Okay, yes, I know it has taken me forever to post this chapter and as always, I am so, so very sorry. I do greatly apologize for such a delay, but it's the last chapter and I was trying to make it perfect. Not to mention, my stories are basically my babies and it's hard to let them go or finally say that it's done and over with. But here it is, in all of its glory! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think.

Also, I am starting on another story and I am very excited about it, almost more than I was when I began this one! So I am writing the whole thing before posting so maybe look for it in the fall...

And one last thing, if anyone is intersted, I finally cleaned up my website. There are new pictures for this story and more! Check it out if you want to get some of the pictures for this story out of my head!

Hope everyone enjoyed this story and thank you a million times for all the reviews, comments, constructive critism, love, fans, PMS, ect. that you have given me with this story. (and made me a better writer) Thank you so much!

I ran my hand over my forehead in exasperation as I looked around the common room for the last time and tucked in the cardboard lapel of the last box - the last one. Finally.

Memories came back in waves and I fought a few resounding tears…

I stumbled through the door with Edward clinging to my body. I giggled as my heel hit the chair and I fell slightly to the left, taking Edward with me.

We were a little drunk after a long night of celebrating for the end of finals.

His lips sucked longingly for mine and all the lust poured into me. I felt an insistent tugging on my thigh and with ease I hitched it around Edward's waist, not needing any more urging. My hands tangled around in his hair as, pulling at the roots earning a purr from the base of his throat. It set the fire in the pit of my stomach even more.

His hands were all over my body, groping my curves and gliding sensuously over my ass, while he hungrily devoured my mouth. Our tongues and hands battling for dominance. The room felt like it could be set to a hundred degrees at the moment.

"Edward…." I groaned a loud. "Bedroom. Now," I commanded. I felt like I was going to burst into a million pieces. The lust. The want. The love. It seemed to be overwhelming and irrefutable to the both of us, it seemed.

We had been going at it every opportunity since prom night, but after Carlisle found me half naked when he came home early one day; we hadn't gotten a moment to ourselves since. Someone was always hovering, always interrupting. I didn't believe in coincidences anymore.

"Hmmm, good idea, beautiful." While one hand massaged my breast and the other was occupied with fondling my ass, he made it up the stairs (with a few stops on the way). It amazed me how many tasks he could do at once.

I felt the wood of my door press sternly against my back and I struggled around tangled limbs to reach my doorknob. With a few persistent wiggles it flung ajar and we both tumbled back through, laughing hysterically.

Okay, so maybe we never did make it to the bed, for the first time at least. But, we did make it into the bedroom…. That had to count for something. Maybe.


"I'm home!" I shouted as I walked through the front door. Charlie's cruiser was outside, which was odd—it was only four, he shouldn't be home yet. I walked into the kitchen, throwing my keys on a ceramic plate by the door and my backpack on the hardwood floor in the entry way. My curiosity was piped as I poked my head in to find Edward waiting on my usual stool with a patient, yet anxiously smiling Charlie beside him.

"What's going on?"

Edward perked up immediately to sweep me up in his arms.

"Some interesting mail came today… and I wanted to be here for you to open it. Baby…" he held up the wide "you're in" acceptance letter to Washington University and I couldn't help it, I screamed. That wasn't the only one. Four more yellow, manila folders sat sprawled out on the counter—Dartmouth, Yale, Boston College, and William and Mary. All of which Edward and I applied to together.

Without even opening them, tears formed at the rims of my eyes as I held them all in my hand.

Edward leaned over to his laptop case and pulled out five matching folders. "Pick one, Baby. I will follow you wherever."


"Ohmygod!" It all came out in one breath and sadly like a valley girl who just saw a sale at Abercrombie and Fitch. "Edward! We are at college!" I jumped up, hitching my legs around his waist and my arms securely around his neck, so for once, your faces were at the same height. He kissed the top of my head as he twirled me once.

"Yes, love, so we are. And the parents are gone…"he trailed off and I didn't need to be a mind reader to know the direction of his thoughts. I had obtained a pretty definite grasp on his thought process lately.

