Many thanks to all of you out there who have been reading this fic. To those who have left a review, I really appreciate you doing so. As this fic was written 6 years ago, I'd like to think I have improved since writing this. On another note, this is the first fic of a 3 fic Arc. I will post the second in the arc- 'United Hearts' - in a couple of days time. I hope you all give it a go too and enjoy it. Thank you all! Hugs and Gundam Pilots - Shen :)

" Lost Souls "

May 2002 ShenLong


Duo looked up from the couch he was sitting on as he heard the door to the apartment click shut. Seeing Heero's form fill the doorway he turned off the television before walking across to his love and stealing a kiss.

Heero returned the kiss with one of his own before pulling back to stare in those shining violet eyes. "So, how did it go?"

Moving back to the couch Duo tugged Heero behind him. Sitting down he pulled on Heero's tie and loosened the knot. "All clear," he stated simply.

"That's good."

Duo thought back. It had been six months since that fateful day that he had involuntarily made love to Hilde. Six months since he had left and his life had changed irrevocably. As his mind supplied him with those memories so his eyes drifted shut. His run back on the streets had nearly cost him his life, but at the time he could see no other way to survive. His mind and body had been wracked with guilt, and unable to forgive himself, he had sold his body to survive and also to punish himself for the wrongs he had committed. He realized now that meeting up with Shane and the rest of the gang had been a blessing in disguise. Hanging out together they managed to watch out for one another, in effect becoming a family. Fortunately for him they had been there when he really needed them. When Heero had managed to track him down at last it wasn't before time. Duo had been dying. A particularly rough customer had forced his desires upon his slender body and as a result nearly killed him. If not for Shane's devotion to the American and the subsequent bungled hold up, Heero would never have found him in time and Duo would surely be dead now.

It had taken the youth several weeks and an operation to survive, but survive he did and he was glad now that he had. Heero was with him and loved him deeply, life was almost perfect... almost...

Gentle kisses to his neck brought him back to the current dimension. "Hmmmm that's nice, koi."

Heero continued to place small kisses to Duo's neck as he pulled the American closer. "Sally said everything is fine then?"

"Yes... yes she did," replied Duo as he tilted his head to expose more skin. The morning's events were still crystal clear in his head. Sally had given him a thorough check up and pronounced him fit and well. The disease had been eradicated and he was completely recovered from the surgery.

"So that means no more slacking off for you then, koi?" teased Heero.

Duo giggled. "Look out world... Shinigami is back with a vengeance."

"Ahh, but is the world ready for Shinigami?" added Heero.

"Ummm... I really don't care, Heero..." said Duo as he pulled away. Raising himself from the couch he straddled Heero's hips. "I think the real question here is, is Heero Yuy ready fer Shinigami?" as if to emphasize his point Duo rocked his hips against Heero, delighting in the small hiss that came from his love as their erections ground together.

Pulling Duo's face down to his, Heero let his hands slide along Duo's back to gently cup his rear. Squeezing the round globes gently he murmured, "I think I can be persuaded."

Their little session however was interrupted by the sounds of the door opening again. Looking up Duo smiled to see Shane enter the room.

"Hey, Shane," called Duo.

"Hi guys. Not interruptin' anything, am I ?" He smiled as he took in the sight of Duo sitting astride Heero, obviously with more on their minds than just discussing the weather.

"No, no... not at all, Shane. I was just going to start making dinner," responded Heero as he shifted underneath Duo.

Duo moaned softly and whispered in Heero's ear, "But what about my appetizer?"

"Later, koi... later..." smirked Heero and then he managed to extradite himself from Duo's frame.

Shane took his bag through to his bedroom and dumped it on the floor before returning to the kitchen where Heero was busily chopping the vegetables that Duo had prepared. He snagged a drink from the 'fridge before plopping down in a chair opposite Duo. "How did the check up go?"

Duo sat on the chair backwards, his chin resting on his arms that lay folded upon the top of the backrest, his eyes following Heero's body and face as he prepared their evening meal. "It all went well, Shane. Sally said I'm as fit as a fiddle and all ready ta start work whenever I want ta."

"That's great news."

"Yeah. The blood tests were clear and I'm all healed from the surgery."

Shane smiled and stared at the man he adored. "I'm so happy fer yer, Duo."

