A/N: This idea came up some time ago, and I felt like writing some less serious, lighthearted fun stuff. It's going to be a series of oneshots, all focused on Balthier and Vaan's relationship, which will evolve slowly. I'm still trying to keep them as much in character as I can, but I took a little more liberty. Please enjoy! :Meresta
Summery: Balthier isn't one for taking expensive breaks, but when there's treasure involved, things change.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Suggesting a malexmale pairing.
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XII.
The sound of vases breaking echoed throughout the entire tomb, sharp materials were flying all over the place. One ancient relic after the other disappeared in the pockets of two nimble pirates, of whom one was getting..a bit tired.
"Can't we take a break? We've been raiding for days now.."
"Stop moaning Vaan, you want to call yourself a sky pirate or not?" Vaan sighed.
"Jerk.." He whispered, smashing another vase to drown out the insult.
"I head that."
Later, when Balthier finally was satisfied with the amount of treasure they'd collected, they left the tomb, covered in proof of their pillaging. Small cuts spread over Vaan's skin and dust whirled from his clothes with every step he took. The older pirate managed to complete his task without hurting himself (or his clothes) in any way.
Unable to put up with anymore of Vaan's nagging, Balthier agreed to spend the night at a local inn before moving onward. Truth to be told, he could use some relaxation himself. A bath would be nice too.
They settled for an high class hotel room in Bhujerba and Balthier felt his reluctance melt away when Vaan plopped on the bed and leant back, closing his eyes in a deep content sigh. Suddenly feeling dirty, the brunette found his way to the bathroom and prepared for a bath.
"Why don't we take breaks more often?" Vaan asked, opening one eye to look at the closed door. The sound of running water slowly leaked through the wood.
"Because we'd be pirating for naught." Balthier had to raise his voice in order for Vaan to hear him. The younger pirate shrugged and took a look around their room.
"Not if you could settle for something..more normal."
With trouble, Vaan could identify a 'tsk'-like sound coming from the bathroom.
"We're pirates Vaan, not thieves. Now if you could excuse me.."
The wheat blond shifted around on the bed, enjoying how soft the bed sheets felt. He hasn't had a normal place to sleep for about two weeks now and there was definitely a difference between the small bed he had at the Strahl and a queen-sized bed meant for one person. He moved around until he was crosswise on the mattress, his head hanging over the side. Even upside-down this room looked way too expensive. He turned his head a little and looked under the bed, when something shiny caught his eye.
He hopped off the bed and got down on his knees to take a better look. It seemed to be some kind of jewelry. Vaan narrowed his eyes and extended his arm, trying to reach the small piece of shining metal.
"What, dare I ask, is it you're trying to do?" Balthier had just emerged from the bathroom, wearing a crisp white robe and slippers. A few drops fell from his hair on his skin, finding their way to the carpet floor. Vaan bit his lip and reached just a little further. Score.
"Got it!" He said, removing himself from under the bed.
"Good, now take a bath and get on the bed, instead of under it."
"No, you don't get it, I found something, it's.." Vaan looked at the small ring in his hand. "..it's a silver ring! There's a shiny stone in there too!"
Now , Balthier was interested. He took the ring from Vaan's hands to see for himself.
"This isn't silver, it's white gold. That diamond looks like the good stuff too.. Who would leave such a treasure behind?"
"Someone stupid." The younger pirate replied, snatching the ring back. He narrowed his eyes, not knowing how in the world Balthier could have seen it was white gold. The said pirate shrugged.
"Well, take good care of it. Treasures like these always have an extra value to them."
"Extra..value?" Ok, now Vaan started to feel really stupid.
"Forget I said anything. Let's just rest for now, I want to set out early tomorrow."
The wheat blond grunted. Nice, more raiding.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll take a bath first."
"Oh," The brunette replied, already preparing for sleep. "you'll have to use the public bathhouse downstairs. I used all the hot water."
Vaan opened his mouth to protest, but figured there wasn't much he could do about it.
"Vanity is a sin you know."
"Wouldn't be the first one."
The younger pirate rolled his eyes and made his leave, the ring still safely in his hands. He wasn't going to leave it with him, no way.
Once he got down, he went to the lobby to get a basket and a robe, when a young woman suddenly ran in. She appeared to be panicking and tears were welling in her eyes.
"May I please be granted access to room zero-two-seven, I have lost something of great value."
