Powerpuff Girls © by Craig McCracken

Buttercup sighed as she saw Bubbles fly in through the window through their room. She wasn't surprised she wasn't seen yet, as she was in the closet looking for a ball. But her sweet sister was acting awfully sneaky today. Where did she get that bag? She thought as she stepped out of the closet. "Hey Bubbles. What cha up ta?"

"Aiee!" The blonde shouted, almost jumping through the roof at the surprise. "When did you come in here!?"

"I've been in here." She said, walking closer to her sister. "What cha got there?"

"Nothing!" She shouted, her voice shooting up almost an octave and hiding the bag behind her. "It's nothing at all! Heeheehee!"

"Ok, now I know it's something." She stalked closer to Bubbles. "Just show me what it is."

"Noo!" The blonde floated away, trying to keep the bag away from the brunette, but was tackled before she could get too far.

"Oh, come on! I just want to see." Buttercup said, pulling at the bag as well till it ripped, sending the contents spraying on the floor. Buttercup floated down to pick up one of the comics while Bubbles zipped around picking up the rest of her collection. "What's this? It's in Japanese or something."

"Chinese, actually." Bubbles said, snatching the book away and flying for a corner of the room.

Buttercup sighed, leaving the room and giving up on the ball for now. She was jealous of Bubbles, though she wouldn't tell anyone of it. She just knew these languages, something that she and Blossom just couldn't pick up on.


"See, Professor? Instant frozen pie."

"And frozen legs." Buttercup scowled, walking into the kitchen.

"You're just jealous cause you don't have any special powers." Blossom said, cutting the pie with her eyes. She did like taunting her sister every now and then.

Buttercup just scowled at her sister. "Yes I do! I can show you something that neither you nor Bubbles can do."

"No way! All you're good at is fighting."

"Wanna bet?"

"You're own."

"Girls, I don't think that's wise."

"Do the others chores for a month?"


"Alright." She smiled at her sister. "I can whistle without my fingers."

Buttercup smiled as she curled up her tongue and started whistling as she floated away. She knew Blossom would blow ineffectively for hours before she'd admit she'd lost.

(A/N: Curling your tongue is necessary to actually whistling. As neither Blossom or Bubbles, nor just about anyone in the show, can curl their tongue, Buttercup would be the only one in Townsville that can whistle. Unless you use a whistle or your fingers, the latter of which is pretty hard to do without practice.)