Before I get into explaining anything, you should know that this IS a sequel to my other story Singing, Roses, and Handprints. You should probably read SRH before trying to read this.
Otherwise, I want everyone reading this to know that I am in process of editing (pretty much rewriting) this. I'll go chapter by chapter, but if it doesn't have a note at the begining or ending about me having just edited, please don't be surprised at the difference in writing style. I wrote this years ago, so obviously my writing style has changed quite a bit.
Sorry it took so long to edit the first chapter since I redid the prequel! They've had me major busy at work, and between my grandma having surgery, work and trying to fit in rewriting this it's taking forever! Especially since this chapter is almost 3,500 characters...
Let me know what you think though!
Most people who know any person with the last name Tezuka assume that we are all extremely organized. They see the pristine condition of our clothes or our bookbags, the way our books are never bent or frayed. They see that we have our things packed on time for vacations, and they just assume that we are always on top of things. They're sadly mistaken. We are the exact opposite. Well, Kunimitsu is organized. The rest of us are about as organized as Momoshiro- which is not at all. Either way, people who aren't a part of my family would be staring at me in horror for showing them the truth behind the Tezuka family's organized nature. Especially considering the state my room was in while I attempted to back my suitcase. It was a disaster, even by my standards- and I don't have very high standards on clean rooms.
"Has anyone seen my jacket?" Yes, I was yelling at the top of my lungs throughout the house. In my defense, I could have sworn I had hung it on the back of the door so I wouldn't forget it. And everyone else was downstairs.
"I have it, Ri-chan! I brought it down so you wouldn't forget it!" Sometimes I love my aunt. She knows me so well.
"Alright! Thank you!" Once I'd discovered the location of my last item to pack, I was finally able to zip up the large, pawprinted covered suitcase and matching dufflebag. Once I'd double checked my room to ensure that I hadn't forgotten anything, I grabbed my purse and headed down the stairs. My aunt hadn't been lying about having my jacket, seeing as Kunimitsu threw it at me the minute I was in the doorway. I smiled as I remembered who it was that bought me such a cute jacket. It was a very beautiful blue plaid coat with the soft fake-fur inside of it, and the sash that held it together. I was honestly surprised that he'd bought me something that wasn't expensive. I must have been rubbing off on my favorite diva.
I was glad I had agreed to go on the Skii trip. Despite the fact that I had never, ever in my life touched a pair of skiis, I had no doubt that the trip would be fun. It had to be, the old Seigaku Regulars were going to be stuck with the old Hyotei Regulars for a whole weak. I say old because all of us besides Ryoma, Momo, Kaidoh, Wakashi and Chotarou had all graduated from middle school back in July. I suppose I should mention that it was December, seeing as how it has been a bit of a while since I had met Atobe-kun. That had been all the way back in June. Had it really been so long? It seemed like just yesterday.
But I digress, the point was that the trip was bound to be fun. Atobe had even invited Tomoka, Sakuno, Ryuzaki-sensei, Horio, Katsuo, and Mizuno, as well as obviously me. I'd even managed to convince him to invite his cousin Misato! The two of us are actually rather close, and I'd venture to say she's one of my best friends, alongside Ukyou-chan, Luna-chan, and Michiko-chan. Unfortunately the last three had chosen not to come- against my advice, considering that I'd been planning on forcing them under any mistletoe situated around the resort with their respective crushes. I never claimed to be a kind best friend, now did I? No, no I didn't. At least now there were four other females going. At first Atobe had planned on my being the only girl there- I don't think I need to tell you how quickly I shot that idea down. Me? The only female with around twenty-some males? I don't think so.
Kunimitsu practically shoving me out the door brought me out of my daze, and I let out a small chuckle before hauling my things into the SUV next to Kunimitsu's (both of his bags having been packed the night before- the snarky little...), and jumping into the farthest back of the seats. Auntie always got the middle seats, Uncle drove, and Oji-chan always claimed shotgun. And I refused to sit next to Auntie after her lecture last night on how not to behave on this trip, and how she didn't want me to be pregnant my freshman year. She handed me a packet of condoms. I'm not joking. I'm being completely serious. I was mortified. I've never even made out with anyone before- and here she is handing me a packet of condoms and giving me the birds and the bees talk with a completely straight face. I never want to relive that memory again, I'm done thinking about it. Back to staring out the window, no more thinking.
"Ri-chan, remember what I told you yesterday!"
...Auntie, when I said I was done thinking about it, I didn't mean I wanted to talk about it either. It's not my fault that my cheeks heated up, either. I will take blame for the bruise Kunimitsu is sure to get on his ribcage from my elbowing him when he chuckled at me a second ago though. That, I will claim the blame for.
Less than ten minutes, and quite a few new shades of red being invented after my aunt had explained our 'talk' to Oji-chan and my uncle, later we reached the gate to Atobe's mansion where one of those fancy Charter buses was waiting. We pulled up near the group, and once we had parked I got out of the SUV and I would have gotten my bags out if it weren't for the grey haired girl who came running straight at me the minute I was out of the car. After she had practically tackled me, and we finally released eachother from a double bear-hug, we both broke into chuckles.
