Pairing: Prowl/Jazz little bit of Ironhide/Ratchet

A/N: Thank you so much to all you readers. And a double thanks to those who read AND commented. I love comments.
Of course they don't belong to me. I make no money.

Jazz watched as Prowl's pod was heading for earth. He thought I need to be with Prowl as he lands and suddenly he was right beside the pod. Entrance to earth did not faze him but of course it really would not since he had no body. Prowl hit the earth in a forest and knocked his shoulder out of joint. He transformed and headed toward the road. He stayed back but scanned all the vehicles as they passed and he finally chose a Dodge Challenger SRT-8 as his alt form. Jazz winced as he heard metal scrape together as Prowl changed into his vehicle mode and heard Prowl groan in pain. Once he was settled into his alt form he was ok though and he headed off toward the beacon Prime had set up.

Prowl's shoulder was hurting. Prowl was sure the shoulder would wait though because he was not going to let anything get in the way of his reunion with Jazz. He did not care how much Ratchet yelled at him for putting it off he was going to report to Prime and as soon as possible he was going to drag Jazz to their room. He needed to remind himself of all those delicious spots on Jazz that made him cry out in CPU blowing pleasure. The vorns apart had been torturous. His work had kept him so busy though that most times he was able to keep from going glitchy. Now though he was close and threw open his bond to search for his love. He felt a faint almost imperceptible pulse of love sent back through the bond but then nothing. What was going on? Why would Jazz play games with him right now? Now was not the time for games and Prowl sent that feeling through to the bond but just hit dead space. Prowl started to worry and sped up to get to the group as fast as he could.

Jazz was right beside Prowl when he threw out his love across the bond and Jazz felt it hit him with like the blast from Megatron's cannon. Oh Primus, he wanted so badly to reciprocate that feeling back to Prowl. When he tried returning the feeling all he could do was send one short pulse and then nothing. He tried touching Prowl with his bumper but all that happened was he flowed over Prowls alt form much like the wind so Prowl would not even know it was him. Jazz wanted to badly to grab the tactician a make his engine whine with need. He ached for that spark to be wrapped around his, but nothing was all he got. No feeling of touch, no spark pulse inside of him just what his optics could see of his lover. What pain ripped though him at that knowledge! What agony!

"Primus!" he screamed, "This is worse than torture at the hands of Soundwave!"

In the blink of an optic, Jazz was standing before Primus again.

"Jazz I thought this was what you wanted." Primus asked as he put a hand on Jazz's shoulder.

Jazz could not look up, he could not speak, he ached so badly. Primus drew him toward himself knowing that Jazz needed comfort right now.

"How can I be right next to him and never be able to touch him? How can I live like this?"

"Would you rather wait in the Void? Or would you rather enter the matrix? Just remember though Jazz the Matrix means separation for all eternity. If you choose the Void you do not know how long you will be stuck there. Whatever happens in the Void will be with you for all eternity. What do you choose? Can you not endure this pain for a little while so you may have all eternity together, never to be separated again from Prowl?"

"I want the eternity, but this pain may just break me."

"This pain will bend you Jazz to the point that you will think you will break but I promise you will not break."

"Are you sure? I am not sure right now." Jazz said with hesitation in his voice.

"I promise Jazz. This is the last chance you have to change your mind. You have endured much in your life and you have never shied away from the hard things. I know you can do this one last thing and the reward in the end will be so much better than anything you imagine. Are you ready to go back?"

Jazz looked into Primus' optics looking for the truth. Suddenly he felt the courage he lacked and with a slight nod of his head, and his full trust in what Primus promised, Jazz was back on Earth just as Prowl was pulling on to the new base.

Optimus, Ratchet, Ironhide, and Bumblebee were all there to greet Prowl. Ratchet heard the metal scraping as Prowl transformed and immediately noticed some energon drips slide down Prowl arm but Prowl paid no attention to the drips or the arm for that matter.

Prowl tried to follow protocol and report to Optimus first but his optic kept roaming left and right looking for the object of his true attention. Optimus knew who he was looking for and he hated what was going to come next. He also knew he would not make this drag out either.

"Prowl why don't you come into my office we need to talk." Optimus said heavily as he turned to go. But Prowl stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"What happened to Jazz?"

"Not here Prowl"

"Yes here Optimus!" Prowl yelled desperately at his leader. "Something's happened. I can't feel Jazz. I need to know, NOW!"