"My god, Edward, how horny are you? We have to unpack. I can't leave all of these boxes in the middle of the floor like this. It's disorganized and we have to tour the campus tomorrow and…" I was stopped by the most beautiful pair of lips attaching themselves to mine. I hummed in pleasure as his tongue slide along my lip.

"No!" my hands pushed him back and he immediately pouted his lips like a four year old begging for a cookie before dinner. "You will not distract me! Later, if you behave," I shook my finger at him but, it lost its effect when Edward sucked the tip into his mouth.

"Of course, my love. Behavior is very, very important to me." The little sex fiend he had become over the summer shocked me, honestly.

"Uh huh, I'm sure it is. Which box do you want to start on first?"

"Where did you pack your lingerie?"He whispered seductively in my ear, while his hands crept across my back.

Huffing at his endless attempts, I pushed away his hands for the second time. I reached around behind him and shoved a particularly heavy box in-between us. He smiled sheepishly at me but, chuckled under breath, knowing that he was getting closer to breaking my resolve.

He began unloading the box without another word, but I had no doubt that he would be still looking for it anyway.

Edward and I had chosen the College of William and Mary, even though it was across the country from my dad and of course all of Edward's family, it turned out to be the best choice. Edward and I were both wanted at plenty of schools, but despite his insistence that it was my choice, we worked together to find what was best for both of us. Yes, it had its down sides, but, in the end, doesn't everything?

The both of us had a heavy work load and jobs on top of classes. Everything, for the most part, was fitting together like puzzle pieces though.

It was one of those times I was afraid that everything was going to suddenly fall apart and I was going to wake up from this wonderful dream. Stuck in forks and without Edward.


"I said I was busy, Carson. It is not some signal, so stop deluding yourself into thinking that I want you around, dammit!"

"Oh, come on, baby. I don't mind a girl that plays hard to get but, really, you've done your fair share of it for now," his hand ran across my upper arm, leaving a trail of Goosebumps. "You really don't have to keep up the charade for me. I will take you as is. Trust me, beautiful; you don't need to convince me any further."

I suddenly felt a slick hand against my bare thigh, creepy slowly, but fast enough to its destination.

"Get your fuckin' hand off me! Now!" I screamed. My hand reached up to smack his face, his hand, anything, but his roughly caught mine. Carson's face was now inches above mine and as he looked down at me, I knew he was done playing.

I struggled, but he had a taut hold of my hands; his grin evil as he gloomed from above me.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way: you compromise, of course. I release you and you comply with my… requests. Or the hard way: I don't have to release you… I'd prefer it actually. I like it when my girls are tied up… so seductive. In my experience, and don't worry I have plenty, it makes the initial act much more passionate." His lips came down on my neck, sucking grossly.

I felt very sick to my stomach.

Without warning, an unforeseen punch landed on Carson's head, knocking him to the side and freeing my hands from his inescapable hold. Edward kicked his stomach, making Carson stumble back onto his back in what I'm sure was a wave of pain.

"I do believe the lady said LET GO!" Another punch was thrown and Carson was out like a light, his head falling with a thud to the ground.

"EDWARD!" Tears were spilling over now; if Edward didn't stop he was going to kill him.

It was like I broke threw a barrier and Edward, my Edward, came back to me. His face suddenly fading from anger to anxiousness in a second. Preparing to punch Carson once more, he abruptly dropped his head back against the linoleum.

"Oh sweetie, come here. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you alright? Do you need a doctor? Stupid question, of course you need a doctor. I can't believe I didn't get here sooner; oh my… it's my entire fault. What do you need? Baby? What do you want and I will provide the sun and the moon, if you need it. All you have to do is say so." He rambled on and on; it was cute, always cute.

"Shh, just take me home and love me, please. I just want to get him, his scent, and his fuckin' face out of my mind and off my body. Please, Edward. Please," I begged mercilessly.

"You don't have to ask me twice, baby, never. Come on; wrap your arms around my neck." I did as I was told this time and in a second I was encased in Edward's safe arms.

