The Easter holidays seemed to rush up on them all. Harry had never been happier but time always seemed to fly whenever he wanted it to crawl. He spent as much time as possible with Ginny, and when the Hogwarts Express came on April the 5th Harry left with her to spend the Easter holidays' at the Burrow.
Spring was getting underway and the plants in the garden were flowering and the trees were filling with green leaves and blossom. The year seemed to come alive with Harry's feelings, ever since he and Ginny started going out the world seemed a much nicer place.
Fred and George came around the first night that Harry and Ginny were back and they plopped themselves down in arm chairs while Ginny lay on the sofa with her feet up on Harry's lap. Harry had one foot in each of his hands and was softly rubbing his thumbs across the soles of Ginny's feet.
The twins cheered when they saw their wrists free of their manacles.
"So you got our handcuffs off," said George grinning.
"They were yours," cried Ginny, "I knew it."
"Well of course they were ours... who else do you know who'd do something like that."
"Now Harry," said Fred, "seeing as we know how you got free I believe we need to have a little chat with you."
"Don't be ridiculous," scoffed Ginny, "you put the handcuffs on us in the first place, so you wanted us to do what was necessary to get them off."
"Nevertheless we-"
But Harry was looking between them aghast and waving a finger from one to the other. "But how did you two get them off?" he said suspiciously. "You didn't have to - surely you had another way."
"Of course we had another way but we weren't about to tell you," said George. But the look on his face and the shiver that ran down Fred's spine gave them away.
"You two had to kiss," cried Ginny. "Eeeeew, urgh, oh Merlin, ew, ew, ew."
Harry laughed. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear." He wiped a tear of mirth from the corner of his eye.
"Yes ok, laugh it up. Not all of our brilliant plans go off without a hitch you know."
"Oh Ron's going to love this," said Ginny giggling.
"No he's not," said Fred forcefully, "because he's not going to find out. Did he and Hermione get free?"
"Yeah they got free before we did," Harry told him.
"Really?" asked George. "See Fred, I told you he could still get some in a hospital bed."
"He's going to laugh so hard when he finds out you two had to kiss each other," laughed Ginny. "Did you just have to peck or was it like a proper French kiss?"
"You can't tell anyone Ginny. The way I see it you owe us or else you'd still be going out with that tall bloke and wouldn't have this hunk of a man," said Fred knocking Harry's arm with his knuckles playfully making him blush.
"Hmm I suppose you do have a point there." Ginny cocked her head in thought. "How about this... I get to tell Ron that you had to kiss, and in return I won't get you back for messing with my love life."
Harry coughed out, "Hypocrite," and then casually let his eyes wonder across the ceiling innocently.
"Oh really?" said Fred. "Have you been meddling in other peoples love lives yourself Ginny?"
"No," she said as though she were insulted.
"Yes," said Harry, "she gave Ron and Hermione a little helping hand."
"Oh I see," said Fred.
"Fine then... I won't tell him... Happy?"
"Good enough I suppose. But we're not telling you anything else. I can't imagine you two didn't have any embarrassing moments after all." Harry and Ginny caught each other's eye and hastily looked away. "And besides... it was just a kiss."
A/N: Well thank you to you all for reading and reviewing... I've enjoyed this story, and i thought this would be a nice succinct way of finishing it off. Thank you all.