"I missed you, Ri-chan!" She chuckled, bright emerald eyes sparkling as per usual. Atobe Misato was certainly destined to be a super model. Long, slim legs, a curvy but skinny figure, long naturally wavy hair, pouty pink lips, and long lashes equipped to kill should not all be found on one person, but there she was. Yes, I am jealous. Having chestnut colored hair that forms a natural puffball, and hazel eyes that aren't quite as sparkle-prone as hers does have a tendancy to enduce jealousy. Although I am proud to admit that I am a tiny bit more endowed in the chest area, and Oshitari tells me my legs are better because I have a naturally olive skin tone compared to Misato's practically ghost-like palor.
"I missed you too, Mi-chan!" I giggled, pulling away only to be whisked and twirled into a familiar pair of arms. I assure you, I was not by any means complaining. The boy has very nice arms, and he's always incredibly warm. It was almost like we were part of a two piece puzzle, where he was the other half, we fit together that well.
"I would like it to be known that I missed you infinitely more than Misato did." That drawl of his voice. It was going to be the death of me, I swear. I had never heard a voice that could make my knees quiver before I met him. That means something, because I've heard Hunter Hayes sing.
"I've missed you too, Atobe-kun." I chuckled, hugging him tighter. I pulled back after a minute and grinned up at the handsome boy in front of me. With another chuckle of his own, he leaned down until he nose touched mine, and I could see the warmth sparkling in those cobalt eyes of his. I loved his eyes. They were such a dark color that it would be described as almost icy, but when we locked eyes I could see them melt until I couldn't see them as anything but warm. They were so expressive, whether he wanted them to be or not. Familiar warmth and equally familiar pressure against my lips knocked me out of my daze, and I smiled into it before pulling away. He always took advantage when I was dazed. Not that I could blame him because I really never complained, but still, we weren't technically dating.
You read correctly, I turned him down that day in my living room. Not to say that I didn't have feelings for him, because believe me when I say I do, but because I have a bit of... paranoia, I suppose. Atobe has always been, well, spoiled. He's had girls kissing his feet since the day he was born, and thus far I seem to be the only girl who has rejected him, or treated him like he was an actual person and not royalty or god-like. I'm more than a little afraid that once I give in he'll get tired of me, move on. I suppose I just want to make sure that he really does love me before I give him the chance to break my heart. I know, I'm fifteen, I should be dating guys without a care because 'I've got a lot of life left' and whatnot. I've always been terrified of getting my heart broken though, ever since I was little. The only time my heart's been broken was when my parents died... And that was seven years ago. I did promise him though, that I would give him an answer before we left this resort. To be fair, he had been pursuing me for months now and had yet to give up, so I figured I owed him an answer by now. This is his last week for my deliberation, and he knows it. Maybe that's why he's been taking so many liberties with kissing me lately.
"Ne, Ri-chan. How am I doing so far chance-wise?" Every time he whispers in my ear my knees shake. I'm not even kidding you. Every time. It's that drawl, I swear. I doubt I'll ever be able to stop swooning!
I let out a small giggle instead, flicking him in the chest where my hands had laid to rest once I'd finished hugging him back. "You'll find out afterwards, Atobe-kun."
A pout tilted his lips for all of two seconds before a grin broke out and his eyes lit up. Reminding him that there wasn't much time left always seemed to bring a smile to his face, and boy did I love it when he smiled. If his voice was swoon-worthy, his smile was dazzling. It put my heart in a flutter and my breath leave me all in one go. "Well, it had better be a yes, Ri-chan." He placed a kiss to my cheek before releasing me slowly to face the rest of the crowd.
I was face to face with miriad of exasperated and cooing faces. Kunimitsu, Misato, and the rest of my family in particular looking like the proud parents of a bride. It was slightly strange. Choutarou caught my eye as he started chuckling at me, and so I stuck my tongue out at him in an entirely mature manner. I assure you it was very mature. Okay, maybe it wasn't. Oh well.
Once I'd run through and said hello to everyone, ruffled Ryoma's hair, half-tackled Momo, been tackled to the ground by Eiji, and been teased about my short stature by both Choutarou and Ryo, I stood facing my family for goodbyes. My aunt grabbed me into her arms and squeezed me with only of those motherly moans you get when you leave home. "I love you Sweetheart, be careful!" The last part was scolding, but only because I may or may not have tried to slide down the rail of the staircase the night before. May have. Alright, definitely tried, and the bruise on my butt proves that I definitely failed. I gave her a sheepish grin in reply and hugged both my uncle and my grandpa goodbye aswell. Once I'd recieved my goodbyes, I turned just in time to see my aunt pulling an awkward Atobe into a hug. He looked like a fish out of water. Oh how I wished I had my camera. "You too, Keigo-kun, take care of yourself as well as my Ri-chan, okay?" At the boy's reluctant nod, she let out another groan, and pulled him arms length away to inform him that, "There had better be no baby-making either, you hear me? I'll kick your butt to kingdom come, rich boy or not."