A Week Later

Carson was in custody for attacking me. Charlie made sure of that, even across the country, he did his duty. And Edward was clear of charges for throwing maybe one too many punches. He was lucky enough to be vindicated, as the charges were permitted as self-defense. Charlie had a few connections too.

Since it never went farther than just frightening me, I didn't need therapy, unless I began having nightmares. Then it was recommended, but as always, Edward had saved me in time. As far as I was concerned, that was how it would always be.


Books for all subjects, all classes, were laid out in front of me, and opened to particular pages with notes in the margin. While the print looked like a rainbow threw up on it from the various colors of highlighters. My handwritten notes sat off to the side and my laptop was propped up on my bed.

It was time for finals.

I had to kick Edward out earlier because of his god given damn photographic memory that let him study for about an hour and he was "good". I was ready to strangle him.

I took a deep breath as I reached for the third textbook of the night- the thickest of them all- when I felt a warm hand moving like a feather across my shoulder.

"Baby, come on. Come to bed with me or even better, I bought some ice cream at the market. Your favorite flavor even." His eyes sparkled, hoping I had forgiven him for earlier. There was nothing to forgive.

"It will not help you any to stress out and pressure yourself like this. You need at least an hour break. Hon, let me entertain you…" his lips trailed up the back of my neck, moving my messy ponytail off to the side. "I promise I will make it worth your while. It will be even better, than ice cream." His voice was silk and cut through the previously silent air.

He picked the notebooks off my lap, despite my struggles to resist his attempts. But his lips felt so welcoming…

I was a goner.

I never did get back to studying…


Rosalie, Alice, and I locked arms as we stepped into what had become our usual club the past few years. It wasn't hard to get in; the bouncer was fond of us, not to mention a little soft when it came to our persuasions.

We had been out partying for a little over two hours, this being our third stop, and we were all a little tipsy.

It was Alice's bachelorette party. Oh yeah, she was marrying Jasper. Tomorrow, again.

Long story; to put it simply, they eloped the first time, but Alice wasn't leaving it alone without all having a large number of people fuss over her for a day. She wanted it all—a little selfish some might say, but she deserved it.

Angela and Jessica, who we had collected from high school, and then her few other college buddies, (besides Rose and I) Ashley, Bethany, and Jill, were included in the night of party. The night began with a party at Rose's place, which included gag gifts, stripers, and loud music. And a little alcohol. Then we went to a gay club, also Rose's idea. Then after this, we were to proceed to another club, a dance club to be more precise (how we were supposed to be in a dancing state after our various consumptions of drinks, I didn't ask). Then, after that, well I'm assuming something with more stripers and alcohol. Yep, fun.

Who knows what Jasper and the guys were up to, but you know, right now I couldn't really care. I was having a rite of passage here. And believe it or not, having a blast too. Despite that I had a lack of judgment and was slurring basically every word I spoke.


I brushed on one more stroke of mascara and stepped back from the mirror— looked good enough for me. I flew out of the bathroom towards my attached closet, filled with clothing Alice and I had compromised on. My fingers felt for the heavy box under the clusters of shoe racks. In the mood for something new, I recalled Alice giving me a dress back in high school that had "apparently" just come back into style. I brushed off the dust and undid the silk ribbon on the top.

The summery dress was casual yet with the right accessories could easily be transformed into something fancy for the occasion. I grabbed a pair of my favorite heels, something I never thought I would find myself believing in, and slipped off the off-white silk robe.

The material glided over my skin and, almost like a new found confidence, I took off the adjustable straps, leaving my shoulders completely bare. It clung to my waist, maybe a little more tightly than it would have five years ago, but as it flared out slightly at the hips, you couldn't tell the difference. I turned in a circle, heels and jewelry in place.

I locked up the condo Edward and I shared and headed downtown to meet Edward at a historic location the both of us adored. I had no idea what his plans were, but I wasn't going to pester him about them tonight. Not to mention with balancing school, my love life, part time job, and everything else on my plate, trying to figure out what that little bastard was up to 24/7 wasn't at the top of my list. Lately, he surprised me with flowers and dinner already prepared or a hot bath ready for me when I got home at night. My classes made me stay out late, but he was never bothered by it.

