Authors Note: I own nothing. I wish I did. (sigh)



It eats away at my insides

Every time I close my eyes

It whispers lies

Whispers of demise

It thirsts for blood

Spilling forth in a flood

It whispers of deceit

As the sand stirs beneath my feet

Ready to kill

Waiting for blood to spill

It whispers in my mind

I can't shut it out, I can't leave it behind

It makes me so tired, it makes me so weak

The future always seems so bleak

Like no one will ever care

They will always only stare

Their gazes will hold nothing but hatred and fear

I wish I could disappear

It will tell me to kill, to make them scream

To crush all their dreams

To close my hand, to end another life

To continue my own, filled with nothing but strife

I wish it would end

That perhaps my heart would mend

That someone would show me love

Like an angel, sent from above

But everything I got was from Hell

Where I was sure I would dwell

Once I withered away

Would anyone want to say

That they cared for me?

That they needed me?

I doubted it

As I held the knife by its hilt

It gleamed in the light

And I died that night

I thrust it in with my own hand

I kept away the sand

And as I drew my last breath

It whispered of death