Skip Beat! is by Yoshiki Nakamura and is licensed in the United States by Viz. I encourage everyone to purchase the manga. I think of fanfiction as free advertisement. There are many things I've bought because I enjoyed fanfiction that crossed into a new fandom.

Interview 14: Hio Uesugi (Spoilers for volume 9)

"I'm Megami Nakami with 2 Minute Interviews, the show where we ask celebrities your questions! With us today is Hio Uesugi. Hello Uesugi-san, it's great to have you here with us today! You are sometimes referred to as the most famous grade-schooler in Japan. You have appeared in many dramas, commercials and even appeared in a successful American film. Tell us what project have you done that you enjoyed the most?"

"Well Nakami-san, I've enjoyed all my projects. Even though I'm only 11, I've had the honor of working with many very gifted actors and actresses over the years. Though I think my most successful movie so far in Japan is The Lost Legacy, where I played the son of a famous archeologist who had recently died, and together with my older brother, Ren Tsuruga, we try to complete his last quest. He's certainly one of the best actors I've had the honor of working with. I enjoyed my most recent project a great deal too. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed working with the rest of the staff. I look forward to acting with them again. There were several very talented newcomers in it. I hope to see more of them in the future. It airs on TV Japan 4 next month."

"Wow! I hope to catch it when it's on. This is Megami Nakami with 2 Minute Interviews. Thank you all for watching. Please watch my new talk show, The Megami Nakami Show. Goodbye."


Story Notes:

I'm completely making up what happened with The Lost Legacy I just thought it would be neat if they had worked together in the past. It makes sense that Ren Tsuruga and Hio Uesugi had worked together since they're supposed to be two of the most sought after actors in Japan.

I hope you all realize that Hio was referring to Moko when he said talented newcomers that he wants to act with again and see more of. Hehe

Authors Note:

I really think my writing has improved a great deal practicing with this story. 2 Minute Interviews was created for the sole purpose of my learning how to write the Skip Beat! characters. This is my last chapter for 2 Minute Interviews. If you liked this you'll probably like my other Skip Beat! story The Megami Nakami Show which is so much better than this, but my chapters here have no bearing on it. It's an actual story of what I think might happen if Kyoko and Sho ended up on the same talk show. I'll probably be inspired to write something similar to this when I get volume 14 in English. (To be published in September.)