Title: Avoidance by Death

Summary: When the world is full of evil, how are you supposed to escape it, while protecting your loved ones?

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters you recognize. This is not intended to make money, just something to show my love for wonderful characters. Details for locations, real-life events, etc, may or may not be fictional. I have done research for certain elements of this fic, but I am by no means an expert. Please do not criticize incorrect details. I'm not making any money from this, so you will receive nothing for your efforts.

Warning: This story is much darker than anything else I've written. I'll understand if you aren't able to continue reading this story for various reasons (too depressing, you hate my guts, you think I'm suicidal, etc. Btw... I'm not suicidal. This has just been floating around my head for... eons...). But I encourage you to give it a second chance if needed. Thanks. And please, please, I really would like feedback on this. Preferably constructive. I'm quite nervous about posting this.

Author's Notes: The chapters will not be posted in chronological order. All dates at the beginning of the chapters will be referenced based on April 23rd, the day of the accident. I apologize for any confusion this may cause. I have also aged the trio by approximately five to seven years from the original SuperMystery series. Again, comments are appreciated. (This has nothing to do with the Nancy's Heart universe.)

Chapters will be different lengths, so please do not be upset if some are much shorter than others.

And a HUGE thank you to my fabulous beta, Roswalyn. This fic would still be driving me insane if it weren't for you!

Avoidance by Death

by lightwarai


April 24th

(day after the accident)

"In other news, the war against crime has suffered a major loss. We have just received word of the deaths of three well-known detectives, Frank and Joe Hardy, both of Bayport, New York, and Nancy Drew of River Heights, Illinois. Police reports indicate that all three were together in Ms. Drew's car when the car drove off the side of Rock Corner Cliff in Calloway County, Iowa. Sarah Greene is on the scene with more. Sarah?"

"Thanks, Chris. I'm here at the scene of the accident on Rock Corner Cliff with Chief Daryl Adams. Chief, can you give us more information?"

"Sarah, as you know, the area has been hit with torrential rains over the last 72 hours. We've placed the accident between 2 and 4 AM yesterday morning. After assessing the damage done to the guard rail, and taking into consideration the amount of rain on the roads, it appears as if the car hydroplaned and the driver lost control."

"Can you tell us who was driving, Chief?"

"It's impossible to know for sure. Parts of the vehicle were found along the side of the cliff and around the rocks below, indicating that the vehicle collided with the rock wall all the way down, before being smashed on the rocks at the water's edge. The car was washed downstream approximately half a mile where it was found. Any evidence that would give us more details as to the driver or other possible causes have been washed away or destroyed."

"We're getting conflicting reports about the confirmation of the deaths of Frank Hardy, Joe Hardy, and Nancy Drew. Have the bodies been recovered and positively identified?"

"There were no bodies found in the vehicle. We've been doing an extensive sweep of the river, but have yet to uncover any bodies. It's possible they were able to jump out of the vehicle at certain points, but it's highly unlikely we'll find them alive, even if they were able to escape the vehicle."

"Chief, do you know if all three were together, and if there were any other passengers?"

"We've traced their route back to an all-night diner where they stopped at around midnight or so. Witnesses, as well as credit card receipts, have confirmed that all three were together in the single vehicle and that no one else had accompanied them at that point in their trip."

"What have been the reactions of their family and friends?"

"Exactly what you might expect."

"Could this possibly be a case of foul play? After all, the three have been fighting crime since their early teenage years. Could it have anything to do with a current case, or a previous enemy?"

"We suspect not. They had just wrapped up a case, and were headed home. They were just the victims of a very unfortunate accident. That is all I can say at this time."

The television set clicked off, throwing the room into complete darkness, except for the reflection of the full moon upon the water outside the single window.

A lone man sat at a table, a drink in front of him. His mouth curved up in the slightest of smiles. "If only they knew," he murmured into the silent night.