For those who don't know, this story is under heavy rewrite, (the prologue has been rewritten as well so please check that out). I am uploading all the new chapters over the next few days. Also there are two main OC's in this story as they are needed (I can't really have any other canon characters as there needed elsewhere in my story).

Bluestreak stared up in confusion at the gathering of mechs surrounding him.

Two black and white praxians stood next to each other, one far more menacing with sharp claws and deep red optics than the smaller serene looking doorwinger. Green optics glinted mischievously as they watched the ongoing argument between the resident medic and his scowling companion.
The sparkling sighed softly, after the second time he had woken up in what he now knew to be the med-bay, Ratchet had discovered that some of his programming controlling speech had been severely damaged alongside his memory core.
He still wasn't quite sure what it meant but he wasn't concerned. Ratchet said it just might affect his speech a little bit, nothing to worry about.
"He does not remember a thing?"
Ratchet huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at the mech who had asked the question. The black and white mech glared back, red optics making the frown much more intimidating than the medic's. Unfazed Ratchet growled.
"For the umpteenth time, no he does not remember a thing."
Bluestreak giggled, he liked Ratchet. His grumpiness was really funny.
"Is everything ready for him?" Ratchet asked, attempting to avoid having to repeat himself again.
"Yes, he will be well looked after."
"Yeah, Bumblebee is there now as well as the twins. He's going to have plenty of company."
The other black and white mech chimed in, bouncing up and down slightly on his feet.
"Perfect because the twins aren't going to cause any trouble..."
"Do not fret Ratchet, they would not dare to cause trouble least I find out about it."
The smaller doorwinger burst out laughing.
"I think they're more scared of ol' Barricade here than they are of you now Ratchet!"
"That's cus 'Cade's a stuck up ex-decepticon prick."
All three mechs turned to face the grey and red femme standing in the doorway, blue visor glinting dangerously in the dim light of the room.
"Techno..." Barricade growled. "What a pleasure to see you again my dear."
"Likewise" The femme drawled striding into the room, pecking Ratchet quickly on the cheek she turned to the others.
"When are we leaving?" She asked. "Orion want's me to get his terrible duo to call him when we get back."
Ratchet looked at the small black and white mech and jerked his head in the opposite direction of Barricade and Techo, who were currently arguing in hushed tones with each other.
"Are you sure he'll be alright with those two?" He whispered, indicating the arguing pair.
"He'll be fine Ratchet, their both just...tense at the moment. What with everything that's happened."

Door wings flicked in a show of worry before stilling again, he placed a comforting hand on the medics shoulder.
"It'll be alright my friend."
"I'm trusting you Strobelight."
"I know." He murmured, squeezing Ratchet's shoulder slightly before releasing him.
"How is my brother doing?"
Ratchet sighed, glancing at Bluestreak who was watching Barricade and Techno hurl increasingly creative insults at each other.
"Your brother is...coping...barely, against my orders he's shut down he's emotional core in order to 'logically' process the...lose of his son" Ratchet scoffed lightly.
"Techno's brother is currently petitioning the Prime, blaming him for Altihex falling to the Deceptions."
Strobelight nodded solemnly.
"I am actually surprised he didn't just go off the Prime himself."
"I think he would of done if your brother hadn't of stopped him." Ratchet sighed.
"Prime has lost the loyalty and respect of two of his best officers and most of the soldiers, he has been handling the increasing attacks of the Decepticons exceptionally poorly...and well we're loosing more soldiers than I care to count."
"That bad?"
"Well...shit, how long do you reckon it will be before Alpha Trion interferes?"
"Not long now...rumours have it that Primus has shown him who should be the next prime, the true prime."
Strobelight eyed him curiously.
"You mean the Matrix of leadership has finally decided a bearer?"
Ratchet shrugged. "I didn't say that, everything is all just rumours lately."
Strobelight sighed, smiling slightly at the sight of Techno holding Barricade in a headlock and Bluestreak laughing brightly at the pair.
"This war just seems to go on forever."
Scoffing the medic shot a dark look at the younger mech.
"It's war Strobes, not a party."
Laughing derisively, Strobelight grinned.
"Yeah a party would actually have decent energon and not the swill they serve in the rec rooms anyway we'll keep you informed of Bluestreak's progress."
Nodding towards the medic he walked back over to the others, kneeling down in front of the small sparkling, he smiled.

