Total Village Island!

I don't own Naruto, Total Drama Island, or anything I make fun of.

I'm mixing up the challenges. Here's the new chapter of... TOTAL... VILLAGE... ISLAND!!!

A few days after the ceromony, around midnight, Ice sat in front of the campers with a book. Naruto and Choji were shivering with fear, and Ice had just opened the book yet.

"What are you two crying? I just opened the book..." Ice said, looking over to Naruto and Choji.

"Ok... I can handle any scary story you throw at me." Naruto said.

"Ok. This one is REALLY creepy... It's about a young girl who got lost in the forest..." Ice said.

"Oh, please... That's not scary." Sasuke said.

"... AND she calls peoples names and leads them into the woods..." Ice continued.

"Ok." Tayuya said.

"Once, there was this young girl. She was always picked on because of how she looked..." Ice said.

"How is this scary?" Tayuya asked.

"Shush!" Ice scolded. "Anyways, she was finally tired of being picked on. One day, she accidently ran into some woods. She got lost and took shelter in an abandoned shed. She tripped on a box laying in the middle of the room. She looked inside the box, rummaged a bit through it and found a crowbar." Ice paused. "The next day, around say... the afternoon, she was followed by some of the kids. She couldn't take it anymore. She smiled and said: 'Meet me near the woods tonight.', so they did. Once they got there, the girl wasn't. The boys then heard their names being called from a distance in the woods. The followed the voice and were in the middle of the deep, dark forest. So, stupidly, the boys decided to split up. One of the boys, heard rustling coming from above, thought it was birds or something and continued to walk. As soon as he thought her was safe, the girl jumped from the branch in the tree and cut the boys head right off!"

"I think I need a new pair of underwear..." Sasuke and Naruto mumbled as Ice went on.

"She started to cut the boys head into tiny molecules and buried the remains in a trap she made." Ice said, pausing. "She heard a footstep or two and climbed the tree, onto a tree branch. It was one of the two other boys. She swung onto another branch with a vine. She then used the vine and connected it with a wire she found hanging off the crowbar earlier that day. So... she connected the vine to the branch she was standing on. The boys' foot got stuck onto the vine when he walked by. The young girl then pulled the vine up, tangling the boy in the vine. The boy screamed in pain as the strong wire cut through his skin, and soon through his bones. The blood dripped as the wires got caught in his organs. The boy screamed as the wire cut through his spine and soon his neck. The woods went quiet. The boy was dead, caught severely in the wires. The girl wasn't satistified. She wanted the last death to be more brutal than this."

Tayuya sat back as the other campers, except Sasuke, herself, and Tsunade, were shaking in complete terror while mumbling to themselves.

"So, what did she have in store for the last boy, you ask? What is more brutal to be sliced to ribbons and gush by wires?" Ice paused. "She waited for the last boy in the tree. He was hanging around the river, scared stiff since he couldn't find his friends. He walked towards back into the woods, like an idiot... and saw the wired vine with his dead friend; then saw his other friend in the trap. He knew right alway that they were killed. The girl jumped off the tree, and... stabbed him in the spine, heart, and in the eternal organs. She then cut his belly open and tore out his organs one by one. She grabbed his heart and tore it out, squeezing everything out. The boy let out a blood-curling scream. She then moved over towards his head and opened it, tearing out his eyes out of his eyesockets, his brain, and pulled out his tongue, teeth, tonsils, and throat... And ripped out all of his bones. She then, tore up his skin and hung it on seperate trees and the rest hidden deeply in leaves."

Every camper, except Sasuke and Tsunade, had screamed their lungs out.

"She still lives in those woods, but comes out of hiding to claim her next victims. But then goes town to town, killing everyone." Ice paused, looking at her watch. "But whoever thinks about that little girl right now... will be her next victim. Alright! I'm leaving so you can be deader than roadkill!!!!" Ice said, jumping on a boat with Clora and Shizune, leaving Kabuto behind.

It went quiet as the boat went away from the island.

