A/n: I had this plot bunny in my brain for quite a bit and could not get it out of my head till I wrote it down. So here it is folks something that probably would be a romantic fic or not you decide. Besides this story is a G1 fic but everyone was upgraded to more modern stuff. Since I am too lazy to put up with the 80's stuff.


Chapter 1: The Caged Bird

"Now tell me again 'Warp why did we get this human?" Thundercracker asked looking at a cage inside the Rec room of the Nemesis.

"Because T.C. my friend we need a bit of entertainment," Skywarp said to his wayward companion.

"But a human in a cage? How boring can you get 'Warp," Thundercracker replied.

"We can torment her all we like from that cage T.C. and I was thinking of sharing till she offline herself," Skywarp said with some amusement in his voice.

Thundercracker sighed staring at the cage that has been placed in the middle of the Rec. Room to allow everyone to view the human with ease. As the Decepticons all filtered into the room to get their daily ration of Energon they noticed the figure in the cage.

"Hey who let the human in here?" asked Dead End as he and the rest of the Stunticons all gathered around the cage.

"I don't know hey I think it moved," said Motormaster as he poked the other side of the cage causing the human inside the cage to squeak in alarm.

"Hey it squeaks! I think it can scream even louder," said Dead End.

The other Stunticons laughed at this as they continued to laugh. "Hey 'Warp great present why don't you add some sound systems to the cage so we can hear her scream?"

"Nah she is too fragile for you Wildrider," Skywarp said as he cleaned the cage of all the blood that the human spilled while she was being abused by the Stunticons.

Running a quick scan to make sure that she is alright Skywarp placed her back in the cage after cleaning up the mess and bandaged her ribs. Normally he would not do that but given that this human female is the new entertainment of the base she was to be kept alive as long as possible. As Skywarp placed some food that he had stolen from some human establishment into the cage he walked out leaving the human to herself. He turned on the microphones around the cage so that he knows when she screamed due to someone torturing her.

Aleria had not felt so alone in her life. Already broken because of a beating by the Stunticons she felt so lost. She was supposed to go be apart of American Idol as one of the new contestants when she was taken.

She had just gotten on stage when the crash happened. Gunfire could be heard everywhere as she had only a few seconds notice as a large black hand grabbed her.

"Hey T.C. I got one can I keep it?" asked a metallic voice

"No 'Warp you can't keep the human Megatron will have a fit if you did," the one called T.C. said to his companion.

Aleria screamed as the hand held her and then threw her behind a wall of glass as the thing shifted behind her till she found herself in the cockpit of an F-22 raptor. The said Raptor took off in the direction of the ocean and Aleria screamed the whole way.

She had just found out that the others who was in the building had made it somewhat and surprisingly Simon made it as well. But they were all severely injured and the show canceled till the building could be repaired.

Aleria cried as her chance at stardom was ruined because a pair of giant robots decided to duke it out in New York. She looked down at her broken leg placed in a cast by the Decepticon medic as a request by the one that calls himself Skywarp.

She cried as she looked at herself in her compact mirror.

As tears fell she could not help but wish that there was a chance that she would be let out.

a/n: hey guys it has been a while but don't worry I have not abandoned you. I decided to take a break from TLCOC 'The Lost Children of Cybertron' until I get these one shot plot bunnies out of my head.