"Heya little one, ready to get going?"
Clicking happily, Bluestreak opened his arms. Silently asking to be picked up.
"Barricade! Techno"
Jumping the mech and femme stopped arguing to face him. Strobelight gave a tight lipped smile.
"Time to go."
He marched onto the waiting shuttle, giving Ratchet a quick hug in farewell whilst still holding Bluestreak tightly to his chest. He left the other two with the medic they'd catch up to him soon enough.

Barricade saluted at Ratchet before following Strobelight, leaving Techno standing side by side with the medic.

"It's all a load of slag."
Frowning Ratchet looked at Techno, the femme was facing straight forward, staring into the shuttle. The blue visor preventing the medic from knowing her true feelings, only the thin line her mouth sat showed her discomfort.
"Look after my baby brother Ratchet."
"Of course."
She nodded, glancing at the medic quickly before flinging her arms around her oldest friend, and former lover.
Pulling away slightly she stared up into his face, retracting her visor Ratchet was shocked to see the tears gathered in the corners of her light pink optics. Anger flashing fiercely across her face.
"And you tell my brother if he wants help getting rid of that council elected prat of a Prime, that he need only ask."
Ratchet scowled, but none the less nodded. He often forgot the dainty femme he currently held was a highly trained special ops officer and the previous Prime's second in command. He had learned long ago not to mess with or underestimate her.
"I will."
He had also learned, quickly, when to back down to her.
She stepped out of his embrace and placed another lingering kiss onto his cheek.
"That inventor of yours is damn lucky to have you darlin'."
Ratchet smiled softly.
"Just as Trigger was lucky to have you Techno."
She gifted him with one of her rare tender smiles.
"We will see each other soon Ratchet, Ironhide has asked for help training those glitches you call recruits."
Ratchet groaned.
"Don't remind me."
Suddenly the shuttles thrusters whirled lazily to life.
"Time to get going Tech."
She grinned broadly, visor snapping briskly into place all trace of anger gone. Hidden by the sparkling visor.
Jumping onto the shuttles ramp she waved merrily at Ratchet.
"Don't get any older whilst I'm away darlin', don't want any more of your bolts to fall off!"
Ratchet gaped, the shuttle door already beginning to shut on her cackling face.
He growled.
"NO!" He shouted to be heard over the thrusters. "Wouldn't want to beat your high score would we!"
He barely heard her shriek of indignation before the shuttle's doors firmly closed, blocking out any reply.
Grinning he strode out of the bay, heading back to his med-bay, he had no wish to be burnt by the ships thrusters.

At least Bluestreak would still be with his Aunt and Uncle, he thought. He knew they would take good care of him and despite his opinion of the former Decepticon Barricade, he knew the mech would do everything in his power to provide for and protect the sparklings in his care.
Ratchet sighed, brightening as he saw his sparkmate waiting for him outside the med-bay before scowling again.
"What did you do this time?"
Audial lights flashed merrily up at him and Ratchet just knew his mate was grinning beneath the face mask.
Wheeljack chuckled, before placing something in his irate mate's hands.
Ratchet looked down, shocked unsure whether to laugh or hit his mate round the head.
Laughing again Wheeljack steered his mate into the med-bay.
"I simply thought you could use a hand."
Ratchet stared at the amused engineer before glancing cautiously back down at the dismembered hand he currently held.
The loud clang as he hit his mate round the head with his own hand could be heard echoing all the way down the corridor.

New rewritten and updated chapters coming soon.