Duo returned the smile. "So, how was school today?"

"Same as always. Tons of homework, test on Friday, another assignment." He rolled his eyes then turned to look at Heero, a glint appeared in those brown depths.

"Uh oh... What's he up to?" thought Heero.



"We are beginning a study on the wars on Monday..."


"Well you and Duo were involved in them so I was wondering if yer would be willin' ta help me out a bit with the research an stuff we're gonna have ta do." He looked hopefully at Heero and then dropped his eyes as he saw the other man's face cloud over with the thought of the wars. "If yer don't wanna that's 'kay... I understand."

Heero paused in his task of chopping and thought for a moment, then he turned to Shane and with a genuine smile he quietly said, "I would be honored to help you, Shane."

"Thanks, Heero."

Duo reached over and pinched a slice of carrot from the pile Heero was about to chop. Popping into his mouth he chewed thoughtfully. "We should head out an see Q-man this weekend," he stated.

Shane looked up at this."That sounds like a great idea, could we?"

"No reason why we can't. I wouldn't mind catchin' up with blondie and tall, dark and silent." grinned Duo.

"Duo! That's no way ta talk 'bout Quatre and Trowa," said Shane, feigning shock.

"Hn. Call him after dinner."

"Will do. I'm gonna take a shower." Duo lifted himself from his chair and with a definite sway to his ass, left the pair alone in the kitchen.

Heero watched the teasing American as he left the room and felt his pants shrink a size. With a shake of his head he continued his assault on the vegetables.

Shane watched in amusement. "Yer sure it's all right ta visit Quatre? I would love ta see Toby, Benny, Mickey and Colin again."

"Hn. There shouldn't be a problem. How's Paul doing at school?"

Paul was enrolled in the same school as Shane so they saw each other every day. "He's doing well. Scoring pretty much A's in all his subjects. "

Heero had to grin at this. "Wufei will be proud."

"Yup, The slave driver should be," quipped Shane. It was a standing joke between the group, Wufei had see the potential in Paul and was determined to bring it out of the boy. Sometimes though it seemed as if it was an obsession with Wufei. He had set down strict guidelines and rules which Paul was expected to follow, hence the nick name Paul and Shane had bestowed on the Chinese man. Paul didn't really mind though, he was the happiest he had ever been and secretly loved the way Sally and Wufei worried and disciplined him. It made him feel more loved and wanted.

"Dinner will be about half an hour," said Heero as he stirred the pot.

"Okay, I will go start on my homework." Shane left the room.

Duo returned wearing a pair of baggy sweat pants that rode low on his hips. His chest was bare and still glistened with droplets from the shower. He walked up behind Heero and wrapped his arms around Heero's waist as he placed his lips against the warm skin of Heero's neck.

Heero leaned back into the warm body as he continued to stir the dinner.

"Smells good, koi." Duo said as he nuzzled Heero's neck


"So, what's fer dessert?" A long lick up the side of Heero's neck.

"Hn. I hadn't thought that far ahead."

"May I suggest we partake of dessert in the bedroom?"

Heero moaned as lips and teeth found a sensitive spot behind his ear. "I like the sound of that," he replied huskily.

One of Duo's hands moved downwards over the front of Heero's pants and began to palm the hardness there beneath the cloth. Heero's hips began to rock into the touch, requesting more. Duo reached for the zipper and eased it down. Working his hand inside, his fingers found the parting in the cloth of the boxers and slipped inside. Heero bucked as Duo's thumb traced lightly over the head, smearing the pearly drop that had gathered there.

"Nnnn, Duo..."

"Yes, koi?" came the breathy reply. "Do yer want me ta stop?"

"Nnnn... more ..."

Duo pulled the hardening flesh from the confines of Heero's clothes, then reaching around with his other hand he removed the spoon from Heero and laid it on the bench. Not letting go of his prize he pulled Heero around to face him and claimed Heero's lips in a tantalizing kiss.

Heero allowed a moan to escape as Duo's talented fingers stroked his shaft. Rocking himself into that touch his eyes lidded with desire. He noted the look of want in Duo's amethyst orbs as another moan forced itself from his throat.

Smiling wickedly, Duo removed his hand, stepped back slightly and began to drop to his knees.

Knowing what Duo's intentions were, Heero groaned loudly. As that tongue flicked out to taste his tip he had to grab at the bench to stop himself from falling as his knees began to buckle.

