I was right! Tony IS prone to car sickness, as revealed by Wendy. Poor soul. And Ziva DID find out, and I don't think she would leave him alone. Do you?

"So… Dramamime?"

"It's Dramamine, Ziva, and what about it?" Tony had known this would come up, sooner or later. He'd just wished for a little later and not now, not here, in the car with McSnoop and Gibbs. Damn those woman-to-woman talks!

She snorted in that infuriating way she always did when she brought up a subject for her own amusement just to drop it again. He glared back at her from over his shoulder, but she had her head turned, looking contemplatively out the window. Good. He slumped back in his seat after giving the Boss a quick look from the corner of his eye. Gibbs was well into the phone call with Metro and hopefully hadn't heard Ziva's comment. He wiped a hand over his face and heaved a weary breath.

"Have you taken some now?" came a chirp from behind his left ear and by God if he didn't jump just a little bit.

"No!" he hissed, annoyed with her now. She leaned in closer still.

"Then are you not nauseous?" If you didn't know the ex-assassin that well, you could easily have mistaken her words and tone for concerned. Tony, however, did know her well. He sent her a freezing glare then resolutely turned his head. He would not let himself be dragged into this conversation.

The truth was he had taken his pills, before they left the yard this morning. Just to be safe. He usually didn't need them if he was successful in claiming the front seat (and that had been so much easier with Kate) or if Gibbs was driving sanely (yes, that did happen on occasion), but today he had thought 'better safe than sorry'. It was proven the smart thing to do, since their suspect had peeled off the moment he spotted them, driving like a Nascar winner, with a determined and sliiightly annoyed Gibbs hot on his tail for a good twenty minutes, before a roadblock put that madness to an end.

Now, as they were driving home, Tony found himself in the front seat (thank goodness), but Gibbs had ordered him to search for any clues as to where their perp had stolen the weapons hidden in the trunk and with McGeek busy in the back, looking for hits on the money they'd found, and Ziva in between calls with the State Police he really couldn't weasel out of it. He could, however wish he had brought more Dramamine.

As he fixed his gaze on the small screen of the laptop he could feel all the turns and accelerations of the car. His eyes were telling him he wasn't moving and yet his inner ear knew better. He looked up every now and then to try and stave off the building queasiness, but that only made it worse. As sweat broke out on his brow and palms, he swallowed thickly and tried closing his eyes. Nope. Only made it worse still. He put the laptop down and rolled down the window a bit, panting slightly in the gusts of fresh air.

"You find something, DiNozzo?"

Crap. Gibbs used his I'm-almost-afraid-to-smack-you-cause-maybe-I'll-accidentally-kill-you-and-do-time-for-it voice and Tony hadn't found anything useful. He swallowed again.

"Well uhm…Boss. I was just going to… hmm…" Oh, great. Not only did the car screw with his inner ear, it warped his speech center as well. Weird, that. Gibbs threw a glare his way and he met the icicles that were Gibbs' eyes for a split second and tried so hard not to look as pathetic as he felt.

"Ziva!" The boss growled, without taking his eyes off the road.

"Yes, Gibbs?" Always with the impeccable timing, she closed her phone and gave him her full attention.

"You take DiNozzo's laptop and continue the search."

"Of course."


"Yes, boss?"

"You get your butt in gear and call Abby about those guns."

"Yes, boss." Tony was so relieved he could cry. Talk on the phone; that he could do.

As he speed dialed Abby, Ziva and McGee busy with the search, Gibbs gave him a slight tap on the back of the head. Then he growled "Tobias. It's me…!" to his cell and grabbed something out of his jacket pocket and dropped it in Tony's lap.

Tony smiled.

It was a packet of Dramamine.

So? Was I right or was I right? Huh? ;)