The man behind the counter scanned the list before him and shook his head.
"I'm afraid that room has been rented out already ma'am. That means it has been cleaned and checked already too. If anything had been found, it would have been handed in. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
Still on the staircase, Vaan was listening along. Zero-two-seven? Wasn't that the room he and Balthier were staying in? So that 'something' she lost..
"Please! I will not disturb your guests, I just need to.."
"Ma'am, I am asking you kindly to leave. You are no longer a costumer and we will have you removed if you cause a ruckus."
"But..please, I beg of you..that ring, it..!"
Meanwhile, Vaan was having a conscience battle greater than the War of the Lions. The ring he had found, was worth a fortune. He could just close his eyes and pocket the Gil, since it was her fault in the first place. She left it, her loss. Right?
Wait..did she just start crying?
"Ma'am, this is our final warning. Kindly leave, or I will call security."
"Do you treat all your guests like that?" Vaan appeared from the staircase and walked up to the young lady. She didn't look rich, how was she able to afford that ring? The man behind the counter immediately changed his posture and started muttering apologies. Coward.
"Here." The young pirate took one of the lady's hands and put the ring inside, closing her fingers over it. The woman blinked. "It's what you were looking for, right?"
"Yes..but, how?"
"Zero-two-seven is my room now. I found it underneath the bed. Seems the personnel here lacks in every department." He threw her a gentle smile.
Her tears vanished and a bright smile appeared instead. She took a small bow.
"Thank you very much sir.." She paused and looked at him in question.
"It's Vaan."
"Sir Vaan. I am in your debt." With those words, she took off, not giving Vaan a chance to reply. Instead, he sighed, took the basket the man had already set up for him and headed to the baths.
Public bathhouses weren't so bad. It was late at night so it was quiet, giving Vaan enough space to splash around to his heart's desire. While the hot water worked it's magic on his sore muscles, the wheat blond thought of the ring.
Had he kept it, they could definitely afford more breaks. Still, how painful his loss may feel, he had done the right thing.
"Treasures like these always have an extra value to them."
Another sigh slipped through his lips upon realizing what those words meant. He emerged from the water and put on his robe, before heading back upstairs. He entered the room as stealth as he could be, avoiding to wake the older pirate. The moment his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep, all thoughts of white gold forgotten.
The next morning, he woke by the sound of Balthier getting dressed. The noise his jewelry made could wake a bear in hibernation. The older pirate noticed he was up and smiled.
"Good morning, ready to go?"
Vaan made a face and rubbed his eyes.
"Can you at least let me dress first?"
"Oh please do."
A soft knock on the door caught them both off-guard and Balthier quickly threw his covers in Vaan's direction, who caught them and covered himself.
"Come in!" The brunette said after ensuring his colleague was decent. When the door opened a man appeared in the frame. It was the same one standing behind the counter last night and Vaan shot him a mean glare, which he answered with a nervous smile.
"T..there was a visitor for you, sir Vaan. A tall male by the name Margrace. He told me to hand you this." Balthier got up to him and took the small parcel.
"Thanks." Vaan said in a cold tone. "You can go now."
The man nodded and rushed his way back to the counter, while the brunette carefully closed (and locked) the door behind him. He threw the parcel at the wheat blond who caught it without even looking.
Vaan started to tug on the paper wrapping and Balthier couldn't help but be curious.
"Sir Vaan?"
Vaan didn't reply to his question, preoccupied with opening the package addressed to him. When the wrapping finally came off, it revealed a large, green gem. Balthier's eyes widened.
"That's emerald." He said, not having to think about it for a second. "Top quality too. Who sent this to you?"
The younger pirate flipped the now empty package and read what it said at the bottom.
'Hereby I would like to show my gratitude to the one who returned my ring to my maid. It was a gift from someone I hold dear, thus the ring was of great value. To compensate for your loss I present you with this gem. I trust you to use it well.
With kind regards,
Lord Al-Cid Margrace.'
Balthier whistled.
"Al-Cid eh? He's one of the big guys in Rozarria. Who could have known that ring belonged to him.."
Vaan, still mesmerized by the beauty of the gem he held, shook his head.
"Still, nice work Vaan. This precious is far more valuable than that ring."
The wheat blond looked up.
"It is?"
Balthier nodded.
"Well, to us it is."
Reviews are very much appreciated!