walked onto the stage, everyone knew they were a clique. Every single girl in OCD's auditorium looked over to the Pretty Committee, all thinking the same thing: competition.

The Pretty Committee seemed to sense this, and looked over to their alpha. Massie rolled her eyes as if to say, "Please, there is no competition with us." The PC looked away, reassured.

But inside, Massie still felt a little uneasy.

A/N: Reviews are nice!!