This is a prequel to Biting the Bullet but you don't necessarily have to have read that to understand this story, especially as that one is currently being rewritten as well and will be published under a new story name. (It's old old fan fiction..from when I was like 12).
Quickie before we start the story, I'll be using terms associated with female to describe a perceived male character in order highlight that this 'male' character was the one to be pregnant with and give birth to a child. :)
Any further terms used in future chapters will always be explained at the end. Enjoy. :)

Nothing but a chilling silence filled the near barren room, the sort of quiet that buries deep into you leaving you feeling cold and afraid, though you don't quite know why.
Only a small prone figure lying on a lone bed in the centre of the room showed any sign of life in the silence. Even that was disturbed by the never-ending bundle of wires and cables connected to various machinery and the figure, obviously a small child, was hooked up to the other end. Small regular beeps sounding as gentle as a thunderclap in that quiet room.
Suddenly a high pitched whirring, the noise of fans screaming to life, filled the room as the child began twitching violently on the bed, flashing images and noises appearing rapidly behind closed optics.

A problem has been detected. Runtime Error: Corrupted files in:
Core Memory system...

The timid whisper caused the larger mech to look up and see a pair of bright baby blue optics barely peeking over the top of his desk. Smiling gently at his sparkling he whispered back.
"Yes darling?"
"When is mama coming home?"
The mech frowned slightly an air of sadness hanging round him as he considered his answer.
"He will be back...soon sweetie, mama is...working."
The sparkling frowned back at his creator, grey door wings drooping despondently against his back.
"Mama works a lot."
"I know...he has an important job."
"Like you papa? You're always working too?"
Sighing the creator stood up to walk around his desk and kneel in front of his son.
"You're right, how about we go visit Orion for a bit?"
Jumping up and down in excitement the sparkling squealed.
"YAY! Uncle Pax always has the best sweets!"

Boot up terminated...

"Hey baby! What'cha got there?"
The sparkling grinned, optics sparkling with childish joy.
"Uncle 'Jack made me a toy!"
"That's amazin'! What ya called it?"
Looking down at the soft black and white toy that bore a startling resemblance to both his creators. the child grinned.

Searching for solutions...

In between the numerous boxes and data pads in the closet he pushed his hands harder over his audios, desperate to block out the sound of his creators fighting. They were fighting over him and he had no idea what he'd done so wrong.

His carriers thick accent slurring the words together with the weight of the anger behind them.
The child jumped he had never heard his creator shout before and it terrified him.
Everything fell silent and ever so slowly hands fell from audios, interest peeked at the sudden lack of noise.
"Love, please...even Orion is sending his twins to Kalis...Wheeljack's brother has agreed to look after him in Altihex."
"We both know that those cities won't be neutral for long...not the way the Decepticons are going. They'll be conquered by the end of the year!"
"Darling...the sparklings only have a fifteen percent chance of survival if they stay here for the year."
Leaning closer to the closet door he heard his carrier sob.
"And...if we send him away?"
"Yes! I want to know the exact percentage!"
A deep sigh. "Seventy two point five percent."
Sobbing heavily now his carrier whispered.
"Damn you...damn this war and damn Prime too."

Recommend termination of corrupted files to continue function...automatic deletion in 5...

"Mumma I don't want to go!"


"We'll see you really soon baby."


"You'll be safer in Altihex."
"We love you...never forget that."


"You alright?" Kind gold optics looked down at the quivering sparkling.
"Uncle Orion...I don't want to leave."
"I know...neither did my twins...but you'll be alright little one. I promise."
"And you never break your promises." The sparkling smiled.
Grinning the carrier handed the soft toy known as Razz over.
"No I don't."


"Primus he's still alive, someone get Ratchet...NOW!"

Corrupted files deleted...
Reset initiated...
Scanning systems...
Scan complete...
No corrupted files found...
Commence Reboot...

Blue optics flared online as the child screamed...panic filling he's entire being.
'Where was he?'
Suddenly doors whirled open and several mechs rushed into the room.
Screaming again he propelled himself off the bed, away from the strange mechs who had run in, ripping the wires out of his system as he went.
Red hands grabbed him quickly round the middle.
"Frag off Ratchet, I'm not leavin'!"
"Get out." Came the low growled reply.
Just as soon as everyone barged in, they were all chased out by the irate white mech still gripping him incredibly tightly.
When all was silent once more, the mech lifted him gently up to optic level.
"Now then Bluestreak...let's get you back to recharge after a check up eh?"
Frowning the sparkling titled his head at the mech.
"Whose Bluestreak?"
Icy optics widened in horrified surprise.
"Where am I?"
Scowling the sparkling pointed a finger at the frozen mech.
"Who are you?"
Swallowing heavily the mech placed him down on the bed before stepping back.
"I am Ratchet, I am a medic youngling, your name is Bluestreak..." taking a deep breath as if to brace himself for something horrible the white mech continued.
"What...what do you remember?"
The grey sparkling, confused, scratched his helm before scanning his CPU. When it turned up blanked he shrugged and looked up to the tense medic.
"I don't remember anything..."

Right a little bit of explanation of terms. I'll be using human terms relating to time etc.
Also in my mind carriers are a unique breed of transformer that can get pregnant, carry children and birth them with no outside help what so ever, accept of course the 'assistance' of their mate. So no help from the matrix, all spark or vector sigma...or quintessons (whatever your creation view of transformers) and I'll be using female terms like 'mum', 'momma', 'mummy' to describe them from a child's point of view.
Also: sparkling, youngling, mechling mean child. :)

Also it's not really a secret whose Bluestreak's parents are but I'm trying to keep in vague to reflect he doesn't remember them.