Avatar: The Almostar

Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Stache. Long ago the Avatar and Mario worlds lived in harmony, but that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario stopped them and is being sent in. Although he has no idea where to go he has the skills of the Almostar, and I believe Mario can save the worlds.

Book 1: Mario Sunshine Chapter 1

A humongous forest. From within the middle a green pipe rises out of the ground. Out pops the overall-clad hero.

"Yahoo, aha!"

His M hat, brown shoes, white gloves, draped in red, and of course that magnificent, famous mustache.

"Mama mia! Where am I?"

The forest let in just enough sunlight for Mario to see but it was getting dark. Mario felt no presence of people so he made way to cut across the foliage. A mile into the roughage Mario had the sinking feeling that he was being followed.

"My Italian senses are-a tingling."

He pressed onward. A sudden noise um sounded.

"Who's-a there?"

No answer. Mario was getting ticked off and pulled out F.L.U.D.D. He filled him up with water and told F.L.U.D.D. to analyze the area. F.L.U.D.D. didn't respond. Apparently his computer features don't work outside the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Darn it, I should've tested that out, but I was too busy beating Kirby with a flower." Mario turned and blocked a kick. A teenage girl popped out.

"Get out of my forest!"

"Whoa, hey, yikes!"

She continuously barraged him with kicks and punches. Mario ducked, dodged, and jumped away.

"I warned you, I hate to do this but take this."

She shot flames from her fist. Mario reacted quickly and pulled out his cape. The cape reflected the fire back at the girl and she dodged just enough. In her fighting stance she sniffed something weird.

"Ugh what's that smell?"

She turned her head behind her.


She dropped and was rolling trying to put it out. Mario got F.L.U.D.D. and sprayed water all over her. She was put out.

"Y-you're a waterbender?"

Mario was confused, "che cosa?"

She got up and said, "Sorry about the fight."

Mario smiled, "That's-a okay, I usu-oof."

Mario was tackled and pinned to the ground by a big dog-like creature.

"Oh-no Caela get down girl!"

The dog listened.

"Sorry again, she's really nice once you get to know her."

Mario got up, "That's-a no problem, try facing a fast hedgehog, a master swordsman and electric mouse while race cars zoom right by you."

The girl was confused, "Um come with me."

Mario followed her and saw a clearing in the forest.

"This is where we live."


"You can spend the night here, in the morning I'll bring you food and um…"

Mario had already fallen asleep and snoring away, "Ah spaghetti, ah ravioli, ah mama mia."

The morning sunshine hit the Italian Man's eyes and he awoke. The fire to keep warm was put out, and the girl and her dog were nowhere to be found.

Mario got up, "Hmm I never even-a found out her name."

He shrugged this off, adjusted his hat, and marched forward out of the forest. Once he reached the edge he saw some Fire Nation soldiers. He hid in a bush and watched. They were tearing down the trees in the forest, using innocent prisoners, and loading the logs up. Mario saw a figure across the other side.

"Oh no, it's-a her."

The girl waited above to strike, "Okay Caela let's get them."

The two sprang out and ambushed a soldier. Her athletic abilities were uncanny but her back was turned as a soldier readied a whip flame he raised his arm about to strike when Mario jumped above him and landed his big air punch. 10 more soldiers came in Caela, attacked won and began biting him as he screamed. The girl punched and kicked fire with fire, and Mario was facing the commander in charge who was quite large.

"You dare to take on us?" Haha! Nice try short stuff."

Mario smiled, "That's-a the same thing Kobe Bryant said to me before I dunked on-a him." Mario shot out a fireball which caught the guy off-guard.

"So 2 Fire Nation traitors huh, oh will I get a promotion when I turn you both in."

He did his move and flames gushed in tiny spurts towards Mario, little did the guy know about F.L.U.D.D.

"Take-a this!" SPLASH!

The flames were no use and the guy was taken down hard by the water pressure.

"It's the Avatar!"

Mario's Stache power was in high gear. Mario picked him up by the collar and went…

"No it's-a not."

With a smile he corrected the idiot, "It's-a me Mario!"

Then he spun him around and tossed him 50 feet into a tree. The other soldiers panicked and retreated. The slaves cheered and Mario freed them. The girl came up and hugged Mario.

"Thank you for saving my home."

"No problem," Mario said with a smile.

That night Mario, the girl, and Caela were eating.

"So I never asked for you're name"

"My name is Soteph, and you?"

"I'm Mario."

"Nice to meet you Mario," she smiled.

"So Mario what's your story?"

"Well this-a here Fire Nation came into my-a world and planned to invade. Luckily we stopped them with the help of my amore Peach, my bro Luigi, and even my foe Bowser. I was sent here to prevent them from launching another attack."

Soteph was intrigued. Mario then asked her the same question. She said in a muffled tone,

"It's a sad story."

Mario raised his eyebrow and took of his hat.

She continued, "I grew up in the Fire Nation city of Delfuego. My parents were good people, they took in refugees from the other nations and helped them to blend in to the Fire Nation way of life, and to help them escape back to their homes. Well one night, soldiers raided our home. They searched my home and I was too scared to stay and help my parents, I ran away. Later on a family they helped took me into their home. I was told they killed my family. I couldn't take the news. The next night I ran away. I learned to hone my skills while traveling; I didn't care where I went. I hate everything about fire, the pain it brings to every one. I hate that I am one of them."

Mario stood up and wiped some of the tears off Soteph's face.

"You're not one of them, you're of your parents, you're good, and you may be a fire um fire…"

Soteph, "Firebender."

"That's-a right, one of those, but you can use those-a powers for good, I do."

Soteph smiled, "I guess there is such a thing as a good firebender, like my parents, and you."

Mario stated, "Oh I'm-a not a fire bender. I'm Italian."

She didn't know what that was.

"Say Mario."

"Yes Soteph."

"Can me and Caela join you?"

Mario stuck out his hand, "Welcome to Team Mario."

They shook hands and hugged with Caela barking and wagging her tail in glee.