With one hand on Heero's hip, Duo placed the other on the root of Heero's cock and held the organ still as he ran his tongue along the sensitive underside. Pleased with the panting and whimpers he was coaxing from his lover, Duo took the engorged shaft into his mouth and began to suck.

Feeling his world descend into that warm wet cave it was all Heero could do to stop himself from screaming. Remembering that Shane was just down the hallway and could walk in on them at any moment, made the act even more arousing and erotic.

Duo worked the length expertly, his time as a prostitute had taught him well and he knew how to use his mouth and tongue to drive his 'victim' to nirvana. Heero was so responsive to his touch and Duo delighted in extracting as many different sounds as he could from the man. His tongue swirled and lapped at the head before plunging the full length deep again and suckling as if it were his last meal.

Heero was as helpless as a new born kitten. His world revolved around his cock and what that mouth was doing to him. When Duo took him and swallowed his entire length, Heero thought he would black out from the intensity of the pleasure. Moaning and whimpering, his hands threaded into Duo's hair as he rocked his hips into paradise.

Feeling Heero's body beginning to tense, Duo prepared himself for the gift to come. Relaxing his throat as he continued to nurse on Heero's thick penis, he raised a hand to caress the silky sac that was heavy and beginning to harden with Heero's excitement.

Heero closed his eyes as his orgasm began to find him, thrusting himself deeper into Duo's skillful mouth and feeling the hot stream of liquid as it pulsed from the tiny slit to be eagerly devoured by Duo's throat.

Duo drank all that Heero had to offer him and still tried to suckle more from his love's body. Finally realizing he wasn't going to get anymore of that lovely nectar, he released Heero from his mouth and stood up. Pulling Heero close to him and supporting his koi he plundered Heero's mouth, allowing the other to taste himself. Backing off he searched Heero's eyes. "Enjoy that?"

Heero nodded and rested his head against Duo's shoulder. "That... that was incredible," he panted.

"Consider it an appetizer. After dinner the dessert will await yer in the privacy of our room," said Duo seductively. His eyes were heavy and lidded with lust and passion.

The sound of Shane's door being opened reminded them both that they weren't alone and reluctantly Duo let Heero tuck his cock back in his pants. He moved back to the table to give both himself and Heero a bit of space to calm down.

Shane entered the kitchen and stared at the two. Raising an eyebrow he noted the flushed cheeks of Duo and the rather happy, sated look on Heero's face. He shook his head and smiled bemusedly to himself. "I guess dinner could take a little longer?"

"Hn. What do you mean by that?"

Shane started to return to his room, casting a look over his shoulder he responded, "You two need ta be a little quieter, I have studying ta do and I don't need the distraction of moans ta assist me." He winked at Duo as he closed the door.

The spoon clattered into the pot as Heero stared open mouthed after Shane. Duo burst into gales of laughter. "Well, isn't he just the epitome of subtleness?" he said as his sides shook.

"Hn." Heero turned back to the dinner, his face burning red.


Dinner had been delicious. Heero was a surprisingly good cook, not to say that Duo was a failure in the kitchen. The braided one could rustle up some pretty interesting meals at times, but he preferred to let Heero do the cooking. To be honest, Heero liked it that way. He had been so used to cooking for himself for so long that it was second nature to him and he enjoyed it.

Reclining on the couch watching an old movie, Duo stretched and yawned. He was sprawled along the length of the couch, head resting in Heero's lap and feet dangling over the arm rest at the other end. Heero had one hand resting on Duo's slim waist and the other gently stroking the mass of hair. Duo purred with contentment.

Sitting in the chair to the side, Shane glanced over every now and then, his own heart full with love and happiness. They had all come a long way since that night when he had first met Duo and shared the evening with the other as 'entertainment'. A lot of muddy water had passed under the proverbial bridge and finally it was beginning to run clear. All his 'family' were safe, loved and cared for and he no longer had to worry about them or himself. For the first time in his fourteen years of life Shane felt of worry, free of cares, able to be himself and just enjoy life as a teenager. And he owed it all to the men that were sitting to the side of him.

Seeing the far away look in Shane's eyes, Duo spoke. "Whacha thinkin' 'bout, Shane?"