Optimus glanced at Ratchet and he nodded indicating a syringe hidden in his hand. Optimus had hoped to save Prowl some embarrassment he might feel later at what may possibly happen when he was told the news but Prowl would have none of it. So he turned to his friend held both arms and said, "Jazz is…. Gone." Emotions making his voice hitch.

Prowl heard the words but his CPU could not process the words and Prowl fell forward against Optimus' chest. He was offline and Optimus carried him into the med bay while Ratchet walked behind.

Ratchet was not so worried about what would happened to Prowl now it's what would happen to him after he came back online. He did not want to loose Prowl. Many times bonded couples gave up the will to live once the other was gone.

Ratchet still could not forgive himself for not being there to save Jazz. Maybe if he had been able to get to him as soon as Megatron had ripped him apart he could have tried to save the spark and been able to keep in stasis until his body was fixed. Maybe if he not been off fighting somewhere else...

Ironhide came up beside him and slung his arm around Ratchet and pulled him close. He knew how Ratchet felt about loosing Jazz and he knew how it would wound his spark to loose Prowl too.

"Ratch, you have to stop beating yourself up about the fact that you weren't there for Jazz. You were where you needed to be and you know it. We all would have died if you were not with me protecting Sam."

"I know. How is it you always know just when I need you?" Ratchet asked drawing strength from his love. 'Hide just smiled. "It's just worse right now because now I have to deal with his mate. I won't allow him to offline himself either. But what if he just gives up? I can't counteract that. I can't make him have the will to live. The scary thing is I don't know that I would do much better if you were gone."

"Maybe we will be lucky and get to enter the Matrix together."

"Maybe," Ratchet said as he squeezed Ironhide's hand. They were at the med bay doors and 'Hide planted a kiss on Ratchet's lips and left him to his work.

Jazz stood by Prowl as Ratchet fixed Prowls shoulder. Prowl lay there so peacefully, but Jazz knew his processor was not peaceful. It was trying to sort out the information. He would come back once everything was not so jumbled. Ratchet did all he could and now Prowl was just in a deep recharge. Now it was up to Prowl. Ratchet went into his office. He had some things to do there and the monitors would let him know if Prowl needed him.

Jazz touched Prowl's helm but of course he felt nothing. The pain of this separation filled his whole being. Tears would fall if he were able to do such a thing. He kept his hand on Prowl and soon realized that he was being pulled into Prowl's processor. Jazz looked around and realized that Prowl was remembering. Jazz watched what was going on and realized that Prowl was replaying their last goodbyes.

Prowl was sitting on the berth in their apartment on Iacon City. Jazz was in recharge. It was not long after a beautiful bonding session. Prowl just wanted to keep his optics on his love for as long as he could. He wanted to memorize every feature, every scar, every twitch, and every sound Jazz made as he slept and especially when he was awake. Jazz noticed that as Prowl watched him energon tears were flowing down his face. Jazz had never known this happened and he wanted to know why. He was able to enter himself as he recharged and on lined himself just as Prowl swiped at the tears. "Prowler, love, are you crying?"

"Aw frag it Jazz you weren't supposed to know!"

"Why love? Why the tears?"

" It's so illogical and yet I can't seem to shake this feeling that this is truly goodbye. I know illogical. I should get First Aide to check my CPU and make sure everything is working fine." Prowl tried to laugh it off but more tears fell down his face instead. "I am sorry."

Jazz took Prowl in his arms and wiped away the tears. He kissed him and as they kissed they fell down on the berth. When the kiss broke Jazz looked into Prowl's optics. "Love I promise no matter what happens I will never leave you. Death may take me body but my spark will always be with you. I could never leave you lover." Prowl kissed Jazz again and it turned almost desperate and Jazz let Prowl's desperation flow though him. He sent back all his love. Prowl's fingers found all the places that thrilled Jazz and Jazz delved into all those places that had Prowl quickly overheating.

This time Prowl fell into recharge and Jazz was left to gaze at his love. He knew time was short and so he wrapped his arms around Prowl and whispered in his audios, "Remember love No matter what happens I will ALWAYS be with you."

They stayed that way until Jazz felt like he was being pulled from Prowl's CPU. Prowl was slowly coming online. As Jazz watched he thanked Primus for that small gift of time together.

A/N: Don't really know why Ratchet and Ironhide had that moment except that they begged for it. I swear they jumped right in my head and wrestled me me for a scene and Ironhide can be very persuasive. (cowers in corner)
Anyway hope that made you 2 happy.