He was majoring in Physiology and this semester, lucky him, his work load was light. Although he did meet with a local Physiologist who owned his own recovery center, his part time work there was always early in the morning and never interfered with our plans.

The quaint little building sat off to the side on a gravel road. Usually, it was welcoming, homey, and just had that historic feel but with the modern touch. But tonight, it stood out in my eyes more than usual.

A horse and carriage sat in the front, a man dressed for the appropriate era stood by, maintaining to the horse, smiled warmly at me. The house's colonial columns had strings of blue lights wrapped around its entire frame. The balcony was light entirely by candles and I could see a table set up on the cobble stone ground. The brick home itself was beautiful enough, but now roses, freesias, and dandelions decorated every nock and cranny.

The place took my breath away for a second. This couldn't all be for me, could it? The horse and carriage, the flowers, the candles? None of it, just for me. No… it must be some event and Edward just happened to have gotten in to.

As if on cue, Edward appeared in the open doorway, a Cheshire cat grin lighting up his entire face. I knew then, it was only for me. He was only for me.

That was the night he asked for my hand in marriage. And, without hesitation, I accepted eagerly.


I rubbed my hand along my stomach. Within three months, it would no longer be flat. Yes, Edward had gotten me pregnant before we even graduated technically. Go figure.

"Are you ready, love?"

Unable to speak, I nodded. New memories awaited… with a little Edward and Bella growing in my stomach with hopefully more to come and a breath taking, newly purchased house on the beach where our children would grow and learn and become something better. Goosebumps lined my skin as I thought of our perspective future, god knows, it's more than I ever expected it to be. Three minutes in a closet can give you a lot. Whether it be a first kiss or just a release of pent up high school lust, those three minutes gave Edward and me what we have today.

( I need one more line here, got any ideas? Nothing seems to be fitting at the moment…)

It's a bit cheesy, but what about….

And what we will have for the rest of our lives.

Who would have expected that those three minutes in a closet would turn into forever?

His lips hungrily devoured mine as I ran my fingers through his hair. A small whimper escaped my
Time, is going by, so much faster than I,
And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you.
Now I'm, wondering why, I've kept this bottled inside,
So I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you.
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

Never gonna be alone!
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won't let you fall...
Never gonna be alone!
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.

And now, as long as I can, I'm holding on with both hands,
'Cause forever I believe that there's nothing I could need but you,
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

Never gonna be alone!
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won't let you fall.
When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on.
We're gonna see the world out,
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.

You've gotta live every single day,
Like it's the only one, what if tomorrow never comes?
Don't let it slip away,
Could be our only one, you know it's only just begun.
Every single day,
Maybe our only one, what if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow never comes...

Time, is going by, so much faster than I,
And I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you.
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know...

Never gonna be alone!
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won't let you fall.
When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on.
We're gonna see the world out,
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.

I'm gonna be there always,
I won't be missing one more day,
I'm gonna be there always,
I won't be missing one more day.

Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback

(The entire song seemed appropriate all around so this is the dominant one for the chapter.)

Also fitting…

my heart, your hands, gentle my friend
break me neatly, numb me sweetly

say you would, say you could
say you'd come and stop the rain
say you'd try and hold me tight
and you just give me away
make me high on lullabies
a melody for me to sway
say you would, say you could
and you don't do anything

come down heavy, try and steady
precious ladies, love you, love me...

Sway by Vanessa Carlton

We're gonna be up all night
Gonna take you for a ride
We're gonna be up all night
Get it on 'til the morning light
We're gonna be up all night
Doing things your dad won't like

Up All Night by Hinder

One more time- Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you that have stuck with me the entire time or have just began reading, or even those of you that didn't even review, you still read this and I just hope you know how much I appericate it! Hope I will be talking to you guys again when I post my new story.

And here is the web address for my site if you are intersted- bellacullen1901(dot)webs(dot)com

Love you guys and thanks again for all the support!