Startled slightly, Shane jumped. He stared back at the man he had come to adore. "Jus' stuff."

"Hn?" Heero raised an eyebrow in question.

"Ummm... Jus' thinkin back over the past... yer know... everythin' that's 'append an how I never thought I would get the chance ta live like other kids," he trailed off, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Duo smiled warmly at him. "Family," he murmured.

"Hai, family." Heero nodded in confirmation.

"Family," said Shane softly. The word held a volume of meaning, all of which Shane now understood. "My family," he said under his breath.

The movie finished and Shane stood up. With a yawn he voiced his intentions of going to bed, and bidding his friends goodnight made his way to his room.

Duo watched the retreating form with love in his eyes. He was happy that Shane and the others had come to the Earth with Heero when they brought his sick and fevered body home. He was even happier that all the boys had found a warm, caring home to be a part of. Still thinking along the lines of warm and caring he wriggled in his partner's lap.

Heero looked down at him. "Ready for bed, koi?"

"Hmmmm. Yes, please," came the husky response.

Heero hit the remote to turn the TV off and scooping Duo into his arms, he carried him through to their bedroom. Kicking the door shut with his foot, Heero carried Duo over to their king sized bed and lay him down on the top of the quilt, stepping back to admire the beauty.

Aware of Heero's eyes on his body, Duo's smile turned seductive as he trailed a hand down over his chest and stomach to stop at the waistband of his sweat pants.

Heero licked his lips at the sight, enjoying the tease his love was giving him.

Duo continued trailing his fingers around the band before sliding the pants slightly down his hips, revealing just the barest of traces of stiff, chestnut hairs.

Heero moaned and felt himself harden as he watched the sensuous display.

Feeling bolder, Duo dipped his fingers inside the loose fabric to wrap around his stiffened flesh. He gave a small whimper as the pad of his thumb passed over the sensitive head causing his hips to arch.

Heero was mesmerized by the sight of his koi touching himself, watching the pleasure cloud those violet orbs and send them dark with lust. His hand strayed to the front of his own pants seeking some form of friction for the ache that was rapidly growing.

Duo saw Heero's hand stray through half shut eyes and another moan escaped his lips as Heero's hand began to rub his own need. Unable to stand the restriction of his pants any longer ,Duo tugged them down to be pushed off with his feet. Deliciously free at last, Duo spread his legs and began to touch himself more openly.

Heero could hardly contain himself, so erotic was the sight before him. It seared down his optic nerves, burning the image into his more than happy brain. The sight of Duo's hand working that throbbing length, the fingers running over that silky sac turned him on more than he could have imagined. Tired of his own clothes, Heero removed them and stood at the side of the bed gazing down at his love.

Duo watched as Heero removed his clothing and felt his breath catch as every inch of that sleek, muscular body was revealed. Finally, Heero stood naked before him in all his glory. Duo liked what he saw. Licking his lips a whimper burst forth as Heero's hand moved to grasp his own erection and stroke firmly. Duo decided the time for teasing was over, he wanted action and he wanted it now. Releasing his own cock he grabbed Heero's arm and pulled the Japanese ex pilot onto the bed.

Mouths met and tongues dueled as fingers went roaming, touching, squeezing, stroking. Breaking for air, Duo rolled onto his back pulling Heero on top of him. Grinding their erections together he captured Heero's ear lobe and began to nibble. "Heero..."

"Hai, Duo?"

"I want yer ta make love to me."

Heero raised himself up slightly to look into his love's eyes. "Duo... are you sure?" Heero wanted nothing more than to be buried deep inside his koi's body, but Duo had been through so much and after the operation and all Heero didn't think Duo would want anyone near his ass for sometime.

"Heero, please. I want yer ta make love to me. Sally said I am okay and that sex shouldn't be a problem. I need yer ta do this for me, I can't begin ta let go of the past until I have a part of the future ta hold on ta. The last one that was buried in my body nearly killed me, that's not how I choose to remember making love. Please, Heero, make love ta me and help me ta be free again."

Heero stared into violet pools that spilled over and understood what it was Duo wanted of him. He needed him to make love to him, to show him... remind him of what it's like to be loved. To remove all traces of that low bastard had that hurt him. "Okay, Duo. But I want you to promise me that if you feel any pain, any pain, no matter how small you will tell me. I don't want to hurt you Duo. I never want to hurt you." Heero reached for Duo's lips and kissed him deeply.