"Aw, please. This is just Clora's way to scare the crap out of us." Kiba said.

"This is a total joke." Tayuya said.

"If this was was a joke, why would Clora leave her... Frying Pan of Doom and Pain?!" Choji asked, picking up Clora's frying pan.

Everyone gasped.

"Clora is not awesome without her frying pan!" Sasuke said.

Kiba glared at Sasuke.

"She is too, Emo kid. Haven't you read 'A Friend or a Foe?'?" Kiba asked.

"I'm on the first chapter-" Sasuke said.

"Hello! Ice, Clora, and Shizune left us here with the killer little girl! They left us here to die!" Naruto cried.

"No, they left us here to die with the little, insane, pyscho killer girl with the crowbar!" Sasuke corrected, pulling out a crowbar.

Naruto screamed as everyone laughed.

"If you believe this nonsense, fine. I'm going to bathe in the washroom. This is just Clora trying to scare us. Plus, I bet they are just here, sitting back and watching. AND CLORA AND ICE, IF YOU HEAR AND SEE THIS, TRY TO FIND A SCARY STORY THAT TAKES PLACE WITH NINJA AT A CRAPPY SUMMER CAMP!!!!" Tayuya screamed.

Clora looked at the camera, saying:

"I tried, but the bookstore and the newspaper had no good ones. Tayuya's right, but now her and the other ninja will have to survive a real life scary story... with a special guest: the crazy, insane, psycho, little, killer girl with the CROWBAR!!!" Clora said, dramatically, pulling out a crowbar.

Temari gulped and said:

"If you want to live, come with me."

The campers followed Temari to the open grass field.

"Rule number one: Never go out on you're own without a weapon. Rule number two: If you do go off alone... you should never, and I mean never, go into the woods. Rule number three: If you do go out in the woods, you never, ever, ever do a make-out scene in the woods, or you will certianly die in the woods... Wait..." Temari said, pausing. "Where's Choji and Ino?"

"Breaking rules numbers: One, two, and three." Sasuke said.

Choji was walking with Ino.

"Man, the woods... This seems so wrong..." Choji said.

"No, it's not, Choji... You are keeping my mind off the escaped, pyscho, killer little girl with the crowbar!" Ino said in a mysterious tone.

"Holy potato chips! That's it! The escaped psycho killer girl! We are in the woods we need to have a make-out scene!" Choji said.

"But we're not making out..." Ino said.

"Yeah..." Choji said.

"Wanna make out?" Ino asked.

Choji's eyes glimmered as he blushed.

"Yes! Finally!" Choji laughed.

Choji and Ino jumped into a tree and started to make out. The little, psycho "killer girl" with the crowbar appeared and started to hit the tree with the crowbar, causing Choji and Ino to fall out. Ino screamed.

"RUN!!!" Ino yelled.

Choji, who looked at Ino like she was crazy, started to jog with Ino. After a few minutes, they were still jogging with "the psycho killer girl with the crowbar" running behind them. Choji wasn't looking where he was going and stopped into the middle of the forest. Ino stopped with him, horrified.

"Here, take Ino as your next victim!" Choji screamed, pushing Ino in front of the "pyscho killer girl with the crowbar".

The girl raised her crowbar as Choji ran into a huge tent. Clora looked behind her.

"Clora! There's a girl with the crowbar! And she's on this very island!" Choji screamed, in complete terror.

The "psycho killer girl with the crowbar" came in with Ino.


"Choji! Chill!!! Its just Ice, dressed up like the girl! It's just a joke!" Clora said.

"Wait... you mean you and Ice Punk'd us?" Choji asked.

"Yes, but mostly no. But you failed the challenge. But now we can watch Ice scare the living crap out of the other campers. Funny, huh?" Clora replied. "How will Ice scare and scar the crap out of the other campers? Who will be the next one to be slashed?! Will my paycheck ever come in?! Find out next time, on 'Total Village Island'!!"

Part 2 of this challenge is the next chapter. Review please. ^^