I don't think I need to tell you that I yelled at her, and both Atobe and I were the color of the brightest fire-truck ever made. He was too busy spluttering to say anything, Kunimitsu had broke into chuckles, and a good half of the rest of the crew were howling with laughter. Momo in particular landed on the ground and proceeded to punch the ground while he laughed. Even Ryoma smirked and pulled on his cap to hide a chuckle.
I groaned while my uncle and grandpa chuckled, and pulled Atobe away from them while he attempted to recover himself. He grabbed my suitcase for me when I reached for it, and I narrowed my eyes playfully at him for the chivalrous act. He merely sent me a smirk while I grabbed my dufflebag and purse. He tried to steal the duffle, I'll give him that, but he failed when I danced out of his reach and ran to put it in the giant storage compartment under the bus. I kissed my family members cheeks in goodbye, and we finally all made it onto the bus once everyone else had said their goodbyes as well.
I stole the window seat in the middle right almost immediately, and Atobe shared the seat with me. Misato turned around from the seat ahead of me and sent me a grin while I looked around to see where everyone else had landed. I wasn't surprised to see the two frontmost seats taken by a laughing Oishi, bouncing Eiji, smiling (as always) Fuji and of course Kunimitsu. Behind them Choutarou was telling Ryou about a new serve, and Oshitari was failing to flirt with Misato. Kaidoh and Inui took up the seat opposite Atobe and I, the former scowling and the latter scribbling in his data-book. I had to turn around to see who was in back, but behind my row the seats were being taken up by a fired up Tomoka, and an incredibly pink-cheeked Sakuno across from a half-asleep Ryoma and Mizuno who looked excited. Farther back Gakuto was behind the girls trying to poke Jiroh awake, and Wakato was ignoring the world with his headphones in beside a dozing Kabaji. The last few were of course a whining Horio whose complaints at being far from Ryoma were fairly loud, Katsuo who was trying to tune him out and pretending to listen all at once, a chuckling Kuwamura, and a lounging Momo who was shoving chips into his mouth already. A small smile tilted my lips as I looked around at everyone. These were my friends. They were insane, but I loved them.
I turned back to Atobe when I felt his hand slip into mine, and once I spotted the amused sparkle in his eyes I sent him a grin. I leaned over to rest my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist, and I found myself wondering for the millionth time why we seemed to fit together so perfectly. About five minutes after the bus began to move, I found myself dozing so I put my headphones into my ears to tune out the conversations around me. Atobe had been talking to Oshitari for a few minutes, and Misato was talking to 'Mitsu, so I was in the all clear.
It wasn't even two minutes in when my ipod turned to a very familiar song. Mine and Atobe's. Well, the one I'd dubbed ours ever since the last time I'd sung it and been teased by my highly-embarassing aunt and Kunimitsu, and I let a small smile tilt my lips again.
"I thought that I was too old to believe in fairytales,
but there's a letter for me waitin' when I check my mail.
I start a shakin' like a seven on the Richter scale
When you say you love me.
I look in the mirror and I'm not who I used to be at all
Its comin' clear...
I'm Cinderella at the ball,
I'm Alice growin' ten feet tall.
Its not just make believe...
Here comes the prince's kiss,
I'm positive the slipper fits.
Its not just make believe...
It started out like just another ordinary day,
Now suddenly my life is different in every way.
The sun is brighter and my happiness is here to say.
Its like I'm dreamin'
Thank you for showin' me that true love doesn't hurt when you fall
You got me glowin'...
I'm Cinderella at the ball,
I'm Alice growin' ten feet tall.
Its not just make believe...
Here comes the prince's kiss,
I'm positive the slipper fits.
Its not just make believe...
Whenever, wherever, forever,
I'll be with you.
We haven't, its not just oh ooh
I look in the mirror and I'm not who I used to be at all
Its comin' clearer...
I'm Cinderella at the ball,
I'm Alice growin' ten feet tall.
Its not just make believe...
Its really happening,
I feel so good I gotta sing.
Its not just make believe...
I'm Ariel above the sea,
I'm Beauty dancing with the Beast.
Its not just make believe...
Here comes the prince's kiss,
I'm positive the slipper fits.
Its not just make believe.
Oh, its not just make believe
oh ooh,
its not just make believe!"
I felt Keigo squeeze my side midway through the song, and when I turned to him I spotted the grin on his face while he motioned to my headphones. Once I realized he was telling me he could hear it, and that he was silently teasing me about the song choice, I stuck my tongue out again and turned it down a little. A familiar warmth on my lips again made me smile, and I pressed back gently before pulling away. I opened one eye to send him what was most likely nowhere near a glare. He just smirked at me again before placing another kiss to my cheek and returning to his conversation with Oshitari, rubbing his thumb against my waist where his hand rested. Oh, I most definitely loved that boy. Even I knew I was stupid for not just giving in, but the worried pang in my heart always made me think twice. But by the end of this trip, I had a feeling that I'd enjoy being able to call him mine. It certainly wouldn't be hard to get used to.
A/N: Love. This. Chapter. I loved it before the rewrite, and I love it now. It's fantastic, I swear. So fluffy and cute yet perfectly Riyana. Let me know what you think of the new version!