Duo smiled at his lover. "Thank yer, Heero, and yes I will tell yer if it hurts." Duo wrapped his arms around Heero and plundered his mouth, sending shock waves straight to both of their groins.

Reaching under the pillow Heero removed the familiar tube. Flipping the cap he coated his fingers and then lowered his hand to the cleft of Duo's rear. He ran his finger up and down the crack before circling it around that small opening. Teasing gently he worked his finger past that tight ring, senses alert to any pain he may cause his love.

Duo gasped and writhed as Heero's finger penetrated him. It had been a while and the operation hadn't helped, but Duo didn't feel any pain, just some slight discomfort. He began to whimper and push back against Heero's hand.

Scanning Duo's face and finding no sign of pain, Heero pressed a second finger inside. Encouraged by the sounds coming from Duo he began to thrust his fingers deeper, working at loosening that tight ring. Suddenly he brushed against that small bundle of nerves causing Duo to slam back down onto his hand and cry out with need.

"Ohh gods, Heero... Yes... oh yes..."

Heero grinned as he began to push his fingers in deeper and faster, stroking that spot as often as he could.

"Heero!... Oh, Heero... please... that's so good... more... I want yer. I need yer inside me... now..." Duo was almost sobbing the words out so great was his need to feel Heero inside his body.

Removing his fingers, Heero grabbed the tube once more and coated his cock thickly with the lube. Tossing the tube to the side he raised Duos legs and guided the head of his cock to the gateway to paradise. Looking to Duo's face once more, he asked silently for permission.

Duo nodded. "Take me Heero, make love ta me," he begged.

Slowly, Heero eased the head past that muscular ring, feeling it part to allow his access to the warmth within. Velvet walls surrounded him, caressing his length as he inched deeper into the heat that was Duo.

Tears ran from Duo's eyes. They were tears of happiness not pain. Finally, he could begin to lay his demons to rest.

Once he was fully sheathed, Heero waited for Duo to adjust to his size. When Duo began to push his hips up, Heero knew he was ready. He started out slow, pulling almost all the way out before sliding back once more to heaven. Rocking his hips he began to build up a rhythm, slow and steady. He wanted Duo to remember this, remember the gentleness and love that Heero could give him.

Duo was lost in a world of pleasure. All his nerves had become fine tuned and he felt every stroke, every touch of the ex Wing pilot's hard length. There was no pain, no discomfort, just exquisite pleasure. Duo began to rock his own hips in response.

The dance began to speed up and Heero shifted so that the head of his penis brushed Duo's sweet spot again and again, sending shock waves skittering over nerves and stars to explode in Duo's head.

Duo threw his head back as he thrust up to meet Heero. "Ohh, Heero... deeper... please... make me scream..."

Heero responded and began to pound into Duo's willing body. All thoughts of hurting his love had vanished as raw animal lust took over and Heero became a creature of need. Beneath him, Duo moaned, screamed and writhed with the overload of sensations. Reaching between them Heero found Duo's cock that was crying with need. Soothing the tears away from the head with his thumb, Heero began to pump.

Duo screamed and arched as he felt Heero's hand take his cock and stroke it. He had only one focus now and that was to reach his end. It was so close.

Sensing Duo was nearing his climax, Heero sped up his thrusts and squeezed Duo's aching need.

With a keening cry, Duo found his release, shooting his passion over his chest and Heero's hand.

As Duo's inner walls began to spasm around him, Heero felt the beginnings of his own orgasm. The tightness in his balls as the hot liquid shot forth to be buried deep in Duo's channel signaled his own tumble into the world of euphoria.

Still riding the waves of pleasure, Heero pulled Duo close to his chest. "Mine," he stated simply as he kissed his love.

"Thank yer, Heero. Thank yer fer chasing away the nightmares. Thank yer fer giving me the chance ta live again; but thank yer most of all for helping ta set me free," whispered Duo.

Hearing those words and feeling Duo snuggle close to his chest, Heero felt an overwhelming sense of love and peace steal over him. Here in his arms he held the future, all of it unknown and waiting to be discovered. Allowing sleep to claim him, Heero, for the first time in his life, felt complete.


The sequel - 'United Hearts' will be coming very soon! Thank you for reading!